Chapter 15

Romeo, romeo, romeo.



Chapter 15


                         Key woke up with a start. The sunlight was still streaming in through the windows. Oh? It’s only evening! I must have fallen asleep after watching the movie just now.

                         Flashbacks of his dream came back to him. He wasn’t sure about the details, but he could vaguely remember what happened. He was on the beach with Jonghyun. In the dream, it was evening and they were taking a walk. Then it was a blank and the last he remembered before waking up was seeing his name and Jonghyun’s name carved in a heart on a tree.

                         The dream seemed so real. Yet, it was only just a dream.

                         Jonghyun walked into the room when Key was still thinking back about his dream. “Oh, hey. You’re awake. The sun is going to set soon, how about we go and watch it? It will be beautiful.” Jonghyun said, smiling.

                         “Nothing more beautiful than you.” Key answered. Both of them were shocked at what came out of Key’s mouth. Key blushed and headed out the door, avoiding Jonghyun’s curious gaze.

                         They made their way back to the lavender field. They sat down in the middle, like yesterday. As they watched the Sun go down, Key finally couldn’t help it anymore. That dream had been at the back of his mind, nagging at him and he wanted to know.

                         “Jonghyun…? It might seem a little weird for me to ask you this, so I really understand if you don’t want to answer my question. It’s just that I had a dream. We were walking along the beach and then something about our names carved in a heart on a tree? I’m sorry if this seems weird, I just couldn’t help it anymore. The dream seemed so real.” Key was nervous at what Jonghyun would think of him.

                         Jonghyun’s body tensed. What? He dreamt of that? Does that mean that he’s getting his memory back? Wait, if he’s asking me about it, then he probably hasn’t.

                         Jonghyun sighed and looked at Key. “Key, would you believe me if I told you that it actually happened? That I can show you that carving on that exact tree?”

                         “Jonghyun…? What are you talking about? Is it real, then? But… but… it’s only a dream, isn’t it? I don’t understand.” Key’s eyebrows furrowed as he tried to make sense of things. He didn’t believe Jonghyun, but something in Jonghyun’s eyes made him wonder.

                         “Key? Answer me honestly, alright? Just tell me the truth. What feelings do you have towards me?”

                         Key blushed. “Uhh… you would probably not want to be friends with me anymore after this, but… since you asked for the truth, then here it is – I don’t know you, and I don’t remember you. I don’t know if I loved you before I lost my memory, or if I hated you then. I still don’t know. But to be honest, I find myself falling for you. Your arms around me feels familiar. Loving you feels right. That’s all I know.”

                         Key said without stopping for breath. He looked at Jonghyun while saying the words that made his heart beat faster than ever. “Oh, and Jonghyun? I don’t know why but you know my favorite songs which I never told anyone, you know that I cry during A Walk to Remember, you know I love pink roses. You seem to know everything about me. I don’t know why there’s that cd in your car and I don’t know why my clothes happen to be in your cottage. All I know is that, we’re not that simple. I can’t make sense of it, but somehow it doesn’t matter. Maybe you don’t feel the same way, but this is how I feel.” Key added with a smile.

                         Jonghyun just smiled while he leaned in to kiss Key. They both smiled into that kiss. “Key, I didn’t want to tell you this before because I thought you wouldn’t have believed me anyway and also because I want you to find your feelings for me again. Before you lost your memory, you were my everything. The truth would also include that you loved me back. However… I was wrong and I suspected your feelings and loyalty to me. It was my fault you got into that accident. It was all my fault. I’m sorry and I understand if you’re angry at me.” Jonghyun finished, on the verge of tears. He didn’t dare to look at Key.

                         Key was quiet as he let all this new information sink in. He smiled and turned to Jonghyun. “Yah! Silly dino. What’s happened has already happened. Can’t do anything about it now, right? Anyway why would I waste my energy to stay mad at you when loving you is so effortless?”

                         Jonghyun was relieved to hear those words coming out of Key’s mouth. He jumped up and pulled Key up with him. He pulled Key into an embrace and twirled him around, never letting him leave his arms.

                         “Ah! Jonghyun! Put me down! Ughh!” Key suddenly screamed.

                         Jonghyun immediately stopped and set Key gently down on the ground again, in a sitting position as comfortable as possible.

                         “Yeobo? Yeobo? What’s wrong?” Jonghyun asked, panicked.

                         Key clutched his head as his face retorted in pain. “UGHH MY HEAD HURTS! OH GOSH IT HURTS! JONGHYUN!” Tears were coming out of Key’s eyes.

                         Jonghyun pulled Key into his arms. “What? Why? Do we need to go to the hospital? Or do you just want to rest? Yeobo?” Jonghyun was getting more and more panicked by the second.

                         Key suddenly stopped screaming. His body went limp and his hands fell to his side. He was quiet for a few moments before speaking, his voice still shook. “Jonghyun… Jonghyun! I remember! I remember now! Oh how could I have forgotten?! It’s all coming back to me! Last year on my birthday you brought me to Disneyland because others' claimed it was the happiest place on Earth. You made me a scrapbook of all the photos we took together! It’s on the shelf in my room. Oh gosh. Jonghyun, how could I have forgotten? Oh and there was something I still haven’t told you!” Key said in a rush.

                         “What is it, yeobo?” Jonghyun asked, unable to believe all this was happening now. Tears of joy almost came out of his eyes.

                         “There’s nothing between me and Minho! He was only giving me rapping lessons! Oh please don’t misunderstand!” Key frantically told Jonghyun.

                         Jonghyun laughed and said, “I know, bummie. I know. It was all just my stupidity. I know now. I’m sorry for ever suspecting you.” Jonghyun said, laughing happily into Key’s neck.

                         “Oh, and Jonghyun? I totally remember you like to be kissed at your collarbone.” Key said with a smirk. He leaned in and kissed Jonghyun’s collarbone, causing Jonghyun to smile even wider.

                         “So you do remember, huh?” Jonghyun said, smiling at Key.

                         “I don’t think I ever really forgotten. Your touch always felt familiar to me.” Key answered, smiling.

                         I’m glad he’s finally come back to me now, both of them thought at the same time, smiling.


Author's note :

-Oh... wow. That's the end now. :\

-So, tell me what you think :DD comments are love <3

-Of course, if you liked my story, then please recommend it to your friends (:

If you dont.. well.. just send me a msg and tell me why so I can improve :P heh.

-And honestly, I have no idea whether these stuff is logical or not. They're probably crap. xD so.. just treat this as fiction, okay? :D ignore the illogical parts. :P

-Last of all, thankyou thankyou thankyou all for reading this!


*90 degree bow*

-I'll probably start on a new fanfic, but it will be after my exams.. check it out when I post it, okay? THANKS THANKS THANKS :D

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 15: logic or not. it was fluffy happy sweet and cute!!! how key could not remember but have the feeling that being with jjong was just the right thing hahahaha tht was breathtaking!!! ^_^
SherlocKey #2
@fyi-i-am-awesome ; I replied you already :P<br />
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@shy777 ; ngeheh. thankyou! :D (I shall take that as a compliment)<br />
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@kaylalovesworld ; really?! whoa. (': now I feel like tearing up xD thanks!
^Q^ I teared up a little bit! Not even sure why... But this was good XD
Cute!!!<br />
fyi-i-am-awesome #5
Bloody ! Taemin loves horor movie! LOVES!!! Sorry dudette, just had to say that! Btw, I was expecting more 2min moments=(, but the story was AWESOME!!!<br />
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ps, You locket! Even in 2min scenes you have to say that key is beautiful. I'm speechless...
SherlocKey #6
@bananamilkbubble ; NGAHHHH I TOTALLY LOVE YOU FOR THAT COMMENT! xD thanks and I'll try to (:<br />
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@therest123 ; I was hoping to write more too :P oh well. enjoyed writing it xD and thanks for reading! <3
threst123 #7
:) Awwww~ Hope to read more but or well, enjoyed it;)
SherlocKey #8
@therest123 ; yeap. Just posted the last chapter. Let me know what you think (: