Golden Boy

We are Bulletproof

The Jeon Medical Group's Private Gangnam Hospital is a large, twenty-storey building, much larger than needed considering that the private hospital is affordable only to the top five percent of the Korean population. The thing is that the hospital itself takes up only ten storeys, and the function of the remaining remains unkown to the public, and it is assumed that the Gangnam hospital serves as the  headquarters of The Jeon Medical Group. It would not be completely wrong to say so, but it is an underestimation. Though, to be fair, its more important function lies not in any of its twenty overground storeys, because underground is a large network of tunnels connecting the highly technological yet ethically questionable research facilities that are present underneath any of the Jeon Medical Group's many properties around Seoul.

Five levels underground of the Gangnam Hospital, the loud click-clacking echoes of the CEO's heels bounce against the glass walls. A young doctor, seemingly in his twenties, greets her with a bow. She barely looks at him as she walks past. This recurs for at least five more times. The click-clacking continues until she reaches a thick metal door. The wall in which it is installed is the only wall in sight that is tinted black. From this side, nobody can look into the room. She holds up one hand and her bodyguard – who had been following Ms. Jeon all this time as quietly as a shadow – stops in his tracks. He turns away, and only then does she begin the security process.

After her own pin number, a fingerprint scan, and a retina scan, the door creaks open. Only one of five female researchers pause her work to express her greeting. Even then, it is only half hearted. The others clearly chose to ignore the  arrival of their CEO. 'Pulling a tantrum, are we?' Ms. Jeon asks, devoid of emotions. No replies, which is just as well as she does not really care. She scans the area, taking in all the different monitors and buttons lined around the edges of the room before allowing her eyes to wander to the large case in the middle of the room.

The case is around four feet high, eight feet long, and six feet wide. It was made entirely by, of course, glass. The one researcher who greeted her earlier is examining its content, a folder in one hand and a pen in the other. Every step she takes, she adds an observational comment. Despite their silent protest, the other girls are dilligently doing their work, tapping away at keyboards or sampling substances. Ms Jeon smirks. At least they know their place. 'Krystal.' She calls out her favourite. 'How is our little Golden Boy?' She approaches the first researcher, whose pale skin and platinum blonde hair reflect the light in a way that make her seem as if she is glowing. Aside from her own stubborn daughter, she has to admit that Krystal is their finest creation.

Krystal shifts to a slightly darker spot. Only then does Ms. Jeon see the bitter expression on her face as she answers. 'Your son, Madame, is slowly recovering.' she replies. 'He's surviving. He fought through the worst of it and pulled through.'

'Good boy.' she nods.

'He should be well enough by next month for us to wake him.'

'Excellent. So both the virus and antidote are working well.' Ms Jeon cackles in glee. 'What of the special formula? Is he adapting as we planned?'

'With all due respect, Madame,' Krystal interrupts, 'I refuse to do any more than to heal him.'

'What?' she eyes her up and down in disbelief. 'Are you refusing orders?'

'Yes. Jungkook is like a brother to us. It would pain us all to see a repetition of Yeohee's incident. None of us have recovered fully, and you know it. We won't risk Jungkook.'

'You will do as I tell you.'

'No, Madame. I won't. For the sake of Jeon Medical Group, I won't.'

Ms Jeon raises a hand as if to slap her, but decides against it. 'Jung Soojung.' She warns instead, addressing the same girl. The use of her real name catches Krystal by surprise. 'It seems I have given you too much freedom in here... How about some freedom to choose? You could either follow my orders, or die.' That silenced her, and she starts to examine Jungkook once again. Ms. Jeon knows right then that Krystal had made her decision.

However, another girl suddenly stands up. She murmurs something so quietly that nobody reacts at first. Then, she repeats, louder. 'How could you go back on your words so quickly?' she faces Krystal. 'Where is your pride? Would you really rather risk Jungkook's life?'

'Oh, hush now, Sulli.' Ms Jeon rolls her eyes. 'This discussion had already ended, and it's not like Jungkook will die. Go back to work.'

'No.' she shakes her head. Krystal looks on in concern and walks towards her to calm her down, but Sulli shuns her. 'I'd rather die.'

'Well, if that's your wish,' Ms Jeon shrugs as she extends a hand. With only one touch, Sulli crumples to the ground. 'Silly girl. We no longer need her money nor ability any more anyway.' She then leaves the room, her bodyguard coming inside only to drag the limp body from the ground.

* * * * *

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry this one is a little short, but the next part is getting a little too long and this had just been lying around waiting to be published for a while, so I thought I'll put this here for now and maybe update again in a couple of days' time, haha. Don't forget to subscribe. (I probably need to fix the foreword to makeit more appealing so more people subscribe TT.TT) xxx

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Chapter 9: Haha the part where yoongi screwed up jin's name was really funny, i wonder who the receptionist is? :) Thanks for the update !!!
Chapter 4: Your story is good I like where it is going and I want to know more so update when you can