Chapter 11

Little Luhan

Sehun never thought that moving in would be a tedious task and what’s with moving together with a pregnant lover, it makes thing double times harder. He placed one of the last boxes in the living room where Luhan demanded it to be because he wants to sort some of the things out. Sehun thanked his lover’s parents before closing the door and sat down next to his boyfriend. Luhan had a pile of clothes, books, shoes and all his other things that he kept in his room surrounding him. The smaller male was sorting his things out into the ones that he wants and the ones he does not want. Initially, Luhan was thinking of turning the extra room in Sehun’s apartment into his workroom but now that they have a baby on the way, the extra room is turned into a nursery.


Sehun watched his boyfriend as the other was sorting the things out and he got to admit that there isn’t much Luhan is getting rid of. Sehun scoot closer to his boyfriend and sat in front of the other, “Lu, don’t you think you should get rid of more stuff?” Sehun asked.


Luhan shot a glare at his lover and frowned in the process. “No, I really need this stuff. I don’t see the need of getting rid of them. Anyway, your apartment is big enough to fit all of them.” Luhan stated.


“Babe, no. I just want to remind you that we don’t have much space here in my apartment. I am using one of the rooms like a dance studio and the other is for the nursery. Your books and drawing materials and frames wouldn’t look nice if we were to hang up somewhere.” Sehun explained.


“Well, I only need a small space in your dancing room or the nursery for my cooking books, novels and maybe a small table where I can update on our berry’s album.” Luhan said calmly despite burning with anger in the inside.


“In fact, I need to spice up your apartment a little because it is too plain. Your apartment is painted in white. There’s a black and white photograph of yourself dancing – which I remembered was a collage of us.” Luhan pointed out as he removed the framed photo and replaced it with the same collage.


“And there’s a black and white photograph of the Eiffel Tower – which I doubt that was taken by you because I don’t remember you flying to Paris.” Luhan said as he got around replacing it with his own taken photo of the cherry blossoms in Nami Island.


“Your clock is again, a shade of white – which is not attractive at all.” Luhan said as he moved on to replacing with his baby pink clock. “The side table is empty and plain. You need flowers and a small photo frame of us to make it more attractive.” Luhan continued as he moved to placing the vase – which Sehun remembers from the one he bought for Luhan the day they found out that the elder is pregnant – and a photo of them from a year ago.


Luhan stood in front of the television set and smiled to himself as he looked at the changes he made to Sehun’s apartment which belongs partly to him now that he is pregnant. “Now, that’s more like it. Isn’t it more attractive, Sehunnie. Now our berry can grow up in a livelier environment instead of a dull one. Did you know that babies are more aware of its surroundings when their mummies reach their sixth month?” Luhan asked excitedly as he latches onto his boyfriend.


Sehun huffed in response as he walked around the living room picking up the litters and mess that Luhan made. Sehun might not look like it but he is one who prefers his apartment to be neat and tidy – a trait that he inherits from Kyungsoo and it annoys his father to no end. He is also one who is not fond of colours hence, the dull decorations. He does not get the point of Luhan leaving random photo frames, potted flowers and a baby pink clock on his wall. He got around and removed every one of them one by one.


“Lu, at sixth month, berry could only open his or her eyes and he or she could not see just yet. He is only aware of your voice and his surroundings – which he only sees light. I don’t see the need for you to decorate my apartment into these fancy colours. Berry would not care at all.” Sehun snapped as he stuffed the things into the boxes.


Luhan’s lips began to wobble when he sees his younger boyfriend picking up the decorations that he left in their apartment. He stomped his feet and clear all the mess that he so-called made. Sehun looked over his boyfriend because he could not understand the reason why Luhan is throwing a tantrum.


“Fine then! I would not have any say in decorating your apartment and you can decide the theme of the nursery. Because this is your apartment right?!” Luhan snapped. “And here I am thinking that I can officially call this apartment ours because I just moved in.” Luhan sobbed as he stormed off into their bedroom.


Sehun dropped all the decorations he has in his hands and plopped on the couch. How could he forget that Luhan is all sensitive right now because of the hormones? Now, that he has screwed everything up just because he did not want to follow his boyfriend’s demands. He sat down on the couch and looked at the boxes. Now, he has to clean up the mess right? Sehun got up to leaving some of the decorations that Luhan suggested like the clock, flowers and frames but he left his photo of the Eiffel Tower on the wall and set off to clearing the mess. He would not have done it if only his parents did not plan on visiting the both of them.








Kyungsoo looked through the photo album that he kept from the time he was pregnant with Sehun. He kept it close to him because it was one of his last few memories of Jongin before the older man left them. He intended on giving it to his first son when he deemed it as the best time of doing so. Now that Sehun’s boyfriend is expecting their first child, Kyungsoo thought that it would be best to hand it over to his first son. Even though he is so in love with Kai, he thinks that it is right for him to show Sehun of his biological father.


Kyungsoo packed the album together with the presents that he intends to give his son and expecting lover. It would be funny if Kyungsoo were to decide to bring dishes over to his son’s apartment when he already offered to prepare dinner for the young couple. Kai walked in their shared bedroom with the smile that caught Kyungsoo’s heart the first time they met.


“Are you done?” Kai asked.


“Yeah,” Kyungso replied as he carried the bag on his back.


The couple walked hand in hand to their family car where their two youngest sons are already in the car bickering again over something not logical. Kyungsoo buckled himself in the passenger seat next to Kai and smiled when he feels his husband of seventeen years wrapped his big and warm hands over his. They drove off to their oldest son’s apartment and Kyungsoo swore that throughout the ride it feels like it was just the both of them – if only their youngest sons would stop bickering at the back. Kyungsoo smiled over at Kai and he feels like he was 20 again despite being 39.


Kai parked the car in the parking lot and the family walked to the lift lobby ringing the door bell to Sehun’s apartment. They were greeted with a messy haired Sehun who mumbled something like he would get the door unlocked. Kyungsoo swore he could hear Luhan’s voice screaming at the background and it caused him to chuckle – Luhan is at the mood swings phase then.


The family entered the humble home and Kyungsoo made a beeline for the kitchen and started preparing dinner with Luhan joining him soon after. Both Minseok and Jongade looked around their hyung’s apartment in awe when they realised that the older sibling bothered to put a little bit of colour to his apartment. Kai settled himself on the couch right next to Sehun, who looks like he was about the breakdown soon. Kai engaged in a very light-hearted conversation with his son as he attempted to get his mind away from the pregnancy deal. But Kai has to admit that Sehun would usually look over to pregnant lover in the kitchen – just to ensure that Luhan is fine, Sehun defended.


After dinner, the family sat together and cuddled in front of the television set. They huddled over the television set as Sehun played some movie that all of them remembers from their memory. Luhan made it a point of keeping a distance from Sehun because he is still mad at Sehun. Luhan was all snuggled up next to Kyungsoo and Minseok joined soon after when he sees his second favourite hyung.


Sehun glared the whole way at the direction of his younger brother and Luhan being all sweet to one another. Minseok showed Luhan a few examples how the older man would start feeling movements of his wonderful miracle. Luhan even snuggled closer to Minsoek when he complained that it was a little too cold for his own good. Once the movie ended and Sehun’s family left, Sehun was quick to grab Luhan’s by his arm. Luhan yanked his arm away from Sehun’s hold and glared at his younger lover to only receive a cold stare.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Park Luhan?!” Sehun snapped when he finally got his pregnant lover’s attention.


“I did not do anything. You have no reason to be all snappy and angry.” Luhan retorted.


“Oh yes, you did something there. Why are you being so close and clingy to Minseok?! You know so well that he has a crush on you and hasn’t gotten over it. He is still so in love with you!” Sehun screamed.


“I don’t see anything wrong with it! At least he’s better than you. He allows me to do anything I want. He allows me to snuggle close to him when I am cold. And he definitely agrees that this apartment needs more colour because it is too dull for a child to be growing up in!” Luhan shouted.


