
Binary Realities

If I just went mad like this, how pleasant would it be.
A person with a soul so black that even light shuns me.


"Omma, look! It's snowing!" Luhan was out in the garden, a blanket of soft white snow slowing forming, covering the once green patches of grass. His mother stood beside him smiling lovingly at her son whose attention was solely on the snowflakes landing on his tiny palm.

"Luhan," his mother bent down to the young boy's height, zipping up his coat. "Do you know that if you made a wish on the first snow, it'll come true?"

"Really?" Luhan stared at the snowflake melting slowly in his palm in disbelief.

"Has omma ever lied to you?" his mother chuckled softly, tousling his jet black hair in adoration. "Go on, make a wish."

Luhan thought hard for his wish.The snowflake slowly melting in his palm was alike a precious treasure. With that snowflake he could wish for an entire collection of RC cars, or maybe no more boring piano, violin and business lessons after returning home from school. He looked at Jongdae, a broom in his hands as he swept with all seriousness at the snow on the pavement. Maybe he should wish that Jongdae did not have so much work to do so he can play with him. 

He looked up to his mother towering above him. Although he was only at her waist, he could make out every detail of her. Young, beautiful and a very kind heart. His mother's ever smile was still hanging on her lips, waiting for him to make a wish. 


Mr Lee has taught him before, that english word which he could immediately relate to. A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortunes suffered by oneself or others. At such a young age Luhan could detect sorrow in her eyes, running through her veins, the sorrow beating in her heart. The happiness on her lips never once reaching her eyes.

Could sorrow actually be a person? He made a mental note to ask Mr Lee.

Luhan shut his eyes tight as he made a silent wish to the snowflake in his hands, melted into ice cold water.

"What did you wish for?"

Luhan skipped excitedly away towards Jongdae. He could not wait to tell him about the wish-making snow. Turning around he cupped both hands into a circle around his mouth, shouting.

"For you, omma!" 


Luhan jolted awake gasping for air. His back was dotted with tiny droplets of sweat as he sat up slowly, surveying his room. Dim lights shone through the corners of his curtains and the aftertaste of bitter alcohol still lingered on his tongue, a feeling he was so used to waking up to. It was only 6 in the morning, a routine he could never escape from.

"Yah," he nudged the girl sleeping soundly beside him with his foot.

"Mhmmm..." the girl tossed, facing the other side, snuggled up under his blanket unwilling to move.

"Get out."



Haerin swore that it was a mistake. A very very very bad mistake she made.

She was working in her office, a beautiful open-space concept room with glass ceiling to floor windows, wide vintage wooden tables accentuating the marble floor. The office had a private pantry equipped with a microwave, refrigerator filled to the brim with fresh vegetables, fruits and meats changed daily, even an electric stove. They even had a private bathroom for her with a shower and bathtub. And ironically, a walk-in wardrobe as well.

Like do they expect their employees to live here? Haerin thought.

Everything was good and her job wasn't as demanding as she thought it would be. The processes were slow, but needed precise details especially in the choosing of artists to display art pieces which suits the theme for the year. 

There was just one problem.

She was working with Luhan.


In this large office with nowhere to escape.

Haerin has embraced the fact that by working here means that Luhan, a spoilt rich brat who probably hold grudges would seek ways to tease and make her life miserable. She was very right about this fact. Luhan was exceptionally serious at work but when it comes to her.

“Get me the report from Miss Kang. In two."

She dashed out of the office on cue, yes. She had already gotten used to it after two weeks. From the first day she stepped into this office, she had been repeatedly running about Goth, though not big but it wasn't exactly small. Getting documents from other departments for his own entertainment. She believed the smirk on his face and those twinkling eyes of his were mocking her whenever he caught sight of her panting and running back with the documents. Only to say as she also expected.

"Did I say Miss Kang? Sorry, it's Mr Kang. That's obviously not what I need."

 Or he would request for coffee with less sugar, extra milk and no whip cream from his favourite coffee shop down the corner of the street. It must be 75°c warm by the time the coffee sits on his desk, and if it wasn't, the whole routine will repeat again. Haerin swore if he wasn't her boss she would have gave him a hard kick in his crotch and made sure, made it 101% sure he wasn't able to produce another of his kind in the future.

