Chapter 19

Little Luhan

Luhan looked out of the window as Sehun sped through the streets to the first stop of their date or Sehun would like to think of it as his proposal. He drove quietly as Luhan feels the spring wind blowing on his face. He sat back on the seat as he started poking at his bulging belly. Luhan began talking to his belly animatedly and giggled when he receives a few kicks here and there as a response from their berry. Sehun stopped by the florist to get the bouquet of flowers that he remembers by heart. When he got back to the car, Luhan’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as he understood where they are heading to. He does not know the reason why they are visiting Jongin but he knows Sehun is doing it because he misses his father.


The couple walked up the pathway and made their way through the cemetery and towards the tombstone where they know that Jongin is resting. They held hands as they walked up to the tombstone and placed the flowers on the grass together. Sehun got on his knees and cleared the dried leaves that is around the tombstone as Luhan stood by his side watching silently.


“Hi appa,” Sehun began. “How are you there?” He asked and laughed soon after because he knows that his father is not able to answer him. He swallowed the sob that was threatening to leave his throat as he tried to continue on with his speech. He has to do this because he is reaching another milestone in his life. His biological father has to know how much he has grown up into. Sehun feels Luhan’s hand on his shoulder and he rubbed on his eyes.


“I can give you some time alone if you want,” Luhan offered.


“No,” Sehun croaked out. “I want you to be here to listen to me. Berry needs to know about his biological grandfather.” Sehun reasoned.


Sehun grabbed onto Luhan’s hand before beginning, “Appa, Luhan is at his eighth month now. We would be bringing our berry to this world soon. It’s too bad that you would not be there to see your first grandson as he greets the world. Yes, appa. We are having a boy. I just wanted you to be the first one to know that we are bringing our son to the world soon. I want you to witness as we reach another milestone. I love you, appa. I miss you. Thank you.” Sehun finished as he bowed.


Luhan was in tears once Sehun was done with his short but touching speech. “Can I?” Luhan asked softly to which Sehun nodded in response.


“Jongin appa. I never knew who you were. I didn’t know how you look like but the only thing that I knew about you was that you are Sehun’s father. The reason why Sehun is here with us right now. The father to my son. The man I want to spend my forever with. I want to thank you for being there for Sehun spiritually all these years. I don’t know how to begin but I can promise you that Sehun will be a good father and turn into the man that you always dream of him to be.” Luhan said as he held onto Sehun’s hand. “Thank you for everything. We really appreciate it. We will definitely tell berry about you.” He finished before bowing in respect.


The couple left the cemetery hand in hand. They allowed the silence engulf them. Sehun start the car and drove off to the second and last place where he planned to put the proposal plan into place. Luhan leaned his head against the glass window as his hand moved up and down his belly as he feels the constant movement under his tight skin. His mind was brought back to how Sehun talked about the next milestone in life that they are hitting together. He swore that he would not know how his life would turn out to be if Sehun wasn’t the father to his kids. Luhan feels Sehun hands over his and looked over at his lover who have a smile on his face.


Luhan allowed Sehun to pull him into the building which he recognises as the one where he used to visit when he was a child – during Jongdae’s birth to be exact. He noted how Sehun smiled at every single staff who walked pass them. It was like as if Sehun knows that really well. They ended at the delivery suite – the same one as Jongdae was given birth at. Sehun walked them to the balcony area – the same one as the one where Sehun proposed to him as a child.


Luhan’s eyes widened in surprise when he sees flower petals decorating the floor and looked over to his boyfriend who was already standing in the middle with a bouquet of Tulips and Forget-Me-Nots. Sehun held out his hand for Luhan to take and the other hesitantly walked towards his waiting boyfriend. Tears filled his eyes when Sehun handed the bouquet of flowers to him because he swore he did not expect any of this to happen – not this soon.


Sehun got on one knee and opened the red velvet box. “Luhan, I have been in love with you since I was just 3. I remembered proposing to you when I was 6 at this same place – when umma gave birth to Jongdae. When I got into high school, I swear I thought that feelings I have for you are just mere puppy love. But it got stronger when I left high school – hence, the three years relationship. Now that you are pregnant with berry, I could not explain how in love I am with you right now. I’ve been keeping this ring with me since the fight because it was then I realised the meaning of our love. Luhan, will you marry me?” Sehun popped the question.


Luhan’s hand flew to his mouth as his was lost for words. Tears filled his eyes because he did not expect Sehun to pop the question so soon. All he could do was nod his head in agreement and held out his left hand. Sehun happily slipped the ring into his now fiancé slim fingers. He engulfed Luhan into a tight hug as the other sobbed into his shirt.


“Took you long enough,” Luhan mumbled against the fabric of Sehun’s shirt. “Berry waited long enough for his appa to propose to me.” Luhan laughed when they felt berry kicking.








Sehun groaned in bed as he watches Luhan putting on more makeup on his face. The older is dressing him up for the opening of the second café which would surprisingly be under their name. It was a present from their parents to congratulate them on the engagement and also the arrival of Little Luhan. Luhan added the last bit of eyeliner around his eyes and twirled in front of Sehun with a grin on his face.


