don't leave me.

please be strong !!

Jiyeon sit at the balcony alone looking up to the sky. There is so many stars but to her it means nothing. There is maybe so much stars in the sky but there is none in her heart. Since eunjung start to ignore her, here she is every night after she come back to their apartment. “it is so beautiful up there but why i feel so gloomy inside?” jiyeon sigh. “should i really go? Will she miss me if i go?” she ask herself again.

She stand at the edge of the balcony looking down to the road just to see so many cars there despite it is already past 11 at night. “seoul is still alive even it is almost midnight. I guess the might be going back from work or maybe going out for some drink and party.” She sigh again. “it is good if unnie here, we will do the same too. Ah, i miss her so much.” She say try hard to hold her tears.

I’m falling for you.....

Jiyeon look at her phone. “yeobuseyo?” “baby where are you dear?” “jib, why mama?” “you are not at the hospital today? I thought you were there.” “ani, i’m going to leave tomorrow remember.” “you didn’t even come to visit her today.” “what for to be kick out again?” Her mother chuckled. “so you will really go huh?” “mama there is nothing much i can do here beside school and the store. Unnie completely ignoring me even the fact we are working together even live together under one roof. She doesn’t even want to see my face. So what is the point to stay?”

“baby ji, she is just sulking and angry. Not with you but with me. She just trying to show that she also feel hurt about what i’m saying. It is just a rebel baby, she will be okay soon. If you leave, whats the difference? Nothing will be solve.” Mrs. Park try to persuade her to stay. “the difference is she will not see me around anymore even when that time she already ok. Mama its not that i don’t care about her or her condition but i also have feeling. She ignore me because of something i didn’t do, so what do you want me to do? Still stay and hurt more?” mrs. Park sigh. “its not that baby. What are we going to say when she ask for you later? She didn’t even know about you leaving.” Jiyeon smile weakly. “just say that i’m not around anymore so she doesn’t need to chase me away. I need to pack my stuff mama, i will drop by home tomorrow before leaving to the airport. Good night mama.” “good night baby.”

Jiyeon her hair. “is it really a good decision?”

“jieun~ah, mwohae?” “oh jiyeon~ah, na? I’m packing my stuff. Neoneun?” “like usual.” “again? You sit there again. Are not you going to pack your stuff?” “i’m going to do it now.” “aigoo, don’t go if you don’t want. You just killing yourself.” Jiyeon stay silent for a couple of minute. She don’t know what to answer on jieun remark. “jiyeon~ah? Park jiyeon?” “ne i’m still here. Its ok, its not that i can’t change my mind if i don’t want to go.” Jiyeon laugh sloly after she finish her word. “pabo parrk ji. Oh yah, hayoungi~ka call me just now. She ask whether she need to pack her stuff or not.” “mwoya? Of course she need too. Even tomorrow if i go, she will go with us even for a few days. She get her ticket already remember, it will be a waste if she didn’t go.”

“ah, you are right. Okay, i’l tell her later. So see you later park ji. Go in now, its cold outside there. Do you want to get a cold?” “arasso, arasso. I’m going in now. Annyeong.” “eungg.”

Eunjung wake up from her sleep looking around. There is nobody inside the room. “maybe they going back home already.” She sit straight. “ah my head.” There is a note on the table beside her.

Princess mummy and daddy going back home for a while. We will be there later. If you feeling dizzy when you wake up, eat those food and medicine. It will heal your headache. Don’t worry it is not going to make you sleepy. Eat those food first ok

                                                                                                            Love ~ mummy

Eunjung just take the pill and swallow it. “i don’t even have apetite to eat mummy.” She mumble alone. She look outside the window. “what did jiyeon do now? Did she eat already?” she question herself. “of course she already eat pabo eunjung. Its already past midnight.” She say look at the clock on the wall. She take her phone. Once she unlock the screen, her picture with jiyeon that they take when they go on vacation together appear. Eunjung unknowingly smile. “i miss you dino. Those grim face, big eyes, sharp nose, your cute smile, your stare, i miss everything about you. But what to do? Your mum just don’t see me as her daughter like you.”

She hug her knee and rest her dizzy head on her knee still looking outside. “there is so many stars tonight. Jiyeon~ah, did you look at it too? Ah, why do i feel so empty.”

Without she know, jiyeon is outside the room listen to every word of her. She try hard to hold her tears when it drop little by little. “i miss you too unnie, so much. I want to come in and hug you tight. But i know you will kick me out again even after what you say just now.” She mumble. Jiyeon look at the gift on her hold. Its a bunch of fruit that eunjung like. She take a paper from her bag.

I miss you too unnie. I miss you so much. I’m sorry for not going in when i already here because i’m afraid that you will kick me out again. Its hurt unnie. Get well soon my princess unnie. I love you. Good bye.

                                                                                                            Unnie dino ~ jiyeon

Jiyeon put the note and leave it there along with the gift. She walk away from there knowing that she is not strong enough to be there anymore. “its my final goodbye unnie. Goodbye ham eunjung.” She say slowly.

