Chapter 1

Struggling for love

Like any other teenager i was obsessed with a thing called K-pop ,  i was always bullied at school , and listening to that music helped me go through the hateful things people tell me . Everynight i cry for help hoping that some day i can escape this cruel world and go to a better one . My passion is dance i practice everyday to be able to achieve my dreams but for some reason my parents forbid me from doing want i want to do something they want , and i hate that they just don't understand me .

seeing my fave member smile makes me the happiest girl alive , he is so cute and handsome and that y smirk of his drives anyone crazy , by mentioning that y smirk you may know that it's kim jongin aka kai , i always dream about him and i think about him during school , everytime someone would call me ugly , fat or useless i just think of him and forget about it and just one day i will be free .

Today i applied for a job as a dog walker to be able to raise some money , i bet you all wonder why . Well i am actually trying to get some money to run away to korea i am hoping that i'll manage to do that someday , anyways i got accepted and tmw after school i will start working .

6:30 am like every other day i have to get up and prepare myself to go to school , unlike me my sister is way more popular than me everyone likes her but she is ashamed of calling me her sister . 

After 6 hours of wasting my time at school i went to my new job , it was surprisingly fun the dogs were so cute and one looked like kai's i was thinking of adopting it but my mom hates animals , times up and am heading home . When i arrived i was exhausted , but i had to do my homework after taking my dinner . i was searching on the web on how much the plane ticket costs , it was like about 1.500$ and i was up for the challenge i, i'll do what ever it taked for me to just run away and actually have a life with people who i trully loved .

2 years later ......

today i just turned 18 , i can finally do whatever i want and travel where i want i was extremly happy because i managed to raise 2.000$ i can run away and use the money left for me to try and survive . 

[ to be continued ]

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