
Roses of Love

Good things never last. That’s what her mom has been telling her since her father left and Chorong believed her until a certain Kim Joonmyeon entered her life. She thought she was finally able to set her life on track, to be happy once again. She thought that long gone were the days where she’d feel like leaving the world, shutting herself out from her surroundings, but how wrong was she. Life is a wreck. Life has always been a wreck and always will be a wreck. Chorong made a mental note to herself. Ever since she got together with Joonmyeon, her mother’s depression took a toll on her. There’d be those days whereby Chorong would come home to be greeted by shattered glass on the floor, or even her mother taking some shots of alcohol. Failing became a frequent happening for her as she didn’t have the time for her revision anymore, having to nurse her mother whenever she fell ill. Joonmyeon told her to approach him if she needed help but she didn’t want to be a burden. So she never did tell him about the situation back at home. It doesn’t help that things between the couple started turning sour a few days ago.

Chorong sat alone in an empty classroom as she drew circles on her assignment in front of her. It was her third detention this week, not that it surprised her or anything. She preferred wasting her time in detention anyway, rather than returning to that hell hole she called home. At least she could hide away from her mother’s incessant nagging and pointless outrages. Besides, having detention was indirectly giving her time to conduct her revision, right? That is, if she actually decides to use the time wisely on her schoolwork rather than creating random doodles on them. An inward sigh left her lips as she adjusted her position on the chair. Chorong finally decided to get some work done, but that perseverance didn’t last long because the next thing she knew, she was burying her head in her arms, letting out a frustrated groan.

“So the princess is having her fit once again, isn’t she?” A deep voice came as Chorong heard the door open.

“Go away Chanyeol.” Chorong stood up and went straight for the back seat. “Your presence isn’t requested for at the moment so just leave.”

“Ah, but I do remember a certain someone sending me a text last night saying that she’ll be alone during detention today and that she wanted someone to accompany her. So I, being the good best friend, decided to fulfil that wish.” Chanyeol smirked as he sat across Chorong, sweeping her bangs aside with his hand. Chorong hated how Chanyeol would literally use anything he could against her, just to get his way. But then again, he’s just playing the role of the best friend he is. She sighed again, standing up to take a seat next to the boy. “Still not feeling too well?” Chanyeol asked, wriggling his right shoulder. “You know, I’m always her if you need someone to lean on.”

And instinctively, Chorong head landed on the taller male’s shoulder. “I don’t know. It’s been 4 days. Why hasn’t he called me? He doesn’t even text me anymore. Maybe he figured out that I wasn’t as great as he thought he imagined, he didn’t’ really knew me in person from the start, to begin with.” Chanyeol didn’t need to ask to know who the subject of their conversation was. It’s true that Chorong and Joonmyeon kicked off their relationship with a beautiful start, acting like your typical high school sweethearts who couldn’t get enough of each other. If Chorong thought Eunji and Baekhyun was bad, then she clearly hasn’t seen herself with Joonmyeon. He was a darling, a gentleman. He’d pick her up from her apartment promptly at 7 every morning before heading to school together on the public bus. Chorong knew that Joonmyeon was used to being pampered by his family, having a personal chauffeur and all. But to know that he was willing to give up that, just to spend more time with her, made her heart flutter. She’d never forget that look on his face when they first took the public bus. She knew he was uncomfortable. But Joonmyeon said otherwise. For you, it’s worth it.

Chorong kept a little diary in the front pocket of her school bag, whereby she’d account for the day to day happenings she had with Joonmyeon. She always had a soft spot for cheesiness and romantic men and it so happened that Joonmyeon was a combination of both. Chorong could come to school one day to find helium balloons tied to her chair in mathematics class with a note attached, telling her to meet him at the rooftop where they would share a lovely picnic. Or there was that one day where Chorong failed her first history class and Joonmyeon had brought her out for a stroll by the beach, until she saw a bottle buried in the sand containing a letter stating reasons on why she shouldn’t be sad about a failure. And there was that time where Joonmyeon came knocking at her house door at 3 in the morning just to deliver hot chocolate to her since he knew that she was studying late that night. He received a lashing from Chorong’s mom but it didn’t bother him. For you, it’s worth it.

