Chapter 8

Romeo, romeo, romeo.


Chapter 8


                                   Jonghyun was crying everything out on Minho’s chest. Jonghyun resisted Minho’s embrace at first, but eventually he gave in to his former best friend.

                                   Suddenly, they heard the sound of something colliding against a car. Jonghyun didn’t move and just ignored the sound. Minho, being the same guy that hasn’t changed since all those years ago, ran towards where he thought the sound came from. Minho had a natural instinct to never leave anyone who was in pain. If a building caught on fire, he would be the first one to rush in. It was a dangerous trait to have, but Minho couldn’t help it.

                                  Jonghyun, who found his former best friend running away, was wondering what was going on. He was confused. Very confused. And he was very, very drunk. He ran after Minho, calling Minho’s name. In his drunken state, he saw that Minho was running towards a car accident.

                                  Jonghyun saw a figure lying on the side of the road with two figures bent over the fragile figure. One of them was Minho, who looked very shocked to see the fragile figure lying on the ground. The other guy, who Jonghyun assumed was the driver of the vehicle, was talking rapidly on the phone. From what Jonghyun could make out, the guy was calling for an ambulance.

                                  Jonghyun slowly approached the fragile looking guy lying on the ground. Blood was everywhere. Jonghyun couldn’t help but notice that the guy’s hairstyle was the same as Key’s. Jonghyun’s heart skipped a beat. Oh my gosh! It couldn’t be Key, could it? Please no. Please don’t let it be Key! Jonghyun franticly thought as all his drunkenness vanished. He looked at Minho’s expression and he knew.

                                    Jonghyun kneeled down next to Key’s body. He was afraid to touch Key in case the movement caused Key any pain. He felt only slightly relieved to find that Key was still breathing. 

                                   Jonghyun’s heart broke at the sight of Key’s face that had retorted in pain. “Yeobo… Bummie… Please don’t leave me… KEY! KEY! NO!” Jonghyun’s plead slowly turned into screams as Key’s eyes start to relax and close.

                                   Key slowly smiled. “Silly dino. There’s nothing between me and Minho…” Key said to Jonghyun, taking sharp, rapid breaths. Talking was obviously too much pain for Key. Minho gave them some privacy as he walked away to ask the driver of the car if he could reach the hospital.

                                   Jonghyun held Key’s hand tightly, afraid to let go. “Key-ah. Please just stay with me. I can let everything go if you just don’t leave me.” Jonghyun’s tears began to fall as he laid his head on Key’s chest.

                                   “Hey dino… I’m not going anywhere if you promise to stay with me.” Key said, trying to lift his hand so that he can cup one side of Jonghyun’s face.

                                   “I won’t go anywhere if you don’t want me to.”

                                   “Or course I want you to be with me. What are you saying?” By this time, talking had become really difficult for Key.

                                   “Bummie, just rest. Don’t talk. Save your energy.” Jonghyun tried to advice Key as he gently pulled Key in his arms.

                                    Key slowly lifted his head up to Jonghyun’s with much effort and kissed Jonghyun. Key lifted the hand Jonghyun was holding to his heart. “Can you feel it beating? As long as I love you and as long as I’m with you, it will always beat for you.” Key whispered softly to Jonghyun. Jonghyun cried harder, regretting that he had ever accused Key. This is all my fault, Jonghyun thought.

                                     “Oh, and dino? It’s not your fault okay? Don’t even think of regretting this. Promise me.” Key told Jonghyun, knowing that Jonghyun would blame himself for this.

                                     “Okay.” Jonghyun said as silently as possible. The ambulance finally arrived and the medic lifted Key onto a stretcher after detangling him from Jonghyun’s arms. “I can only have one person riding on the ambulance with him.” The medic informed them.

                                      “I’ll go with him. He needs me.” Jonghyun said to the medic. Jonghyun looked at Minho and Minho understood what Jonghyun wants him to do. Years of friendship and years of being strangers, they could still understand each other as if they hadn’t been separated at all.

                                      On the ride to the hospital, Key had passed out from the pain. Jonghyun held Key’s hand all the way to the hospital until the moment they had to admit Key into the surgery room. He paced and paced until he got tired so he sat down to wait. Time passed really slowly for those hours he waited outside the surgery room.

