should I?

please be strong !!

“are you sure you make a right decision jiyeon?” her brother look at her. “molla oppa. I don’t want to but what is the reason for me to stay when unnie always want to chase me away from her sight? Am i doing something bad to her?” jiyeon sigh. “nado molla ji. She become like this with mama words right? So i guess she really take what mama words seriously. Thats why she distance herself from us.” Hyo joon lean back. “but it is not our fault, it is not even my fault. Why did she punish me?” “go persuade her again jiyeon. Do whatever you can to persuade her like you usually do.” “i don’t have any courage left oppa since she chase me away the other day from the hospital.”

Hyo joon sit straight. He make her facing him. “jiyeon listen. Oppa won’t say anything about you leaving. You know what is the best for you. But if you leave ust because she chase you away from her and all, oppa advice you to think again. Once you go, there will no turning back. Oppa don’t want you to regret on what you do later.” Jiyeon head down. “ara oppa, ara. It is hurt to leave especially when i am not going to see her before i leave but it is hurt more to be here when she is not even want to look at me.” Her tears fall. Hyo joon hug her. “uljima jiyeon~ah. We will think about it together ok.”

Jiyeon fixed her shade when she enter the store the next day. Her eyes swollen because of crying all night long. “morning jiyeon.” “morning oppa, unnie. Yoo hwan oppa meet me at the office now.” She say walking straight to the office. “yes jiyeon?” she take off her shades. “baby are you ok? Your eyes swollen.” “i’m ok oppa. No worries. Can i have the file for the next launch oppa? Since eunjung unnie is sick, i will continue it till she come back. Also till the day i’ll leave.” She say slowly.

“pardon me jiyeon?” “its nothing oppa. Bring me the file ok. And i don’t want to be disturb today. I will leave at 2 since i have a class.” “okay.” He walk out. Jiyeon take her phone.

Mummy how is unnie?                        ~ji baby~

Still the same. Just her temperature is a bit better than before. But still she can’t receive any foor, she will throw up.                         ~ham mummy~

T-T whats wrong with her actually? Why did it happen till that instance? did the doctor say anything?                 ~ji baby~

She is too stress and overwork. Didn’t eat her meal properly, not enough sleep, in short she is too weak. Physicall and mentally.              ~ham mummy~

Jiyeon lean back to her seat. Her eyes close.

You are not coming today? Hyo joon is here. But the thing is eunjung still sleeping. Wake up just when she really need something, thirsty, too dizzy, toilet , beside that, she will just sleeping.                        ~ham mummy~

I’m not sure. There is thing need to be settle at the store and i have class later at 2. I will inform you if i go there ok. Love mummy, bye                   ~ji baby~

Ok baby. Don’t forget your meal ok. Mummy love you too               ~ham mummy~

Jiyeon put away her phone. She sigh. “get well soon unnie. Everybody worried about you.” She mumble alone.

Meanwhile in eunjung room, hyo joon sit beside her. “noona please get well soon. Everybody worried about you. Me, jiyeon, mummy, daddy, mama, papa, all worried about you. Get well soon noona, we love you.” He say kiss eunjung hand that is in his hold. “mummy, did she eat anything?” “no, she can’t. She will just throw it out again. Her body like rejecting any food.” “why?” “nado molla.” “it is just a normal cold right? No serious illness right?” she shook her head. “no. Maybe because her body too weak, thats why it happen.” He nod. “mama didn’t come today?”

“she will but later. Eunjung still sulking with her. She didn’t even want to talk to her even when she come. And like this she keep sleeping.” Hyo joon turn to eunjung. “she will get better soon mummy. Don’t worry ok. I need to go mummy, i have some work need to be done. I’ll come back later ok.” He kiss eunjung cheek and hug her mother. “love you muumy.” “love you too son.” “bye daddy.”

Eunjung open her eyes observing around. Her mother reading a magazine not far from her. “mummy.” Her voice barely come out. “mummy.” Heard somebody call her she look up. “oh princess. You wake up.” “i want water.” She help her to sit down. “here. Are you hungry? you want to eat anything? Daddy will get it for you.” “shiro. How long did i stay here? I want to go back home mummy.” “3 days already. You will leave when you already get better ok. So if you want to get better, you need to eat. Eat some ok, mummy will feed you.” She shook her head. “i don’t want.” “arasso, arasso.” She sit beside her while eunjung resting her head on her mum shoulder.

She observe the whole room. No sign of jiyeon, her brother or even her family. Eunung want to ask but her ego keep her away from the question. Deep inside her heart, she miss them so much. She miss jiyeon, she miss hyo joon, she miss her mama and papa but she still think of what her mama say to her the other day. “get well soon baby. Its hurt to see you like this princess.” “erm.” Eunjung just nod lightly.

Not long after that, the room door slowly open. Jiyeon step in. Eunjung that realise jiyeon come in close her eyes, pretend to be sleeping since she lean her head on her mother shoulder. “mummy i’m here.” “oh jiyeon.” “she still sleeping? Isn’t it uncomfortable to sleep like that mummy?” she ask. “sleeping again? Aigoo this princess, she just wake up for some water and sleep again.” She carefully lay eunjung down with the help of jiyeon.