 Sehun sighed as he got up from bed and wrapped his arms around his fiancé’s belly. He has to admit that he is angry to know that Luhan insisted on attending the opening of the new café. The older looks like a bloated whale – not like he wants to tell him – and he is due in a few days. Luhan should be under bed rest and not move till their little one is out. The older had the guts to whine to him about how berry has his head near his pelvic bone.


Sehun rested his head on his fiancé’s shoulder. “Do you really have to go?” Sehun asked. “No, do we really have to go?”


“Yes, you . We have to go! It’s the opening ceremony of the new café and its ours! Why should we miss it!” Luhan pouted and smacked Sehun’s head.


“Because you’re due in a few days and I don’t want you to go on an early labour,” Sehun reasoned.


“Well, it isn’t that bad. Berry is quietly lying with his head near my pelvic bone,” Luhan said quietly.


“It doesn’t look like it to me,” Sehun mumbled as he left his fiancé to get ready for the grand opening ceremony that Luhan keeps on talking about.


Sehun took longer than usual that day because he really does not want to attend the opening ceremony. He noticed how his fiancé’s face contorted in pain for the past few days. He learned from his mother than it would only mean that it is about time till berry greets the world. Sehun thought about all the possibility if Luhan were to give birth at the café itself. It would definitely be a unsightly thing but others would think that it is a blessing to the couple.


Sehun walked out of their shared bedroom to see Luhan sitting awkwardly on the living room couch. He noted how Luhan has his hand on his lower back and the huge bump. He huffed because he knows that Luhan is in so much pain right now but he just doesn’t want to admit it – because he wants to attend the grand opening ceremony.


“Can we go now?” Luhan begged as he interrupted his train of thoughts. Sehun noticed how Luhan tried to conceal the pain with a smile on his face – well, that really looked convincing.


The arrived at the café just on time when both their mothers are going to start on the speech that he actually remembers by heart because it was him who listened to his mother practicing his lines. The older men waved to them and gestured them over. He noticed how some of the regulars were smiling down at them and greeted them with great amount of respect like they were some kind of importance. Luhan waddled through the crowds with one hand on his belly and another one gripping tight on to Sehun’s.


The couple stood in front of their mothers. Both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were gushing over their heavily pregnant son while Chanyeol and Kai stood at the side commenting on how bloated Luhan looks – Sehun swore he heard the fathers making a bet on when his fiancé is going to pop. Kyungsoo took the mic and started his long awaited speech about the opening of the second branch after almost twenty years later. Kai stood next to Kyungsoo and smiled proudly at everything Kyungsoo said like the proud husband he is. Chanyeol and Baekhyun just stood at the side smiling at the customers every single once in awhile – thankfully Baekhyun is not pregnant too.


Sehun stood next to Luhan and noted how the older’s grip would tighten every once in awhile. He looked at his lover in worry as he asked what is wrong but Luhan chose to say that he was fine. When Kyungsoo was done with his opening speech, both of them were given the scissors to cut the ribbon. Sehun guided his fiancé to the front door of the café and that was when Luhan nearly landed on his knees.


Sehun caught his fiancé just in time to feel the wetness trailing down the other’s pants. Luhan looked up at him with watery eyes and he smiled because hey our baby is here. Sehun curses quietly as he carried Luhan bridal style and rushed to the car. Throughout the car ride, Sehun nagged about how they shouldn’t have went to the grand opening because this was bound to happen. Luhan, however, was very calm as he took in deep breaths.







Sehun walked out of the delivery suite in a daze after he handed their baby back to the doctor. Luhan has passed out due to exhaustion. He sees both of their parents sitting at the waiting area as they waited for the news from them. He broke out into as happy smile when their family started asking him questions. Sehun broke out into a smile.


“It’s a boy. We got a boy. Luhan named him Kim Ziyu,” Sehun mumbled and broke down into happy tears.


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yousra_ #1
I remember stopping reading for no reasons in the middle of the story gonna re read this now!
Chapter 16: It's late... But why only Sehun is the one to blame for everything what ever is happened???
Minseok is enjoying everything like family love and care, while Sehun is left alone to sulk... Even Kai ignore him for good three months... In some way it shows double standards... From Soo part too
If you says it's Sehun’s anger, jealously or over-protectiveness... Then it's Minseok who provoke him in everyway possible... Minseok is one who bring dads and Luhan in between... Sehun just simply says stay away from Luhan....
It really make my eyes sweating... From personal experience it feel like hell to be left alone....:’(:’(:’(
Chapter 22: So late but really loved the story. Though, I would make Minseok less evil, I felt like his evilness gave them the opportunity to breathe and think carefully of their decisions. The break contributed to their happy life.
Chapter 22: This was a very emotional story... Beautifully written..... I enjoyed every chapter of it! Thank you so much authornim!! Keep up with the good work!
Chapter 14: I dont like minseok here. he is plain evil!!
I'm going to re-read this <3
leeleeloveskpop #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of your fics in this series
leeleeloveskpop #9
Chapter 14: I love Minseok in real life not so much in this fic! Yes he has feelings for Luhan everyone can see that but he went too far when he said those things to Sehun calling him extra baggage and things like that. Thats cruel especially to do that to your own brother. While Sehun should not of hit Kyungsoo it really was an accident. I didnt like how everyone began to turn their backs on Sehun making him out to be the bad guy when Minseok was the one that provoked him in the first place