Eunjung laying on her bed playing with her phone when her  mother call her. “ne mummy.” “you wake up already?” “hmm.” Her mother pause. “mummy?” “yes princess. How your head? Still dizzy?” “hmm, but not that bad.” “did you take the medicine i leave? How about food?” eunjung just smile. “the medicine yes but no for food.” She say slowly. “i told you to eat the food first darling.” “i have no apetite to eat mummy.” “aigoo princess. Arasso, mummy will be there a bit late or maybe tomorrow mummy will come. Are you ok alone there?” eunjung nod even when her mother can’t see it. “hmm.” “get some rest ok princess.” She hang up.

“i want to ask will jiyeon come today, but the word just don’t come out.” She sigh looking at her phone. The next morning, eunjung wake up when she heard the door open. Its her mother. “morning princess.” “morning mummy.” She say smiling. “oh did somebody come yesterday?” she look at her mother weirdly. “aniyo wae?” her mother go to the bedside table. “looks like somebody here last night. There is even gift for you.” Eunjung turn to the side her mother go.

Once she look at the gift she know who is the sender. Only jiyeon will put all her favourite fruit in a basket. Even her mother don’t really know the exact fruit she like when sometime she also buy the fruit that she dislike and ask her to eat it. Eunjung eyes lock on a white paper among it. Her mother take a galnce at her and take those. Once she read it, she try to hide it from her. “what is that mummy?” “ne? Its nothing. Just some note from the nurse.” “let me see it.” “its nothing princess. You want some?” eunjung sigh frustrated. “hand it over mummy. I know who is the sender.”

Mrs. Ham look at mr. Ham. He nod. Once eunjung done read the note, she look at them. “why did she say good bye?” no answer. “mum, dad, i’m asking you. Why did she say goodbye? Wae?” she scream. Her headache come to strike. “ah.” She held her head. “princess.” “tell me mummy, tell me. Now.” “jiyeon will leave today.” She turn her head to her father. “eodiga?” “paris.” “for what? Why did she want to leave?” “its for her future princess.” Her father say.

“she leave because of you. She leave because she is hurt. Hurt with your behaviour when you punish her because of what her mother say to you. You suppose to just let it out and not blaming her in this. You can get angry with her mother but she is innocent. She don’t know anything. She is hurt just as you hurt. Now she going to leavee because she say nothing she can do here when you ignoring her, kick her out when you see her.she don’t really want to go but you are the reason she leave.  Is is enough explaination to you princess?” her mother say holding her anger.

Eunjung eyes become teary. “jiyeon leave?” “yes princess, she will leave today, 2  pm flight.” Eunjung look at the clock, its already 12. Despite of her headache, she run out from the room without wasting any time. “princess, eodiga? Princess?” she catch a taxi even her parents after her. “incheon airport please ahjussi. Palli.” She say with tears roll down.

“palli ahjussi.”  “miss, the traffic is just so slow right now.” After some time, they arrive at the airport. “ahjussi pen and paper.” He give it to her. “call this number later hajussi. I will pay you.” She say run out from the taxi. She run around to search for jiyeon. “where are you jiyeon?” a girl walk pass by her. Her figure look like jiyeon. “jiyeon.” She grab her. Once she see her face. “sorry, i thought you are some one that i know.” She run from gate to gate. “jiyeon. Jiyeon. Jiyeon.” “jiyeon don’t leave me. Unnie mianhae.” She still try to look for her. Eunjung look at the clock. 5 minutes more before the flight depart. Once she reach the last gate, eunjung sendimented on the floor. Her head pounding. “jiyeon~ah, unnie mianhae. Chinjja mianhae jiyeon~ah. Don’t leave me.” Her head is killing her. “park jiyeon.” She cry hard. 

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1132 streak #1
Damn you Taecyeon I just hope you rot in jail and i hope Jiyeon's brother will be save... I kinda forgot this so I'll re-read it later hehehe
ShainaloveTara #2
Chapter 25: Wow Im glad that you continue writting this authornim I love this and music in me story. Thank you.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 1: Authornim please continue this story... ??
ShainaloveTara #4
Chapter 24: please comebackk finish this story ??. It such a nice story
Chapter 24: Am I the only one whom want to punch that jerk???
Thanks for updat
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 24: OMG! Please knock Ok Taecyeon now! Make him pay already! I can't take his rudeness anymore! hihi .... Very nice update authorssi! It made my day! Thanks! :)
Chapter 23: Oppppssss I'm so damn curios to know whar taecyeon wanna do
Thanks for update
mayang #8
Chapter 23: Omo! What will that do?? Can't wait to see how jiyeon protect eunjung and take revenge towards taecyeon... Update sooooonnn
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 23: I hope, Jiyeon and Hyojoon won't give Taecyeon a chance to retaliate? I mean his already been too much! They should realize that Taec won't just go easy and let this past without doing anything? I hope his evilness ends! Ugh! Nice of you to update again authorssi! Thanks! I hope you update again soon! Good luck.
Ramjung #10
Chapter 23: Thank you for updating again it's been a while aince your last one ..hope nothing bad will happen to the girls :( Update soon plz ^^