Hyerin, Meet Your Fiance

I'm Marrying Who!?

I stood at the top of the stairs in complete shock as I stared at the tall man in front of me. I'm dreaming right? "Is this a secret camera?" I awkwardly laughed staring into my father's eyes hoping that this was all a joke. He just shook his head and smiled brightly at me. I didn't reflect that smile, I was wide eyed and completely shocked as I stared at both men in the living room. I awkwardly smiled at the man in front of me because I knew I had to come down and do introductions.

I sighed, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Choi Hyerin." I spoke extending my hand. The tall man smiled at me and introduced himself as well, "Hi, I'm Park Chanyeol." He said shaking my hand. I smiled a tiny bit before turning and walking towards a seat away from him. "It was nice to meet you and all..." I began. "But I cannot marry him." I seethed as I glared at my father. My father rose an eyebrow up at me not liking what I just said.

"I thought you were okay with whoever you were marrying?" My father sternly questioned me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes to try to calm myself a little more. I opened my mouth to speak and reached my hand out since I use my hands to talk, but then I closed my mouth and my palm as I sighed. "Dad, I'm going to ing die if I marry him." I said face palming. My dad stared at me in disbelief not understanding where I was coming from. This is when Chanyeol awkwardly coughed.

"I think she's talking about my fans and sasaengs sir." He said looking down to the ground. "Ah, we'll protect you sweety. Don't worry about it." My dad eyesmlied not understanding the concept. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, sure it looked rude, but I had a point to prove. I looked up "Park Chanyeol" and there was already an article from a fan account saying that Chanyeol was visiting some girl's house. It in fact, showed a picture of the house we were currently in, and had many hateful and jealous comments from delusional fans. I gave my phone to my dad and his eyes widened at the article, for it was posted only a few minutes ago.

I uninterestedly glared at my father waiting for any other reaction and comepletely ignored the presence of the overrated Kpop star. My dad didn't say anything as he just stared in shock at Chanyeol. This caused Chanyeol to blankly blink back at my dad and for me to sigh in annoyance. I grabbed my phone from my dad and proceeded to walk out the door. I opened the door and was about to step out, but I felt the stares of the two men on me. I turned around, "I'm telling you that I'm not ing marrying Park Chanyeol." I told my dad. "Chanyeol-sshi, I wish you luck on finding love. It seems your fans are never going to let you and your other members go. This is goodbye." I said right before walking out the door, ready to punch any delusional mother er that tries to come at me.

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