| S | U | R | V | I | V | A | L |

Luhan’s attempt in trying to fall asleep was a huge failure, he just can’t find the right spot to make himself comfortable. The baby faced boy tried to turn to his right side then to his left and then back to his right and this process kept on repeating. Squeezing his eyes tight, he snuggled closer to Xiumin as he pressed himself firmly onto the bag that he used as a pillow. He could hear the sound of wave crushing itself to the seashore, the cricket’s sound that became a soothing music to his ears.

The first night where he literally experience in the wilds had been, in his humble opinion, adventurous and daunting. Looking ahead of him in the teepee were Xiumin along with three of their managers, Sunghwan, Yongmin and Hyunkyun sleeping like pillars lined up accordingly and Luhan felt rather envy of the others. They were sleeping peacefully as if nothing had ever happened. They look like babies, pure and innocent in their sleeping figures.

While he was there at the most right side of the teepee, mind and soul wandering around everywhere but near his body. His thought wander to the subject that troubles him since the talk they had from the dinner before…

We were by the shore with the others at the base camp or whatever they calls it, and it was nearly twilight. The soft glowing radiant source of light shone our way as the sun was just below the horizon. I could tell that the girl beside me knows of what she was doing, she looks like she always know the solution.

Aurum was trying to make fire to keep us warm throughout the dark chilly night. There was a tinder nest made out of dry plants materials; dry grass, dead leaves, small sticks and barks. I could tell she used the materials that could easily catches fire and burns. By her side was Chanyeol, whom I speculated had grown fond of the said girl somehow along the light conversations they shared about god knows what.

Chanyeol was helping her do the difficult work as he kept on rolling the spindle stick in his flat palm back and forth creating friction with the fire board underneath. I watched as the two of them doing it diligently and soon there was a glowing ember, a spark formed on the fire board. Aurum and Chanyeol smiled in content and satisfaction of the fire they had made.

She transferred the glowing embers to a small piece of bark and then placed it gently on the tinder nest creating a flame. Chanyeol blew lightly on the nest from the side to ignite the flames to a greater fire and just like that, we found ourselves circling around the fire by the beach. It felt like a camp fire though it was not the happy-camp-fire-organized-by-the-school but rather the chill random camp fire you have with your friends.

Eric cleared his throat and gave out the fruits that he had peeled and cut nicely thanks to Jihyo’s and Taehee’s help. There was no complain as to why our dinner is not a fillet steak with mash potatoes or a grilled salmon with rice, we accepted our luck the moment we chose to wake up from a sleep, a sleep with a weird dream.

The situation got awkward when nobody spoke, we were so focused on the fruit that we were eating to realize there are people around us. Maddie was asking for more food from Aurum and she gave the banana in her right hand willingly to the adorable girl sitting by her side. “Take mine, you’ll get yourself hungry” Jackson proposed for her to take his mangosteen with a genuine smile. I can’t help but feel like there was something weird about the way he looked at her. I couldn’t tell what it was; warmth? Tenderness? But whatever it was, it sent a chill through my spine.

Mark who was by Jackson’s left side cleared his throat and coughed a bit indicating that he wanted to say something. “Ahem… this might sound awkward but it already is…” he caught all of our attention and the others turned their heads to look at him; “…Well, I don’t know how long we are all going to be here but we might as well introduce ourselves so, my name is Mark Tuan and I am 24 years old. Beside me is my best man Jackson, we have been friends since I learned how to talk and I hope to know all of you more” his voice was cracking and I knew he was nervous as to what we might judge him afterwards.

I smiled at him, impressed by his good sense of socializing and his optimistic thinking. He was right, we don’t know about anything among us, well except the members of course. “I guess that means it is ice breaking session then?” Baekhyun joked and we cackled together. “I would introduce myself as I always do in front of the camera but what the actual hell, you can call me Baekhyun and I am 22 this year. I am one of the members of Exo, us, sooo screw that because god knows if we still are” he said and grinned showing his rectangular shaped smile.

“My name is Jihyo and I am 31, before this I work as a businesswomen and I hope that we all won’t lose faith” she said wisely. Tao asked if she’s married and Chen jokingly asked him if he was interested making everybody laughed at the silly boy. We shared our introductions and learned about others generally. It was a lively moment that I treasured but Aurum’s word was a riddle, and I find it strange as to why she knows much of how to survive and of course, the incident in the airplane was strange.

“You can call me Aurum and I hope to be friends with all of you”

That was it, short and very general. Too general.

“How old are you?” Tiffany asked. She told us before that she is actually half American and had been working as a stewardess for 2 years. I can’t deny that she is very beautiful, her eye smile attracts the lad’s attraction, including mine even. “Yeah, how old are you Aurum?” Suho questioned too, eating the papaya that Sehun had given him. “You couldn’t be older than 22 that’s for sure soooo… 21?” Chanyeol guessed but Aurum just smirked amusingly at him.

“Age doesn’t define your maturity” her voice was soft, and it mad all of us to look at her admiringly. It’s just the way she answers and her gestures itself screams confident. “So I’m correct then? You’re 21?!” Chanyeol yelled happily catching our attention. “I don’t think so though, I think she’s 20” Taehee said, staring at Aurum as if she was analyzing her whole features. “Nahhh I think she’s got to be 22 or 23 even” Sehun said cocking his head forward.

Aurum just looked at them with a half-smile and I could tell she was not willing to tell them her identity. When suddenly Kai heaved a long sigh and just stood walking away toward his teepee making everybody eyes followed his movements. “What’s with him?” Eric asked us, the Exo members. “Is Kai okay? He didn’t finish his foods though” Sunghwan added. Kyungsoo who was the closest to Kai stood walking away before saying that he’ll be checking on him.



Thank you thank you thank you thank you for the views and of course for the patience. Fortunately, I finished my final paper and hello holiday :D I’ll be updating more from now on so please do anticipate on my updates. oh and can you guess who's POV is it? 


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Chapter 7: Omo!! Thanks for the update though and may I say that I like this chapter but think again, I like all of your chapter ^^ now I know what type of character Aurum is and is all thanks to you too - Yuki
Chapter 6: oh ...really? then congratulations on your awesome holiday!! Thanks for the update though and I'm sure will be waiting your next update - Yuki
Chapter 5: Oh My !!! I freakin' love your story ^^ and I hope you do your best in final exams.... I am lookin' forward for the next update after you finish your exam - Yuki
Update soon...