Haerin felt like she was Luhan's personal assistant and not an exhibition coordinator. To her horror, her gut feeling was confirmed to be true when she heard rumours from the cleaner lady that a young and handsome exhibition coordinator was hired, starting work next Tuesday.


"I'm sorry Miss Choi, if I'm not wrong you've made it clear that I'm not a friend of yours."

"Mr Luhan." she repeated, "I am hired as an exhibition coordinator not a slave who works her off for you, running around like a monkey getting documents and serving you tea."

"It's coffee by the way." Luhan looked up from his documents unamused, "Didn't you know? You're hired as my personal assistant."

He took out the contract from underneath his desk, "There," he pointed out with a pen, "It states that Miss Choi Hae Rin is working under Menik, in collaboration with Goth as a personal assistant for Mr Lu Han."

"But it wasn't what I signed that day!" Haerin screamed out, frustrated. She clearly signed the-

Haerin recalled when the HR staff asked her to sign the contract, there were in fact two pieces of paper in the file which she signed blindly.

"A termination of the contract by the employed party will incur a five billion won fine." Luhan recited, an eyebrow raised.

Haerin bit into her lower lips, realising that she was tricked.

Luhan is a ing jerk.

She let out her nineteenth sigh of the hour, glancing at the clock which moved too slowly to her liking. Her stomach was growling and she was supposed to meet Chanyeol for lunch. She hasn't told Chanyeol about being Luhan's PA because, it was humiliating. It was already 4.39pm and Luhan was still buried deep in his work, a mountain pile of documents stacked up on his table and he was only at his 13th for the day.

Yes, Haerin counted.

Of course, lunch date was cancelled.


It was already six in the evening and Luhan had not even mention the word "lunch", let alone step out of the office. Glancing at his watch, he was surprised at how fast time passed. He looked up to see Haerin drawing absentminded circles on her paper.

"Did we have lunch yet? Wait-"

"Did you have lunch?"

"What do you think Mr Luhan?" Haerin glared at him, "Would a staff be so polite as to leave for lunch when her boss is still working?"

"Right," Luhan nodded, "But then again which employee would speak to their boss like that?" 

"You can leave for a break. Buy me a sandwich on the way."

Haerin wondered how Luhan could go on for hours without taking a break while her stomach was growling uncontrollably in the office, making her unable to concentrate on choosing the art pieces deemed suitable for the exhibition.

"Extra cheese, no cucumbers and please slice the bread crust off thank you." She repeated her boss's order like a mantra.


Haerin looked up from her cup of coffee and salad she bought from the convenience store beside Goth. She squinted, trying to make out if she knows the man before her. He looks familiar.

"I'm Kim Jongdae, friend of Luhan's. We've met in the club before."

Haerin has only met Sehun who often came for Luhan in the evenings, smiling cheekily at her and giving her weird looks. Jongdae on the other hand was both a foreign name and face. Nonetheless, being Luhan's friend means that this guy must be loaded as well.

"I'm Choi Haerin."

"You," he was surprised not having to register any squeals or signs of recognition on her face. "don't know who am I?"

"Should I know who you are?"

Right on cue, two young girls stared at the man before her with great intensity. 

"Isn't that Kim Jongdae? Oh my god, he looks so much better in real life than on TV!"

"I heard he's casted in, the SBS drama, what's the name called? Temp-"

It didn't take Haerin long enough to put two and two together.

"I'm sorry I don't watch TV."

"Oh it's fine."

After his sentence came a huge awkward silence with Jongdae occasionally pushing up his spectacles while Haerin tried her very best to munch on her salad as silently as possible.

"Are you waiting for me?" Haerin blinked at Jongdae who was playing around with his phone.

"Yeah," he trailed off, "I mean since we're headed for the same destination..."

"Oh my god, wait a minute." she stuffed her salad back into the flimsy plastic container and tied a knot with the plastic bag. Still munching on her romaine lettuce with overly sweet thousand islands dressing, she stood up. "Let's go."

Jongdae was getting very amused by this lady by the minute. He hasn't expect her to be like this. A sassy lady in the night club who dissed Menik's precious baby actually ate like a small little girl and was, as much as he hated to admit, innocent.

"You have something over there," he pointed out. "No, the right side."

After numerous attempts of directing Haerin's finger to the smudge on her lips made by the dressing, he took things in his own hands by leaning closer to wipe it off.

