Happily Ever After?

For Your Happiness

Chapter 27:



*Years later*




Narrator's POV


Luhan works at his father's job. But since his dad was still young and healthy, he didn't plan on taking over the company just yet. Hyeri works as well. She's vice president of 'Lee Fashion Industries' along-side her mother, who is President of the company. But Hyeri works at home sometimes. She usually runs the companay through the computer and keeps in touch with employees through the internet. She doesn't work ALL the time either.

She's also a housewife and mother of two....


(Probably what you're thinking: WAIT... WHAT?! TWO~~?!!)


Yes... two...




"Hwa Young-ah~!" Hyeri yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Hurry up~! You're going to be late for school~!


Xi Hwa Young/ Lee Hwa Young


Xi Young Jae/ Lee Young Jae

(A/N: I don't think you can spell 'Xi' in korean, only in hanja (chinese). So the kids must take the mother's name, Lee)

(A/N: And I REALLY try to choose kid ulzzangs that look at least a little bit like Luhan and Hyeri...)



Hwa Young ran down the stairs with her backpack and a big smile. Hyeri crouched down to her height and comed her fingers through Hwa Young's hair.

"Waahhh~!! My baby is soo pretty, isn't she?" Hyeri giggled as she dusted off, Hwa Young's school uniform.

"Umma~! I'm not a baby~! I'm big already~!"

"Arasso... arasso... now get eat a quick breakfast  before we leave." Hyeri gently pushed Hwa Young towards the kitchen, and she cheerfully ran off.


Luhan was also in the kitchen eating breakfast. When Hwa Young sat beside him, he handed her a plate full of breakfast.

"Alright kids, you all better hurry up, or you're going to be late for your first day of 1st grade~!" Luhan reminded them. "And Young Jae-ya... you've been eating for a while now, you better hurry up~!"

Young Jae nodded as he finished his last few spoonfuls of fried rice. Hwa Young just stared at him, wierdly.

"Do you want to choke on your food?! Slow down!" Hwa Young scolded him.

"Well, at least I finished my food! You took so long changing, you missed ten minutes of breakfast!" Young Jae fought back.


Hwa Young frowned.

"Daddy~! Young Jae is picking a fight with me~!"

Young Jae loudly set his spoon on the white, porcelain plate, frowning at his sister.

"Daddy~! Hwa Young started it~!" Both of the kids pointed at each other angrily, waiting for their dad's answer.


Luhan just chuckled.

"Just finish your food..." He chuckled and stood up from his seat, grabbing his leather business bag.


Young Jae gulped down his glass of milk and Hwa Young stuffed spoonfuls with rice into . After Young Jae finished his glass of milk, Hwa Young finished her plate of food and half of her milk.

"DONE~!" Both of them yelled out, climbing out of their seats.


"YA~! Hwa Youg-ah~! You didn't finish your food~! You still have half of your milk in the glass~!" Young Jae complained.

"NO~! I'm done! The leftover milk if for Ahjumma! That's the last glass of milk, I left some for Ahjumma just in case she gets thirsty!"


Their argument was interrupted by the sound of Luhan's voice yelling out to them.

"Kids~! Let's go! You're going to be late~!"

Hyeri and Luhan were beside the front door. Hyeri and Luhan had to go seperate ways. 'Lee Fashion Industries' was nearest to Hyeri's parents' house and 'Xi Corporation' was nearest to Luhan's parent's house. The elementary school was nearest to Luhan's company so he was in charge of dropping off the kids. Hwa Young and Young Jae ran off to their daddy's side after they gave cheek kisses to their mom. Luhan also gave her a quick goodbye kiss before he got into the car. Before they drove off, Hwa Young opened the window.


"Umma~! Annyeooonngg~!" Hwa Young waved, also Young Jae who was behind her in the back seats.

Hyeri waved back before she got into her own car.

"Annyeoonngg~~! Be safe~!" Hyeri yelled back.


Then she was off to work.




Would you think it was a happily ever after? Hmm... not quite yet.


Luhan arrived at his office after dropping off the kids at school. He sat down in the office chair and opened his laptop. He got an email from his father.


From Dad>> To Luhan

"Oh! Luhan! We have an unexpected meeting with another company. This meeting is important so make sure to come on time~! The company we are meeting will hopefully be our new busniess partner so be polite~! See you there~!"


