worsen ~

please be strong !!

“i am from Kingdom hotel.sorry to inform you sir but miss eunjung currently receiving treatment from seoul hospital due to high fever and low blood pressure.” “pardon me?” mr ham sit straight. “miss eunjung admitted to seoul hospital due to high fever and low blood pressure. Can you be here, we need her guardian here.” “i will be there.” He hang up. he look at mrs.ham. “yeobo, lets go. We need to go to the hospital now.” “wae? What wrong oppa?” “eunjung.  She admited due to high fever and low blood pressure. Come on.” Mr. Ham drive as fast as he can. “oppa speed down. Calm down ok. Speed down.” Mrs. Ham look at his face, worried are paste on his face.

“how can i? Its been 2 days since she last contact us, but then ll i know my princess is sick. How can i calm down.” “oppa, eunjung is sick. Its not good if we also sick right?” she say softly. He sigh. Few  minutes later, they arrive at the hospital. “excuse me, may i know where is the patient name ham eunjung?”  “mr. Ham?” he turn. “are you mr. Ham?” “yes it me.” “i am lee jangwoo, manager from Kingdom hotel. Let me bring you to her.” He lead them to eunjung room. “what exactly happen jangwoo~ssi?” “its been 2 days since we get any call from her room for any service needed and she didn’t even leave her room. Just now we try to reach her but no answer so we go to her room, but nobody answer us as well. So we decide to open the door with our spare key and find her on her bed all pale. We try to wake her up to make sure she still concious, she did concious but she is too weak. She can’t even sit down.”

“how did this happen? Isn’t you suppose to check it earlier since it is already more than 24-hours without any news from your customers.” “sorry sir, i just come to work this morning when my staff told me about it. They did try to reach her since the other day but she didn’t respond to them. We cannot just barge in our customers room since sometimes they don’t want to be disturb. And this is rare. Nobody never not to get any service and even leave room for more than 24-hours, but it is 2 days. Thats why i think it is a bit weird and lead us to check it by entering the room.sorry sir for out bad service.”

“its ok. Just i hope it never happen again to other people.” The manager smile to him. “yes sir. Oh we’re here. She is inside. If nothing, i leave first.” Mr. Ham nod. “oh, here her phone and wallet. I take it along with me just now in case it is needed.” “thank you.”

Mrs. Ham inside the room looking at the sleeping eunjung. “jagiya, what happen to you? You didn’t look good at all. Thats why mummy say just coming back home. Ierona jagiya.” “yeobo let her rest more. She will be ok soon.” Mr. Ham reach her forehead. “the temperature do really high. Aigoo princess.” “should we tell jiyeon?” mr. Ham sigh. “molla. We cannot predict what will eunjung do when she see jiyeon and what will happen when jiyeon here. I just don’t know.” “let just tell her oh oppa. She must be worried too.” “arasso, i will call her.”

Meanwhile, jiyeon at the store walk back and forth in the office. She try to call eunjung for so many time since 2 days ago, but none of it has been pick up. her text also has not been replied. “where are you unnie? I’m so worried here, please answer the call unnie.” She her hair. “why did she change so much? Unnie its not my fault but why did you treat me this way? Why unnie? Why?”


Jiyeon wipe her tears. “come in.” “jiyeon the new stock already arrive.” “ok, i will be there in any minutes. Don’t forget the invoice too oppa.” He nod. Jiyeon take her planner and leave the room. “miss jiyeon.” “oh annyeong haseyo siwan~ssi.” “all the stocks order is here except the some stock number B6E32 since miss eunjung want us to send it directly to the customer.” “oh wae? Didn’t it usually you send it here first before we deliver it to the customer by ourself?” she look at the invoice. “she say it is easier that way because actually the request it to be delivered to them yesterday but some issue occur so the delivery is delay. Therefore she want us to send it directly to them.”

Jiyeon sigh. “ok, may i see the prove that they already receive it?” “here it is. 40 set of the item. The rest of it all here.” Jiyeon nod. “oppa, check it for me please. As for you siwan~ssi. I don’t want this to happen again. It is not good to make the customer wait.” “we apologised about that jiyeon~ssi. It is out of our control.” “its ok.” She smile. “its been a while since i see miss eunjung.” “oh she is fine. She just didn’t come to the store often since she is busy with the design for the new launch later.” “oh send my regards to her. If nothing else, i leave first. Great to work with you miss jiyeon. For the next stock, do let us know about it ok.”

Jiyeon phone inside the office ring a few times already. “oppa, later put the stock in the storage room first. We will wait for unnie signal to start selling those. Since she didn’t say anything we cannot simply put it in for sale.” Yoo hwan nod. Jiyeon enter the office. Her phone beep.

Baby why you didn’t pick up your phone?                                                      ~mummy~

“oh did she call me?”

Whats wrong mummy? I go to check the new stock just now and i leave my phone in the office. ~park ji~

Not long after that, her phone ring again. “mummy.” “baby, daddy here.” “oh daddy waeyo?” “jiyeon, your unnie admitted to the hospital. She is at seoul hospital now.” “mwo?” “the hotel she stay call me just now about this. She has high fever and low blood pressure.” “will be there.” She hang up without listen to any other words from him. “oppa, i will be leaving now. Eunjung unnie admitted at seoul hospital. See you tomorrow oppa, do call me if anything ok.” She run out. “jiyeon wait. Jiyeon? What happen to her? Aisy, this kid so fast.”