                                      Jonghyun hoped and prayed that Key would be alright. I can’t live without him. Jonghyun thought as he continued pacing in the waiting room.



                                      Minho settled things with the driver of the car and walked back to campus. I need to tell Taemin, Minho thought. He ought to know about his umma’s accident. He made his way up to Taemin’s room and knocked on the door.

                                      Taemin answered the door and was surprised to see Minho there as Minho always called before he visited. “Oh. Hey, hyung. What’s up?” Taemin asked Minho as he let Minho into the room.

                                      “Taemin-ah… I don’t know how to say this, but you need to know so I’ll just say it out. Key had an accident just now and he was just brought to the hospital.” Minho told Taemin as he saw the younger’s face crumple and cry after what Minho said sank in.

                                       “W-what? Hyung, are you serious?” Taemin asked while sobbing into his hands. Minho’s heart broke as he saw how upset Taemin had become. It broke his heart to see Taemin cry.

                                       Minho knew he was taking a risk, but he couldn’t help it. He pulled Taemin into his arms and to his surprise, Taemin hugged him back. Taemin cried into his chest while Minho Taemin’s hair gently.

                                       After crying for a while, Taemin broke free of Minho’s arms. “T-thank you, hyung. You’re such a good friend to let me cry on your shoulder. Can we go to the hospital?” Taemin said to Minho.

                                       Minho felt a stab of pain in his heart when he heard what Taemin said. He only considers me as a friend, Minho thought. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go tomorrow.” Minho said to Taemin, trying not to show that he was heartbroken.




                                       Jonghyun felt like forever had passed when the light above the operation room finally went off. He rushed to the doors of the surgery room. The doctor walked out, asking for Key’s family member.

                                       “I’m his boyfriend.” Jonghyun said to the doctor. His heart ached as he wondered if it would be the last time he could utter those words. His heart beat wildly as he anticipated what the doctor had to say.

                                       “Oh, okay. Well the patient pulled through. He suffers no major injury. We removed all the danger from his body. He might have some scars and minor defects, but other than that, he’s alright. He was very strong and never gave up even when we almost did.” The doctor informed Jonghyun.

                                       Jonghyun thanked the doctor and breathed a sigh of relief. He waited in the room Key was going to stay in. The nurses informed him that Key would be reeled in later after they made sure the anesthetic wouldn’t put him in a coma.

                                       When Key was finally reeled in, Jonghyun’s heart broke to see all those wires attached to Key’s body. I’m so sorry I caused this pain for you, Jonghyun silently said as he held Key’s hand. Key was sleeping peacefully. Jonghyun rested his head on Key’s shoulder and fell asleep from exhaustion.




P/S :

There is a VERY interesting twist, so stay tuned for chapter 9! ;D

And of course, thank you for reading. (:

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 15: logic or not. it was fluffy happy sweet and cute!!! how key could not remember but have the feeling that being with jjong was just the right thing hahahaha tht was breathtaking!!! ^_^
SherlocKey #2
@fyi-i-am-awesome ; I replied you already :P<br />
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@shy777 ; ngeheh. thankyou! :D (I shall take that as a compliment)<br />
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@kaylalovesworld ; really?! whoa. (': now I feel like tearing up xD thanks!
^Q^ I teared up a little bit! Not even sure why... But this was good XD
Cute!!!<br />
fyi-i-am-awesome #5
Bloody ! Taemin loves horor movie! LOVES!!! Sorry dudette, just had to say that! Btw, I was expecting more 2min moments=(, but the story was AWESOME!!!<br />
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ps, You locket! Even in 2min scenes you have to say that key is beautiful. I'm speechless...
SherlocKey #6
@bananamilkbubble ; NGAHHHH I TOTALLY LOVE YOU FOR THAT COMMENT! xD thanks and I'll try to (:<br />
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@therest123 ; I was hoping to write more too :P oh well. enjoyed writing it xD and thanks for reading! <3
threst123 #7
:) Awwww~ Hope to read more but or well, enjoyed it;)
SherlocKey #8
@therest123 ; yeap. Just posted the last chapter. Let me know what you think (: