First Day of Class

Forbidden Love


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(Next Day) ~ first of class

(Alarm goes off)  BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!..... "Up and ready to go! Woohooo... " You turn the alarm off and excitedly begin to get ready. 

You arrive to the University after much unwanted attention. "Excuse me, where is this classroom? I am sorry but I am new here so..." You ask a guy near you for the instructions. "Huh?" He turns around and gets shocked as he looks at you. "Ipuda...." (meaning beautiful) The guy says to himself in a whispering sound as he turned around. "Excuse me?" You ask him as you did not quite understood him. "Uhm Sorry. The classroom is just around the corner here." He points it out for you while just staring at you. "Gomabseubnida." (meaning Thank you) You bow and say this in respect and leave while leaving the guy just stare at you blankly. On your way to the class, you see a bulletin board with various activities. You notice an ad for a singing competiton and the auditions are held at your campus. (Hmm.. Should I take part in this? It'll be interesting. Let me take a photo of this ad.) You are interested in auditioning since you love to sing so you take a picture of this ad as you are getting late for the class. 

The class goes well and you become very popular and make many new friends. Many guys in your class had asked for your number but you made it clear to them that you would like to concentrate in your studies and have no time to hang out. (This is going to be harder than I thought.....) Your thoughts while rejecting many guys. 


(All dialogues under this will be in Korean but I wrote them in English for easier comprehension.)

(SM Entertainment) ~ studio

Chanyeol and Chen are in the middle of songwriting. "What's wrong with me?!!! Chanyeol says out of nowhere. "Hey, what's wrong?" Chen asks. "I can't seem to get this voice out of my head. I think I will go crazy!" Chanyeol exclaims. "Is it that girl that you told me about when you were separated from Baekhyun?" Chen asks. "Yup and I don't even know who she is and what she looks like..." says Chanyeol. "Looks like someone has a crush.... hahahaha!!" Chen says while laughing and teasing Chanyeol.

"Come on Chen, you know who I like." 

"Hahaha! I know and I am only pulling your leg. It is just amusing to watch the genius Chanyeol being so irrirated over someone's voice. I guess she must be special." says Chen. 

"I don't know about that but anyways, have you seen Sandara nuna today?" asks Chanyeol.

"She has to judge the auditions at Seoul National University tonight so she is quite busy." says Chen.

"Ah ok.... I thought we could hang out somewhere and have a nice dinner. ... Should I message her and ask her if I could come along?" Chanyeol sends a text to Sandara and waits for her reply.

text message (Nuna, I know you are busy today so is it okay if I come along with you to the auditions?)

~~ 5 mins later ~~

text message (No Chanyeol, I am very busy tonight and I am afraid I won't be able to give you time so we can meet some other time. Sorry, Chanyeol.)

"What did she say?" asked Chen.

"Nope. Well I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to see her.... hmmmm... Let's go out to eat with the rest of the members. It has been a while and we will ask Suho hyung to give us a treat. Haha!" says Chanyeol mischievously. 

"Let's Go!!!" says Chen.



*** NO pictures belong to me!! I hope you will like this chapter and please comment your thoughts. I would love that and it encourages me to write more. Thank you! ***

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Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!...
Yasmin23 #2
I am really liking the story please do more because I am really started to love thanks
iman1995 #3
Chapter 3: Please update sooooooooon !!
I am reaaaaaaaly curiooooous!!!!!!!

Eeeeee! Muslim girl just like me! But I don't wear hijab! Hehehe I like this story!
adilahana #5
Chapter 2: hi, there. i like your story. its rare to read a story involving a girl wearing hijab. i wonder what will happened to them when they arrived at seoul. update more chapter please =D