“For one thing Park Luhan, I do let you snuggle close to me when it is cold. And didn’t I allow you to furnish the nursery for berry?! What else do you want?!” Sehun snapped as he pinched the bridge of his nose to calm himself down. “What else do you want from me, Luhan? I let you move in together with me the moment we found out that you’re pregnant. I let you furnish the nursery. I let you have the kitchen to yourself. Do you want me to let you be with Minseok when you want to? How do you expect me to give you up to my little brother!?” Sehun hollered.


Luhan flinched at the sound of Sehun’s low voice that echoed through the apartment. This was the first time they actually got into a fight in a short period of time. The source of the fight this time was Sehun’s younger brother, Kim Minseok. The couple knew that the second Kim son always had a crush on Luhan. Sehun is well aware of his little brother’s affection is something more than one feels towards an older brother. Minseok’s love and affection for Luhan was something that could surpass as a lover and it pisses Sehun off to no end. Luhan unconsciously rubbed his non-existent belly and looked up at his fuming lover.


“I just want you to accept me and the baby. I just want you to accept the fact that I and Minseok have always been close. I don’t know, Sehun. It feels like since the time I conceived, you have been nothing but annoyed with me. I just feel that this child is a mistake. Berry is a mistake. It feels like you don’t want it at all.” Luhan mumbled.


Sehun’s shoulder deflated and his chest stopped heaving from anger when he sees his lover’s vulnerable state. “I am not angry with you, Lu. How many times have I told you that I am thankful that you’re carrying berry? I love the both of you so much. I just don’t want you to be close to Minseok, that is all. You do realise that the love that Minseok feels for you is the same as the love that I feel for you right, Lu?” Sehun asked and Luhan nodded in response.


“Come here, Lu.” Sehun called out as he opened his arm for Luhan to come to him.


Luhan came into the arms that he loves and feels the pair of strong arms wrapping itself around his waist. He leaned his head against Sehun’s toned chest. He sobbed as he recalled the small argument they got into because of Sehun’s jealousy. The once heated atmosphere has changed into something peaceful and full of love. The couple reflected on their mistakes and both of them knew that they really have a long journey ahead of them.


A/N: tbh I don’t know why I did that to Baek in the previous chapter. Like wtf was I thinking?! Anyway, enjoy this chapter.


sorry for the completed thingy! AFF marked it complete for me and i didn't realise it. and nope, its not complete. there's more chapters to go. :)




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yousra_ #1
I remember stopping reading for no reasons in the middle of the story gonna re read this now!
Chapter 16: It's late... But why only Sehun is the one to blame for everything what ever is happened???
Minseok is enjoying everything like family love and care, while Sehun is left alone to sulk... Even Kai ignore him for good three months... In some way it shows double standards... From Soo part too
If you says it's Sehun’s anger, jealously or over-protectiveness... Then it's Minseok who provoke him in everyway possible... Minseok is one who bring dads and Luhan in between... Sehun just simply says stay away from Luhan....
It really make my eyes sweating... From personal experience it feel like hell to be left alone....:’(:’(:’(
Chapter 22: So late but really loved the story. Though, I would make Minseok less evil, I felt like his evilness gave them the opportunity to breathe and think carefully of their decisions. The break contributed to their happy life.
Chapter 22: This was a very emotional story... Beautifully written..... I enjoyed every chapter of it! Thank you so much authornim!! Keep up with the good work!
Chapter 14: I dont like minseok here. he is plain evil!!
I'm going to re-read this <3
leeleeloveskpop #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of your fics in this series
leeleeloveskpop #9
Chapter 14: I love Minseok in real life not so much in this fic! Yes he has feelings for Luhan everyone can see that but he went too far when he said those things to Sehun calling him extra baggage and things like that. Thats cruel especially to do that to your own brother. While Sehun should not of hit Kyungsoo it really was an accident. I didnt like how everyone began to turn their backs on Sehun making him out to be the bad guy when Minseok was the one that provoked him in the first place