Jiyeon rush into the ward. “unnie.” Mr. Ham turn to her. “oh you are here?” “how is she?” he shook his head. “not much progress. Her temperature still high, still unconcious.” “unnie.” Jiyeon reach her hand. “what happen unnie? Why didn’t you call me when you are sick like this? Usually you will call me right. Why not this time?” jiyeon cried. Eunjung hand move. “unnie, you awake?” eunjung open her eyes slowly. “ah.” Her head is killing. “my head hurt.” “princess, its ok. It will be ok soon.” “unnie.” She heard a voice that she miss the most. She turn to her, while pull her hand from her grip. “what are you doing here?” “unnie.” Jiyeon dumbfounded. “eunjung.” “my head hurt mummy. Its killing, hug me please mummy. I want to sleep again.” Her mother look at jiyeon. Tears form from her eyes. “ok princess, come here.” She buried her face in her mother embrace.

Mr. Ham approach jiyeon and hug her. “its ok. She is sick jiyeon. Shh, don’t cry.” “did she hate me that much?” “no she didn’t hate you. She love you. Uljima baby.”

Jiyeon return to their apartment. “she really hate me that much? Should i consider sir suggestion?” she take an envelop from her bag.


“class there is a fashion exhibiton at paris for young designer like you next year. But those that going will leave as early as they can which is the most later in a month. Thats mean you will be there for the most a year. I do have a person that i think will suit this the best but i want to know if there is any volunteer.” The professor ask looking around.“a year? What take so long miss?” a boy ask her. “they will give you training for about 3 month, and the rest of the time you will start to design the clothes for the exhibition that will be held next year.”

“miss how about let jiyeon go along with jieun. They are great at this.” “me?” “i think about it too. Do you think  you can go jiyeon? Jieun?” “i can’t promise you miss. I need to discuss with my parents first.” Jieun voice out.“miss i don’t really feel like i want to go. Can other people go instead of me?” jiyeon ask. “why jiyeon? You have a very high potential to be success there.” “i don’t think i want to do it.” She say.

“how about let hayoung go with jieun miss?” the lecture look at hayoung. “ok lets do this. I give you a week to think about it. This is a big chance for you jiyeon. Hayoung are you ok to go if jiyeon really can’t go?” “i’m okay with it miss. But still it is better if jiyeon can go since she is better than me.”

End flashback

“aigoo jiyeon. Make a decision jiyeon. If i go what about the store? Who will help unnie then?” she question herself. “but unnie didn’t really care if i’m there or not. So why bother to stay when she just want to send me away every time i’m close to her?” she take her phone, unlock it. Their picture together display. “but still she can’t manage the store alone. She might be overwork if that happen.” jiyeon sigh. “but she hate me now. Ah molla molla. I should sleep then.”

 The next day eunjung fever not been any better. Jiyeon come to visit her with her parents along to deliver some news. “mama, papa, mummy, daddy i have something to say.” She look at the sleeping eunjung. “she still sleeping?” mrs. Ham nod. “she is not getting better. It is worsen form yesterday, she didn’t eat anything and she can’t eat. She will throw up again.” She sigh. “i hope she will get better soon. Erm, actually i will leave korea.” “ne?” “pardon me baby?” “where did you want to go? If its about eunjung behaviour, i’m sorry on behalf her.” Jiyeon head down. “i also don’t know why i did this. Just don’t tell her.” She say look at eunjung. 

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1132 streak #1
Damn you Taecyeon I just hope you rot in jail and i hope Jiyeon's brother will be save... I kinda forgot this so I'll re-read it later hehehe
ShainaloveTara #2
Chapter 25: Wow Im glad that you continue writting this authornim I love this and music in me story. Thank you.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 1: Authornim please continue this story... ??
ShainaloveTara #4
Chapter 24: please comebackk finish this story ??. It such a nice story
Chapter 24: Am I the only one whom want to punch that jerk???
Thanks for updat
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 24: OMG! Please knock Ok Taecyeon now! Make him pay already! I can't take his rudeness anymore! hihi .... Very nice update authorssi! It made my day! Thanks! :)
Chapter 23: Oppppssss I'm so damn curios to know whar taecyeon wanna do
Thanks for update
mayang #8
Chapter 23: Omo! What will that do?? Can't wait to see how jiyeon protect eunjung and take revenge towards taecyeon... Update sooooonnn
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 23: I hope, Jiyeon and Hyojoon won't give Taecyeon a chance to retaliate? I mean his already been too much! They should realize that Taec won't just go easy and let this past without doing anything? I hope his evilness ends! Ugh! Nice of you to update again authorssi! Thanks! I hope you update again soon! Good luck.
Ramjung #10
Chapter 23: Thank you for updating again it's been a while aince your last one ..hope nothing bad will happen to the girls :( Update soon plz ^^