| S | U | R | V | I | V | A | L |

Before you read this chapter, I want you guys to watch this. Well, as weird and impossible as it sound, YOU CAN survive an airplane crash. Though after the crash, you have to run at least 40-50feets away from the plane because it might explode and or starts to burn which will of course leads to an explosion considering the fact that there are a lot of wires and some complicated-machine-stuffs inside. So, this chapter will start a minute after the plane got crashed. Enjoy~


Chanyeol opened his eyes, as easy as that sound it was so difficult for him to do it. He was basically in an airplane that crashed 35feets from above, and bared the consequences which consist of a sprained ankle, some scratches and a couple seconds of concussion. He tried to stand up and looked around his surroundings, the tall lad was still inside the plane and it was badly wrecked. Realizing what this situation meant, he starts to look out for s or any passengers that is still breathing.

Not just the plane that is wrecked, the people in it too. Most of the people are badly wounded, and this is just in the first class section. God knows how it is downstairs at the economy class. Chanyeol saw Baekhyun who was under a broken seat, unconscious. He rushed to his best friend thinking he might lose him. As he got there and heard the latter’s boy was actually snoring he yanked his arm “YAH! WAKE UP!” and yelled at him.

Baekhyun stirred a bit, “Hmmm… Am I in heaven? Are you an angel? I want cotton candies…” he mumbled. “Wake up! The plane might explode! WAKE UP! LET’S FIND THE OTHERS!” Chanyeol strictly screamed which made Baekhyun pushed the seat away and finally open his eyes, though maybe he too got a little concussion.

“We actually survived that crash? Damn I am lucky…” he whispered but still audible for Chanyeol to hear him. “We have to move fast, the plane might explode soon. I don’t know how many passengers are there downstairs at the economy class but let’s start finding here” so they did, and they moved fast. Pushing away broken seats, damaged overhead bins, bags that’s stuffs are lying everywhere. In other words, the plane was in a REALLY bad state.

“HYUNG!” Chanyeol screamed and made his way with much effort towards Xiumin whom had a broken glass halfway in his left forearm. “Argh… help… my arm” he said, wincing in pain. “I can’t hyung, that’ll only worsen the wound. We have to get out of here, come” Chanyeol said, helping the older brother to stand on his feet.

Baekhyun yelled in happiness as he found both Suho and Kyungsoo at the front near the cockpit but later frown when he saw Suho’s head that got hurt badly, there were bloods coming out of the wound. Kyungsoo was fine, he just had some scratches here and there though he said his shoulder was hurt a bit. They continued finding passengers, as fast as they could.

Sehun had a cut on the left side of his belly by a glass from the broken window though he woke up, the boy fainted again seeing the bloods that his own body had produced but he later got slapped real hard from Baekhyun whom tried to save their little sorry asses. Tao was a lucky bastard, he was as fine as he was from before though he did had a small cut on his knee but it was just like the normal cut you get from a careless fall. Lay’s hand got twisted and he was in general, screaming in pain. The worst of them all was Chen, his pinkie finger was broken and there was a sharp zinc from the aircraft’s body that had cut his right thigh badly.

Luhan and Kai were fine although they did have some cut and scratches here and there. There were other survivors that had woken up by themselves after gaining consciousness. Luhan had found Aurum, legs stuck under a broken overhead bin that fell bringing the plane’s wrecked body with it. She screamed in pain and agony as they half-heartedly helped her. The girl’s left leg was badly hurt nonetheless she can still walk.

Out of the 387 passengers that were on board of a highly-tech and modern Boeing 747, the Queen of the skies, only 24 survived the crash. Most of the survivors were seated on the upper deck which was the first class section near the cockpit. The 11 members of the famous band EXO, both of their managers, three of their staffs and the boys were devastated enough finding the other 4 dead, and Aurum.

The lower deck was worse than what they had expected, and unfortunately only 7 of them survived. One of the stewardess and one of the steward. A 26 years-old lady whom was a mother of 2girls that was nowhere to be found. Two boys that are both best friends aged 24. A five years old girl who was still unconscious but was carried and saved by Aurum. And a 31 years old women that was saved by the steward.

