The Cat's Out of the Bag

Into Fatherhood We Go!

“Well? Are we going to stay here staring at each other or you’ll start talking already?” Jungsoo asked, his forever judging eyes staring at Jongwoon’s slowly sinking form. The both of them were sitting adjacent on each other, Jungsoo occupying the battered couch and Jongwoon sitting on one of the love seats. Myungsoo was somewhere on the background, probably busy playing with the different toys scattered around the place.

Despite being a few centimeters taller than the other, there was just in the way Jungsoo brings himself that never fails in making Jongwoon feel like someone much smaller than the other. Maybe being older has something to do with it?

Well whatever it is, it seems like it is on full throttle right now because Jongwoon is seriously shrinking smaller and smaller over the other’s hard stare.

“C-can we continue with the former?” Jongwoon asked with a sheepish smile. Jungsoo only glared at him harder and the young father already knew joke time is over and his brother was now asking for answers.

And with a tired sigh he did, starting from the time where he was kick out of law school, to when he met Myungsoo ending to until now. Throughout the retelling, Jungsoo stayed in his spot and didn’t even bat an eyelash – face void of emotion that Jongwoon couldn’t help get scared after he finished talking. The two brothers were bathed in silence as the young father waited for whatever would be the reaction of his older brother while the said brother stayed silent and was observing his younger brother.

“Uhh… hyung?” Jongwoon spoke, lips swiping over his dried lips and stared uncertainly at the man in front of him. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” his brother only continued to stare at him before swiping over to Myungsoo, calculating eyes staring at the child’s form as the child played with a small bouncing ball.

“How old is he already?” Jungsoo asked. Jongwoon blinked at the oddness of the question but nevertheless answered.

“Nine months. He’ll be turning one in three months.”

“Has he started talking yet?”

“The only thing he is able to utter at the moment is ‘Appa’” Jungsoo stared back at him with an eyebrow raised.

“How about ‘Umma’?” He shook his head and Jungsoo’s eyes widen. “He never once asked for his or for a mother?”

Jongwoon wirily smiled. “I don’t think he’s even aware he’s supposed to have a mother.” Jungsoo snorted.

“That’s expected, I guess? You are the only one he keeps on seeing.”

“Not really,” Jongwoon disagreed, a smile in place on his lips when he heard the child’s squeals whenever the ball managed to bounce back to him after throwing it at a wall. “Victoria, the lady down the hall, always visits us. Bringing treats for Myungsoo and she is usually accompanied by her children who would play with Myungsoo. And if I can remember correctly, they would always call her ‘Umma’. I don’t really know; Myungsoo’s a weird kid.” He chuckled.

“Oh really?” Jungsoo’s voice was now laced with mischievousness, making Jongwoon relax in his seat because thank god the other wasn’t mad at him. Not that he expected him to be anyway, his whole family has a soft spot for adopted children – after all, all of him and his siblings were adopted in the first place. “I do remember encountering a similar weird kid.”

“Hyung!” he whined, pouting at his chuckling brother. “I was not weird! I was a cute kid excuse you.”

“Actually,” Jungsoo corrected, now a full blown teasing smile on his lips. “You were cute because you were weird – Jae Umma even said so!”

“Traitors!” Jongwoon shouted in a battle cry as he attacked the still chuckling Jungsoo. The two brothers became a tangle of limbs and arms as they wrestled each other with laughs escaping here and there as they rolled around the sofa, the small place not enough to accommodate all of them and forcing the two to tumble down on the floor.

“Face it Yesung, you know you were no match for me!” Jungsoo spoke with triumph as he pinned Jongwoon on the floor and straddled him. The young father only groaned both for the elder’s weight on his stomach and the use of his old nickname.

“Shut up Leeteuk hyung, I just didn’t have any practice that’s all. And it’s unfair! You have that little fluff ball of energy to play around.” He complained, referring to Jungsoo’s own adopted cute little 3 year old son Henry who loved jumping at people in a bear hug.

Jungsoo was about to retaliate but a shrill shout of ‘Appa’ halted everything and the adults were surprised at sudden form of Myungsoo falling on top of his father and glaring at Jungsoo.

“My-Myungsoo?” Jongwoon uttered stupefied. He glanced at Jungsoo briefly with wide eyes and his brother returned it before he swept his gaze back at his son who was now pinching at Jungsoo’s leg around him.

“How did he get here? Wasn’t he just a good 2 feet away from us?” Jungsoo asked astonished, not even minding the baby now raining soft punches on his leg – no doubt trying to save his father from the weird person who attacked him.

It took Jongwoon exactly 2 seconds before the gears in his head started turning and `with a gleeful shout scooped Myungsoo in his arm and abruptly stood up, making Jungsoo slide down on the floor and stare stupefied as Jongwoon started bouncing Myungsoo in his arm and peppered his small face with kisses – a prize no doubt for being able to trek the length of 2 feet for the very first time in his life.

Seeing the confused expression on the kid’s face as Myungsoo stared at his cooing father, Jungsoo decided to intervene before his brother gets taken by his feelings once again and they forget the reason why he visited in the first place. “You know you have to visit Umma and Appa someday with that kid right? Yunho Appa is already complaining to me about how Jae Umma never stopped talking about you and how you never visited them. He demands that you visit them by next week by the way.”

Jongwoon stilled.

“Were they mad?” He asked cautiously. To his immense relief, Jungsoo snorted before he shook his head.

“Not really, they just miss their little Yesung.” The elder couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips at the pained expression on his little brother’s face.

“God, they still call me that?” Jongwoon groaned. Basing by Jungsoo’s amused expression the answer was an affirmative.

“And me Leeteuk but minor details – were not the only ones really. Han Geng is still being called Hannie while Sungmin will forever be Minmin. Be thankful actually that our nicknames aren’t as cringe worthy as our other brothers.” Jongwoon gave his brother a deadpan face.

“I will only if Umma stops calling me Yeyeye and Appa Yesungie.” Jungsoo actually had the decency to laugh.

“Can you blame them really? You always had been the favorite child.” Jongwoon couldn’t help but snort at that, knowing how true that statement is. “And that is the reason why you don’t have anything to be afraid of, I’m sure even if you did managed to impregnate someone they would still welcome you with open arms.” His brother told him with the softest expression on his face, one that was reserved only for his husband and son.

Jongwoon tightened his hold on Myungsoo for a little bit before nuzzling his face on the kid’s cheeks, relishing in the small giggle he was rewarded with. “I hope you’re right hyung, because I don’t really know what to do if ever they force me to abandon Myungsoo.”

“Don’t worry too much about it, I doubt it really. He is your son after all is he not?” Jungsoo replied, a small smirk in place and a challenge in his eyes – to which Jongwoon returned back with a determined one.

“He is.” He spoke with much pride.


(And it shall be known that on that same day, much to Jongwoon’s amusement and Jungsoo’s annoyance, Myungsoo learned his second word.


“Damnit kid! How many times do I have to tell you to call me Uncle Jungsoo? You’re as stubborn as your damn father!”


“God damnit Jongwoon! What the hell is wrong with your kid!?”

“ for you Hyung!”

A squeal.


A/N: A longer chapter for the long wait *^^* Although I kind of feel bad since Myungsoo had such a small screen time here and this chapter was instead focused on Yesung and Leeteuk and their family XD

Next chapter would be the awaited meeting of the parents *^^*Th

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inspiritcassiexoxo #1
Chapter 6: Yunjae parents of yesung, with myungsoo as his son. Squishy, fluffy heaven for me. Yay!!! :)
Chapter 2: Baby Myungsoo is so cute
Eleanor1998 #3
Chapter 6: Soooo cute! I'm waiting for yewook
lovely_yeolliepop #4
Chapter 6: Uhhhh this is so adorable. ..can't wait for them to meet their other half...myungyeol forever♥
shane9 #5
Chapter 6: Myungsoo is so adorable!and sungmin is trying to teach taekwondo XD
Chapter 6: This is so adorable!!!!! Great way to start my day!
Chapter 6: ,,wooo.,thats a nice meeting..,
Chapter 5: , there some.YeWook,here?hehehe,just.wanna.know.
Chapter 5: Awww Myungsoo and Henry's interaction was able simply adorable!
Chapter 5: Myungsoo is so cute ^^ And can't wait for the mini Yeollie <3

Update soon~~!!!