Luhan nodded at the message and opened the attachment that was atteached to the email. The meeting was at 10:30am today. Luhan glanced at the clock on the wall. 10:15.
*Just in time*


Luhan grabbed his business bag again and walked out of the office, to the the meeting room. At 10:30, all of the company officials from the other comapny have arrived. Luhan was with his father, the President of Xi Corporations, and some other important employees and officials of their company.


When all of them were seated across the neighboring company officials, Mr. Xi started speaking.

"Welcome to Xi Corporations. We haven't had the chance to get to know each other as a company yet, so let's take the time to get to know each other." Mr. Xi started. "After all, business partners often start as becoming acquaintances first... So please, ask any question you want. But first, let me ask one thing."

"Go ahead." The president of the other company replied.

"What is the name of your company? And your name as well?"

"Huang Incorporated, is the name of my company. But you can just call me Mr. Huang." He answered in a very low tone.

Mr. Huang's gazed followed a trail to Luhan, who was awkwardly sitting beside his father.

"And who is this?" Mr. Huang asked, staring at Luhan.

"This is the vice president of Xi Corporation." Mr. Xi answered, "He is also my only son."

"He looks very young." Mr. Huang commented.

Mr. Xi nodded, "Yes he is..."

"Does you have a girlfriend, son?" Mr. Huang asked Luhan, politely.

Luhan shifted in his seat a kindly smiled at the man.

"Actually, sir, I have a wife." He unknowingly smiled wider as he thought about her and his family.

"Do you two have a family yet?"

Luhan nodded.

"We have twins. A son and a daughter."


Mr. Huang smiled kindly and nodded.

"I have a daughter as well..." He chuckled. "Would you like to meet her?"

"Is she not here with you?" Mr. Xi asked.

"Actually she is, but she isn't really into business that thought she it would bore her if she stayed inside the meeting room."

Mr. Huang called one of his employees.

"Tell my daughter to come inside. She's is the lounge room."

The employee left and after a couple minutes, returned with a familiar looking female. She was looking down towards the ground. Luhan felt suspicious and gently nudged his father on the hand. His father also felt suspicious about her.

"Does she look familiar to you?" Luhan whispered to his father and he nodded, agreeing with Luhan.

Once she reached Mr. Huang's side, Mr. Huang spoke up.

"This is my daughter..."

He whispered to the familiar looking female.

"Hurry up and intruduce yourself..." He whispered.


Within a minute, she lifted her head, revealing her face and her indentity. Mr. Xi's and Luhan's eyes widened. Luhan almost gasped loud enough to echo the room. The woman looked straight at Luhan, smirking evilly.

"Annyeonghaseyo..." She slightly bowed and continued.



"Naneun... Huang Yi Lin ibnida."






Short chapter... but I hope you like how it's going after so many years 0.0


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Another giphy of our 'Sang Namja' eating...

Nyam Nyam Nyam....

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If you want to read my ongoing story also including Luhan, it is called "Replacing Sunshine", subscribe and support


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Alizarachel #1
Chapter 33: Thank you Authornim for this wonderful story:)
I love'd it a lot:).
Chapter 36: Oh thank god it ended with a happy ending! Man you probably have no idea how many times I wanted to push Huang Yi Lin off a cliff. Every time she appeared I became so pissed LOL. Well anyways loved the story :)
Chapter 36: whaa ~ I like this story.. nothing much complicated problem and yeah.. that Huang is VE~RY irritating and y.. I HATE her... >.<
hey there author-nim..
I'm a new subscriber here..
I hope that I can enjoy this FOR YOUR HAPPINESS ~♡
xxEXATOxx #5
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh. This obsessive just wont give up. Can i give her a good beating? -_-
chokyulate_phaa #6
Chapter 17: dammit yi lin
go to hell
i hope you get burn in HELL
captivateinsgraphics #7
Chapter 34: Happy and sweet ending~! I love it, authornim! Thank you, I love you! Fighting! <33
Afiqax #8
Chapter 36: I really love this story...I want to read the Mr President Daughter next. Hehe :))
fopoipoi #9
This is really great story good I like
SHINee707 #10
Chapter 36: Authornim can you send me the link for T.E.O.I