Chapter 14

Little Luhan

Since the time Luhan left his apartment, Sehun was never himself. He would be looking out of the window, facing the café, whenever he has his break in between lessons. His face would lit up when he sees Luhan walking out of the café with a smile on his face. His heart clenched in happiness when he sees Luhan caressing their five months old growing child. Sehun would unconsciously clench his fists and a scowl would decorate his face when he sees his younger brother, Minseok, guiding Luhan into the café. His heart broke even more when he sees Minseok caressing the growing belly and talking to his child.


Sehun’s hatred towards Minseok grew more over the months since Luhan left. He would not acknowledge his younger half-brother. He avoids coming to his family home for their weekly family dinner – he would only show up when he heard that the Parks are coming over just so he could get a glimpse of his pregnant boyfriend. Boyfriend? Sehun scoffed at the labelled. Is Luhan even his boyfriend now that they are not living together and the older male refuses to acknowledge his presence? Sehun remembers clearly when he had a talk with Kai appa about his over protective attitude towards Luhan.


Sehun was brought out of his reverie when he feels someone placing a hot cup of coffee against his cheek. He jumped at the contact and sees his father taking a seat next to him in front of the large window. Sehun mumbled soft thanks as he drank from it. He smiled when he remembers the taste as the one that Luhan made with his own hands. He looked over his father and was about to thank him but he was brought back to the memory of him fighting with the older man for punching his mother.







Sehun sat in his living room and ran his hand through his hair angrily. He clenched his fists together when he remembers clearly the time he went over his parents’ apartment which was just moments ago. The scene of a happy family unfolds right in front of his eyes. The way both Aunty Baekhyun and Uncle Chanyeol clung onto one another as they watched their son talks about his unborn child, like the proud grandparents they are. He watched the way his parents looked at his half-brother showing love and affection towards his lover.


All Sehun could do was to stand at a distance as he watches it unfold in front of him. It feels like his existence did not mean a thing to his family. It hurts to know and see that happening in front of his eyes but it hurts even more now that his mother is ignoring him. What happens to the man who showers him with all his love when he only has him?


Sehun scoffed to himself and took out a can of beer, drowning himself in all his sorrows and flipping through the photo album that his mother dedicated to him hurts him even more. The first page was a picture of both his biological parents with a pregnant Kyungsoo. It warms his heart to know that he was growing beneath the tight skin when the photo was taken. He continued flipping through the album and sees more sonograms of himself as he continues growing. Different sonograms had different captions. Some of it where his mother claims that he sees him smiling from inside. Some pages were dedicated to both of their preparations for his arrival. Once he reached his mother’s seventh month, it was dedicated with a lot of Jongin’s photos. His mother used up most of the pages dedicating to how much his father loves him and how his mother hopes that he grows up into someone like his father. The last page was his birth. It was a picture of his mother looking more exhausted holding him close to his chest.


Sehun unconsciously cried when he sees the picture because he swore he never expect to read it and experience it himself. Tears flowed down his cheeks and he winced in pain when it hit the side of his mouth where the cut at the side of his lips were evident. He touched the swollen area near his mouth and shuddered at the memory of being punched square in the face a few days ago. It was to teach him to respect the man who carried him for nine months and bearing the pain of bringing him on the face of the Earth.







“I’m sorry,” Kai said as he broke the silence between himself and his wife’s first son.


Sehun looked over to his stepfather and sees the sincerity in his eyes as he apologised to him. He smiled awkwardly as he continued sipping from the cup of coffee that his father brought. Since the time his father has punched him in his face, both him and Kai have not been talking. Both of them are inseparable since Sehun was a kid. Sehun would cling onto him like koala. He would get excited whenever he sees his second father walking through the doors of the café. Sehun began treating Kai like his friend when he got into high school. Sehun looked down at his cup of coffee because he did not know how to react to the apology. It wasn’t his father’s fault to begin with. It was his. He was the one who punched his mother. He was the one who was not able to hold back his jealous towards Minseok.


“Its okay, appa.” Sehun said softly as he was embarrassed of his mistakes. “I was the one to be blamed. I was the one who punched Minseok and umma. I shouldn’t have injured them despite my jealousy. And you were right for punching me in my face a few days after the incident. I deserved it. I shouldn’t have punched umma especially. He was the one who brought me up when Jongin appa wasn’t there.” Sehun sniffled.


“Its okay, Sehun-ah. I was just mad that you punched my beloved. So, my fist kind of moved on its own you see.” Kai explained with a laugh. “And can you drop by the café today after you classes?” Kai requested.


“Why?” Sehun asked.


“Kyungsoo looks sad lately. He has been saying things about how he misses his cute little Sehun. You haven’t been coming over for dinner lately too.” Kai explained.


“Will Luhan be there?” Sehun asked meekly despite knowing that the older would not be there – even though a small part of him wishes that he would.


“He won’t because it would be just a mother and son bonding for both you and Kyungsoo. But you still can see Luhan at the café. You should look at how much his tummy has grown. He will be hitting his sixth month soon.” Kai pointed out.


“I know.” Sehun mumbled. “Luhan hyung updates me about their monthly checkup since the last time I went together with him – and that’s like three months ago, may I add.” Sehun stated.


“Its okay, Sehun-ah. If you show him that you are willing to change, I think he would accept you back into their lives.” Kai patted his son on the shoulder. “But isn’t it weird? Because Luhan is hitting his sixth month soon and he hasn’t said anything about your child’s gender.” Kai wondered.


“Because Luhan agreed that we would only find out the gender of our baby once I prove myself.” Sehun explained the situation.


“Well, good luck with that then, Kim Sehun,” Kai smiled as he gave his son a pat on the shoulder.


Sehun walked his father to the door and went back to his position by the window. He looked down the streets to see his father crossing the road. He sees his father jogging to where his mother  stood by the door with potted flowers in his hand. Kai snuck behind Kyungsoo and held him from the back. Sehun laughed when he sees his mother holding onto his chest – a gesture to show that he was shocked. Kai apologised for the mistake despite Kyungsoo not being genuinely annoyed by it. He smiled when he sees his mother kissing his younger father on the cheek. Sehun looked at the promise ring sitting on his ring finger and guessed that this was definitely was one of his relationship goals. He looked down one last time to see his mother waving and smiling up at him and knows that it means that Kai has already told him about the dinner plans. Sehun returned the gesture and he realises how much he misses the smile throughout the three months that he hasn’t visited his mother.


A/N: this is a short chapter. i am just too lazy to add more drama. but yeah. kai forgave sehun though! omg. what is wrong with this fanfic? its not going as planned. T.T

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yousra_ #1
I remember stopping reading for no reasons in the middle of the story gonna re read this now!
Chapter 16: It's late... But why only Sehun is the one to blame for everything what ever is happened???
Minseok is enjoying everything like family love and care, while Sehun is left alone to sulk... Even Kai ignore him for good three months... In some way it shows double standards... From Soo part too
If you says it's Sehun’s anger, jealously or over-protectiveness... Then it's Minseok who provoke him in everyway possible... Minseok is one who bring dads and Luhan in between... Sehun just simply says stay away from Luhan....
It really make my eyes sweating... From personal experience it feel like hell to be left alone....:’(:’(:’(
Chapter 22: So late but really loved the story. Though, I would make Minseok less evil, I felt like his evilness gave them the opportunity to breathe and think carefully of their decisions. The break contributed to their happy life.
Chapter 22: This was a very emotional story... Beautifully written..... I enjoyed every chapter of it! Thank you so much authornim!! Keep up with the good work!
Chapter 14: I dont like minseok here. he is plain evil!!
I'm going to re-read this <3
leeleeloveskpop #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of your fics in this series
leeleeloveskpop #9
Chapter 14: I love Minseok in real life not so much in this fic! Yes he has feelings for Luhan everyone can see that but he went too far when he said those things to Sehun calling him extra baggage and things like that. Thats cruel especially to do that to your own brother. While Sehun should not of hit Kyungsoo it really was an accident. I didnt like how everyone began to turn their backs on Sehun making him out to be the bad guy when Minseok was the one that provoked him in the first place