
Appa and Coffee Hyung: The Side-Stories

Word count: 1,093
Note: Just because. It's rather plotless and pointless but at least (I hope) it packed with enough fluff for you who's craving for Neo fluffy sweet treats.


“Bye oppa, be safe on your way home!”

Taekwoon heard a girl bid her goodbye greetings as he entered Hakyeon’s coffee shop while the said girl walked her way out. In a split second he saw her, he noticed that the girl was pretty young, probably still in her late teens or early twenties. And in that split second too, he noticed that the one the girl greeted was in fact, his own boyfriend.

He scooted closer toward the coffee bar and noticed that the barista was busy cleaning up his work station, preparing to close down the shop, and didn’t notice that Taekwoon had already entered the cafe.

“Who’s that?” Taekwoon finally asked.

The sudden question vividly startling the barista and made him to snap his head around, only to find a familiar face of his boyfriend staring at him with curious face. Taekwoon did texted him an hour earlier, saying that he’s going to visit him at the cafe after work but Hakyeon told the younger just to go straight home to get some rest. But of course, as usual, Taekwoon would still come anyway. The barista smiled.

“Woon-ah, what are you doing here?”

Taekwoon tilted his head at the question, “What do you mean what am I doing here? Can’t I visit my lover at work?”

There’s a zing sent through Hakyeon’s body which made his heart went all fuzzy and warm from hearing the way Taekwoon addressed him as his ‘lover’. Seems like every little affection gestures that Taekwoon did would always had this effect on him no matter how short or long their relationship had been going on.

He chuckled, “That’s not it.”

Hakyeon then walked towards the sink and washed his hands before walking out of the coffee bar, made his way towards Taekwoon and enveloped the latter in a hug.

“You will just never listen to me, won’t you?” He released the hug and instead cupping the taller’s face with both of his hands. “I’ve told you to get some rest yet you’re still coming here.” He then caressed his lover’s face with his thumb, “You must be tired, working late like this…”

Taekwoon leaned in towards the older’s touch and smiled cheekily, “Well, you’re still here at this hour meaning that you’re working late too, aren’t you?”

The older of the two chuckled at his boyfriend’s childish remark, “Yah, Jung Taekwoon. I’m being serious!” He replied as he released the hug.

“Well I’m being serious too.” Taekwoon grinned.

Hakyeon laughed, “Okay, wait here. I’m going to continue to clean up a bit before closing.”

The younger nodded and stood nearby the counter, observing his hardworking boyfriend when he suddenly remembered about the girl earlier. “Yeon-ah, who was that earlier?”

“Who?” The older asked back without pausing what he was doing at the moment.

“That girl earlier, the one with dark brown long hair that greeted you on her way out.”

“Oh, that’ Suji. She’s a new regular here, she’s been coming here every night for several weeks.” Hakyeon finally stopped cleaning and stared at Taekwoon instead, “Why? Do you know her?”

“No.” Taekwoon shook his head, “It’s just that she seems close to you.” He muttered.

The older laughed again, “I’m close to all of our regulars, Woon-ah.” His lips stretched out into a thin smile and he raised an eyebrow, “Even my own boyfriend is a regular.” Hakyeon laughed even louder when he saw Taekwoon just gave him a slight pout as an answer.

Hakyeon had been long aware of Taekwoon’s possessiveness, and also how his boyfriend always seems to got jealous very easily, practically over anything. But instead of annoyed him, Hakyeon just found those traits of Taekwoon as endearing and also amusing, or at least it’s amusing for him.

“Jung Taekwoon.” Hakyeon called the other firmly but with a hint of amusement in his voice, “Stop whatever it was going on in your head. She’s a just a regular customer here, like you used to be.”

Taekwoon just pouted even more, “But now I’m your lover…”

“Oookay, wrong choice of example.” Hakyeon chuckled, “But you know what I mean.”

As a response, the taller of the two only puffed out his already slightly-chubby cheeks and didn’t utter any single response. Hakyeon, who finally finished with his cleaning up jobs, washed his hands once again and sneakily gave the young father a quick peek on his puffed out cheek.

“God, you’re so adorable, just like your sons.” He laughed. “Now I see why Hongbin and Sanghyuk puffed out their cheeks when they sulk, apparently that’s what their father do.” He cooed while back hugging his boyfriend, guiding him to walk towards the entrance door. “Now sonnim, if you don’t mind. I have to close the cafe and go to my boyfriend’s house. He’s currently sulking right now.”

Taekwoon just laughed at barista’s words and walked out from the coffee shop. Once Hakyeon was done closing the shop and the making sure that the door was properly locked, he bounced his ways towards his boyfriend which made him immediately encased in a warm hug — a much needed warm hug, considering the weather — by the latter. The younger boyfriend then softly placed a kiss on the latter’s lips, which was responded happily by Hakyeon. Both of them smiled into the kiss once they broke their sweet and innocent contact.

“수고했다, you’ve worked hard today.” Taekwoon spoke softly towards the slightly shorter male beside him, once they made their way towards Taekwoon’s apartment nearby. He deliberately chose not to bring his car with him today, just for the sake of walking his way home hand in hand with Hakyeon. They might be both busy and didn’t have too much time to go out on a date but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t make any effort to make such a simple thing like this to be a precious memory for them.

Hakyeon smiled. “You’ve worked hard too. And thank you for coming here to pick me up even when you didn’t have to.” He let go of their intertwined hands and chose to hug the other’s arm instead. He then breathed out a sigh of contentment, “I’m happy.”

Taekwoon hummed his response, “Me too. I’m happy because you’re my Yeonnie.”

“Jung Taekwoon, you really a possessive cat, aren’t you?” Hakyeon laughed at the younger’s remarks.

Taekwoon chuckled at the question but then nodded his answer, “I am. But you still love me anyway.”

“I do.” Hakyeon smiled, “And that’s why I’m happy.”


I originally titled this story as 'Jealous' when I write the first part of it several months ago, but then I decided to just focus on the fluffy side since I have no idea how to continue with 'Taekwoon-got-jealous-over-Hakyeon's-customer' plot. And guys, comments are more than welcomed. /winks/ Last thing:


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Chapter 6: Bahahaha Taekwoon has cosplay kinks? ;D love this series and the other one too!! Thanks for writing <33
Also kid!HyukBin are so cute!!!
Chapter 10: Haha what to do with this couple. :)))
Srsly Thou, I thought the "Postpone" title meant you going on a Hiatus or something for a sec there.
Chapter 10: cute. hahaha. postponed proposal.
Chapter 10: Ohhhh...that's sooo cute author. I love it alot
Chapter 10: Thanks you for this beautiful written chapter, thanks for updating authornim ^^
Chapter 10: Thz for update!! I love this so much! ^^
Kokechan #7
Chapter 10: Thank you for this sweet chapter!
Chapter 9: 2 yr is actually nothing if u live through. I also keep on writing fanfics in my head but never got outside since i get busy with real life and fail to do writing. So u are better than me!! Keep good work!! and Dun give up on Neo becoz they are real. Just Jellyfish is not confiming them yet but I know they are couple!! and also i am sure raken is married by now according to their skinship level!! ^^
Chapter 9: Yeah, I thought it was odd both Noriter and this story were suddenly updated. But I saw your comment at Noriter and that made me suspect you were inspired by it - which then turned out to be true. ^^