
Hearts Dance[Alternative to Waltz of the Heart]

luhan sees the world in endless shades of color, some vibrant, some pleasantly fleeting


but what he loves most about these colors is that he never sees the same shade twice



yixing hears the world through delicate melodies, threaded together in seamless compositions


each arrangement is different, the notes entwined in their own unique way



in this world, luhan and yixing are strangers who become best friends


but no one knows if it’s to become something more



they meet at a dance studio


luhan who has just begun to pursue his hobby of dance, and yixing who has always been obsessively passionate


the world stops when they lay eyes on each other



luhan likes the way yixing sparkles with colors he has never seen before, colors he will never see in other people


he likes the way yixing exudes confidence and fervor when he dances, almost blinding luhan with the array of rainbows that comes flying from his very existence



yixing likes the way luhan speaks, likes the tinkling of windchimes he always hears when luhan opens his mouth


he likes the cautious song that is luhan when he tentatively steps on the dance floor


but this song always turns vibrant and certain as luhan gets more and more into the dance



and these are just the things they like



luhan loves the way yixing brightens when he smiles, loves the way his dimple appears amidst the background of colors


he loves the twinkle in yixing’s eyes, because the color he sees, that color, defines yixing’s very existence


luhan will always know this shade as “yixing”


and “yixing”, to luhan, is love



yixing loves the way luhan laughs, loves the sound of waves on the beach, of a melody so complicated that he knows it is luhan


he loves the twinkle in luhan’s eyes, because the song he hears from it reminds yixing of shooting stars and supernovas and galaxies that exist far, far away


yixing will always know this song as “luhan”


and “luhan”, to yixing, is love



luhan loves yixing


loves the sparks of color he sees when lips collide and tongues fight and hearts dance


yixing loves luhan


loves the calming and majestic compositions he hears when lips collide and tongues fight and hearts dance



luhan loves the art they can create when they hold hands and hug and cuddle and dance


yixing does too

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Chapter 1: it is so beautiful that I'm crying... really, the tears are just falling!!
shinru #3
Chapter 1: everything is so beautiful ;A; layhan is so beautiful ;A; your writing is so beautiful ;A; i love it ;~; <3