“Where in the whole wide living universe are we?” one of the two best friends asked. They were all standing on top of the plane’s damaged left wing, still in a state of trauma. Aurum put the little girl down and laid her on the platform. Squatting down, she her index finger and brought it up. “We’re on an island, the wind is coming from that way so the beach must be there” she said.

Aurum then tried to wake the little girl up, she sigh at her failed attempts. “Why should we trust you easily? You were the reason we’re here” Sehun said, holding a cloth to put pressure on his cut. “Yes, maybe I was. But generally speaking, it was for the world’s sake. So can you please it up and let’s save our life before this plane explode” Aurum said, defending herself.

Again, she speak in riddles and they were still curious of what was the chip that the hijackers were talking about. “She’s right you know, we probably have a mere 8minutes left. Maybe less” the steward said, nodding his head. “We need to gather everything that we can from the plane. Foods, water, clothes, anything that can be adapted for use in an alternative context. Do you think it’s possible to take the first aid and emergency box?” Aurum asked the stewardess and steward.

“Might be difficult but we need to try, some of us are badly hurt. We need it” the steward said. “Okay if so then, we need to move fast” Aurum command. “The injured ones go there, fast and stay there until we come” she added, pointing to a tall tree 50feets away. She picked up the girl and piggybacked her. “We? You’re in no state of running with that leg, go with them and bring the girl with you” the steward told Aurum and parted ways.

They took everything that they could that would help them here. “Hyung I’m scared” Tao whispered to Sunghwan, one of their managers. “Believe me kid, I’m scared too. Let’s just find our stuffs” he replied. Both of them were on the upper deck, back at their place from before, finding their belongings and some things that could be useful. Chanyeol and Baekhyun was just near them, they too were doing the same thing.

Others were down on the lower deck at the economy class which now, looks nothing like the economy class finding things that would come in handy. Kai found somebody’s bag that had toiletries in it with some blankets and girl’s clothes, “Okaaay, maybe this would help?” he asked Kyungsoo who was squatting down near him, unloading stuffs from the broken overhead cabins. “Yeaah, I found this” he replied showing Kai the bag the hijackers had. “That, would definitely help”

The steward with the help of the two best friends and the stewardess, took the emergency box with the first aid kits and some food supplies for them. Most of them had found plenty of advantageous things from the passenger’s belongings, though they feel a bit guilty, they had too. The dead’s are gone, they have to move on.

“Tiff, can you smell that?” Eric, the steward ask the stewardess. “Smell what?” they stopped walking their way out and concentrate on their sense of smelling. “OMG GUYS, FIRE!” one of the two friends screamed in fear. They made their way out like lightning, screaming at the others to save themselves too.

“GUYS! Come on, we have to go. NOW!” Eric yelled. “Luhan? Have you found your stuffs? Come on!” Chanyeol called out his friend as he smelled the fire. They made their way out and ran as far and as fast as possible towards the others with much difficulties considering the fact that they are clutching on some stuffs and bags. Seconds later the explosion can be heard.

“So that’s it huh? We’re the only survivors…” Kyungsoo said, catching his breath. “That was brutal” Tao added. 







Chapter 2 is up woots woots. Anyway, I hope you guys could get some knowledge by reading this and well we don’t know what our future is so we might need to know what we have to do if we’re in these kind of situations. I will update my foreword with characters, all of them, the survivors I mean so wait up. And let’s just see if my fingers are not so numb, then, I may be will do a double update lol thank you for reading :D








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Chapter 7: Omo!! Thanks for the update though and may I say that I like this chapter but think again, I like all of your chapter ^^ now I know what type of character Aurum is and is all thanks to you too - Yuki
Chapter 6: oh ...really? then congratulations on your awesome holiday!! Thanks for the update though and I'm sure will be waiting your next update - Yuki
Chapter 5: Oh My !!! I freakin' love your story ^^ and I hope you do your best in final exams.... I am lookin' forward for the next update after you finish your exam - Yuki
Update soon...