Eunjung feel a hand on her forehead. “her temperature better now.” “yeah. I hope she will get better tomorrow. She need to eat something to gain some energy but in this condition, she just can’t.” “she will mummy. My eunjung unnie is strong. She will get better soon.” “wae jiyeon?” jiyeon sigh. “nothing. 2 days mummy.”  Eunjung keep listening to their conversation. ‘2 days? What is it 2 days?’ “already?” “hmm, is it ok?” “nothing will change right?” her mother voice out. “i guess so. Nothing left mummy.” Jiyeon sigh. ‘what are they talking about? Did she want to leave or what?’ her body keep fight to be still but inside her she dying to know what did she talking about.

“since unnie sleeping, go grab your dinner mummy, daddy. I will be here till then.”  “are you ok with it?” “yeah, no worries since i know she will not wake up till later.” “ok baby. Thank you.” Her father voice out. “come on yeobo.” The room fill with silence. “only if you are awake now, i will hug yu tight since i can’t do it later. I don’t care if you want to push me away that time. I just want to hug you. I miss you so much unnie.” Jiyeon say that make eunjung more confuse.

But then she feel jiyeon hand on her hand. A slow sob can be heard. “i miss you unnie. So much.” Eunjung try very hard to hold her tears. “just don’t punish me like this. I’m not that strong to deal with this kind of thing unnie. If i hurt you, say it, i will apologised. i just don’t want you to punish me with this kind of way unnie. I don’t have any other unnie that know me very well other than you.” ‘i’m sorry.’

Jiyeon walk to her bag to take her phone. “oh jieun~ah. Mwohae?” she pause. “nan molla. Ani, it is just did i do right decision? Will i regret it later?” “jiyeon you still have time to back away. Don’t do it if you don’t want.” “look, if you are me, what will you do? Tell me jieun.” “i also don’t know jiyeon. Just don’t go if you don’t want. I admit it is a big chance for you but if it is something that will make you regret, it is not a chance anymore. Why? Because you are not enjoying whatever you do. You got me right? I don’t want your body there but your soul here. Nothing will work if it is like that.”

jiyeon sigh. “i know. Let meet up at the usual place. I really need to meet you now.” “ok then. See you later.” She hang up. she dial another number.

“why she didn’t pick up?” she try again. “hello.” “oh hayoung~ah. Are you busy?”  “no, not really. Why?” “you free? Lets meet up. there is something i need to discuss wth you about.” “eodiya?” “i will text you the address. If i’m late, jieun will be there to wait for you till i come.” “arasso. See you then.” “ke re, annyeong.” “engg.”

Eunjung parents enter the room. “jiyeon~ah.” “oh mummy, daddy. You’re here.” She smile. “i need to leave now. I need to meet jieun and hayoung. I leave first mummy, daddy.” “ok baby.” Jiyeon take her bag. “bye mummy.” “bye. Drive carefully ok.” Right before she can leave the room, eunjung father call her. “baby, think again about it ok.” Jiyeon just look at him and smile.

Eunjung still bother about those conversation that she heard from jiyeon and her parents. ‘what did exactly happen?’ she question herself. ‘ah molla. It is not even my concern anymore. So why did i need to think about it.’ She try hard to keep awake but her eyes and her headache didn’t obey her. “ah my head. Why is it always hurt? When will i get better, i want to go home. I hate this place.” She fall asleep again for real without knowing for how many hours she did sleep again. 

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1132 streak #1
Damn you Taecyeon I just hope you rot in jail and i hope Jiyeon's brother will be save... I kinda forgot this so I'll re-read it later hehehe
ShainaloveTara #2
Chapter 25: Wow Im glad that you continue writting this authornim I love this and music in me story. Thank you.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 1: Authornim please continue this story... ??
ShainaloveTara #4
Chapter 24: please comebackk finish this story ??. It such a nice story
Chapter 24: Am I the only one whom want to punch that jerk???
Thanks for updat
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 24: OMG! Please knock Ok Taecyeon now! Make him pay already! I can't take his rudeness anymore! hihi .... Very nice update authorssi! It made my day! Thanks! :)
Chapter 23: Oppppssss I'm so damn curios to know whar taecyeon wanna do
Thanks for update
mayang #8
Chapter 23: Omo! What will that do?? Can't wait to see how jiyeon protect eunjung and take revenge towards taecyeon... Update sooooonnn
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 23: I hope, Jiyeon and Hyojoon won't give Taecyeon a chance to retaliate? I mean his already been too much! They should realize that Taec won't just go easy and let this past without doing anything? I hope his evilness ends! Ugh! Nice of you to update again authorssi! Thanks! I hope you update again soon! Good luck.
Ramjung #10
Chapter 23: Thank you for updating again it's been a while aince your last one ..hope nothing bad will happen to the girls :( Update soon plz ^^