"There." he smiled, taking a tissue to clean his hands. "Gone."

"Miss Choi." a soft cold voice said from in front of them. Haerin looked up, surprised to find that it was Yoomi. She seldom, or rather, never acknowledged her existence in Goth. Haerin thought it might be the fact that she was after all, not an up to standards employee, employed because of Luhan's demands.

Jongdae looked at the female in front of him, his expression never changing. Judging from her outfit - a white chiffon blouse and red pencil skirt, he knew she never changed. Jongdae his upper lips  a smirk threatening to spread on his lips.

"Miss Jung."

"Please inform Luhan that I need the artist list by 9 tomorrow morning."

"Alright, I'll tell him."

In Haerin's eyes, Yoomi was this cold untouchable lady high up in the clouds. Although they were both of the same age, Yoomi was on an entirely different level as opposed to her. Smart, beautiful, talented, famous and rich. An overbearing presence in Goth where people, like herself, sort of. Feared her. She watched as Yoomi clicked away in her black Gucci heels, a different design each day.

"By the way Miss Choi," Yoomi froze in her steps, turning around to look at the duo, or at Jongdae in specific. Her expression taut.

"Goth is not a place for you to flirt."

"I-" Before Haerin could explain herself, Yoomi has already disappeared out of the doorway.

"Who's she?"

Haerin sighs, "Our art director."


"It's cold."

That was the first thing Luhan said when she placed the sandwich on his desk.

"Mr Luhan, I believe you requested for an extra cheese, no cucumber and no bread crust sandwich," Haerin's mimicking voice was filled with sarcasm as she sat back onto her armchair, cursing softly.

"Not a ing hot sandwich which would burn your damn tongue off because that's exactly what I wish to happen."

Luhan was not the slightest surprised by her cold tone. He was testing her limits all this while. After being extremely polite and treating him like an actual boss, meeting his ridiculous demands and not once swearing, she finally morphed back into the old Haerin he first met in the club.

"There's a microwave for a reason you know," Jongdae let out a chuckle, breaking the staring competition between the two by shoving the sandwich into the microwave.

"Why are you so free to come over?" Luhan rolled his eyes, breaking eye contact with Haerin.

"Family dinner." 

Luhan flipped the calendar, eyeing the bright red X marked on the date as he bit into the sandwich without a thought. It wasn't until the slight tingle on his tongue that turned into a burning hot sensation that he realised, grabbing the glass of cold water on his desk.

"What the hell did you add inside?" Luhan shouted across the office, cheeks bright red at Haerin.

Haerin was largely surprise at Luhan's outburst. His tomato red cheeks was a contrast to his fair white skin as she watched him press frantically at a button to lower the temperature in the room. It was then Haerin realised what had happened and a bright smile threatened to spread on her face if she did not bite down her lips hard enough.

"Mr Luhan, if I remember correctly, you didn't ask for a sandwich without chilli sauce dressing."

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katrina3987 #1
Chapter 10: Why didn't i realize this story before OMG this another piece of gold lol
I don't know why but I don't like haerin being with luhan.. Maybe it's because my bias is chanyeol haha but I feel pity on him .-.
I really really like this story!! The way you've written it has captivated and excited me and I really hope to read more of this! I also love the way you portrayed the characters ! This is a really awesome story!
eighter #3
Chapter 2: oh my god. where can i find a man this sweet? i am utterly wallowing in envy.
Chapter 10: my soul was about to fly away ;a; you had me scared. have lots of fun and enjoy your time in china!!!
Chapter 1: ;a; ohhh my shizzz. this is wonderful. i am in tears. i'm serious, i love these kinds of stories. i love it. i love how you write and your characterization and ahhh ;AAA;
Everything about this story is just fantastic. How love struck Chanyeol is, how not easily swayed Haerin is, how dickish Luhan is, and everything else in between. Its just a refreshing read, and I shall continue to do so. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 9: This story is absolutely great! I cannot put into words the compliments I wish to shower this story with (because I with words, sorry) but just know that there are many!! It's beautiful! The characters (even Luhans apparently dickish nature), the circumstances so far,the writing in general is so great. Really.
I look forward to the future chapters!
Good luck with your finals btw :)
Chapter 7: LOL! Luhan is such an , serves him right. Please update soon! :D
Hi! I LOVE YOUR STORY <3 I recommended it on my shop.