The Kiss

Good Night

"Natsu! You can't just leave me there. I am your date after all I am your date." "Oh I'm sorry Lucy." They were walking down the cobblestone sidewalk to Lucy's house. "Can we go back Natsu? I never got my fish." "It's okay Happy. We'll go fishing tomorrow. Okay?" "Aye sir!" "Hey Natsu." "What is it Lucy?" "Do you have any idea why Cana set us up together?" "I don't know. I guess it's because we hang out so much and we get along and-" Lucy could see Natsu blushing which was odd since he wasn't the kind of person that got embarresed. And even if he was, why would he get embarresed around me? Thought Lucy. "I think's it's because you are a couple." "Happy we're not a couple we're just friends." "Natsu and Lucy sitting a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Damm cat. Did you have to bring him with us?

They had arrived at Lucy's house. "Well, I guess I should go to bed. Bye Natsu." Lucy opened her front door and took a step inside. "Wait Lucy." Lucy turned around. Natsu looked deep into her eyes, and kissed her. The kiss was soft, gentle and sweet. When he pulled away Lucy looked at him in astonishment. "N-Natsu. I didn't know you feel this way." "I've been wanting to kiss you all night." Lucy didn't know what to do. So she ran inside her house and locked the door. 

Natsu was now alone with the door since eariler he told Happy to go back to the guild so that he could be alone with Lucy. The truth is, Natsu told Cana to set him up with Lucy that he'd have an excuse to be on a date with her since there's no way in Hell he'd be able to ask Lucy on a date. Natsu thought about what happened after the kiss. After replaying it a few hundred times he decided that he'd have to talk to Lucy tomorrow and hope that he didn't jepordize their friendship.

"I guess I shouldn't have expected that to go as planned." said Natsu to himself while he walked back to the guild. "Happy. You can come out now." "Natsu!" The cat flew out of nowhere and hugged him. "Can we go fishing now? I really want fish." "Ha ha. Not now Happy." It made Natsu feel good to hear Happy talk about fish, ignorant to Natsu's recent rejection. 

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so cute. 😍
sunsillver #2
Chapter 5: aww this fanfic so kawaii ><