This has been going on for almost three months now and Chorong had never felt happier. That is, until that fateful day where she woke up to zero messages on her phone. Zero. None. She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the screen. That’s odd, Joonmyeon never forgets to send her a good morning text. She shrugged it off and got ready for school. She waited at the doorstep of her home at 7 sharp. But there was no sight of Joonmyeon. “Ah men, they always give you false hope. They’d bring them up, only to send them crashing down. Chorong, darling, can’t you see he’s only playing with you? When will you ever wake up?” Her mom chuckled as she approached her from behind. “Run along now, you wouldn’t want to be late for school.” Chorong felt pangs of hurt pounding at her chest. But she pushed those emotions aside and headed to school, alone.

Whispers filled the hallways as all eyes were on Chorong, walking alone for the first time in three months. Chanyeol was immediately by her side, covering her ears with his large palms as he brought her to a corner. “Where’s Joonmyeon?”

“Somewhere.” Chorong murmured out. She hated how she was sounding like an overly attached girlfriend.

Chorong never saw Joonmyeon for the rest of the day.

This went on for the next few days, four days to be exact. And here Chorong was, serving detention once again for failing yet another of her tests. She straightened herself as she looked at Chanyeol, eyes filled with hurt and dejection. Brushing the back of his palm against her cheek, Chanyeol soothingly rubbed her back with his other. “He’s probably busy, just don’t let things get into your head.”

The day finally ended and the sun was already setting. Chanyeol and Chorong stepped out of the school gates, Chanyeol gladly agreeing to carry Chorong’s books. “Thank you, for staying with me. Sorry for being so rude to you earlier on. I wasn’t being myself.” She blushed as she her eyes found their way to the ground, avoiding eye contact with the giant.

“That’s what best friends are for, aren’t they? Besides, it’s only right if I –“Chanyeol’s words were cut short for a moment. “You know, I think I forgot to take my textbook home, mind following me back to take it?” With that, Chorong felt a tug at her wrist as Chanyeol attempted to drag her back into school.

She frowned. Chanyeol was never one who cared much about his studies. He’s sudden interest in bringing his textbook home seemed suspicious to her as she opened to argue. “Chanyeol since when did you even bother about your studies? We could always take it tomorrow. My mom is going to kill be if I don’t get home before dinner.”

“No really, I have this important test coming up and I really want to do well for it so please, help me out here, alright?” Chanyeol tugged her wrist once again, this time with a slightly greater force exerted.

“Chanyeol I told you I –“And then she saw him. Kim Joonmyeon. She finally saw him after four days of distance. But what shocked her wasn’t him. It was the person next to him. A girl. “You don’t have a test coming up, don’t you?” Chorong said, barely a whisper. No reply was given but she knew the answer. They stood there in silence as she watched her boyfriend acting all friendly with a girl, a girl that wasn’t her. Tears were threatening to escape as she felt her heart being torn into pieces. Maybe my mother was right after all. She reached her limit as soon as she saw him ruffle the bangs of the girl, giving her that angelic smile that Chorong loved the most. And she thought she was special. Guess she was wrong.

Joonmyeon was clearly oblivious that his girlfriend was just meters away, looking upon his actions towards another girl. His smile fell when his eyes met her hurt-filled eyes. He called out her name, but she had already ran away, leaving behind a helpless Park Chanyeol.


Chorong came to school the next day and no words could explain how horrible she looked. Her eyes were swollen from all the crying and eye bags were clear evidence that she hasn’t been sleeping well. She tried to pull a smile for the occasional familiar faces that walked passed but even an idiot could see through her façade. Chorong spent the night crying, and laughing as well. Laughing at how stupid she was to invest all her feelings into a boy that she met for three months. She really must be an idiot. Her mother was right after all, she was nothing but a toy. And that sounded so pathetic. Chanyeol was immediately by her side, protecting her from all the hurtful comments that were being thrown at her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her close, promising her that he’d always be there for her no matter what happens. Chorong snuggled closer into his embrace and tears started forming once again. “I’m alright Chanyeol.” She forced a smile as she let out a sigh.

“Don’t lie. I’m not an idiot.”

“But Chanyeol –“

“No. You are most definitely not okay and as a best friend, I can’t just sit there and just watch. Now just follow me.”

Chanyeol dragged Chorong all the way to the garden and sat her down. It was obvious that Chanyeol had decided that his best friend was more important that the stupid mathematics lesson that they were skipping. “Look, I’m not going to force you to tell me what happened between the two of you but please, let me be the one to comfort you, to help you ease the pain.” Chanyeol crouched down to her eye level, taking both her petite hands into his. “You’re my best friend and you’re important to me. Seeing you hurt, it hurts me too. So please, trust me.”

Those tears that she tried so hard to hold back finally fell. Chanyeol had taken the spot next to her and her head rested on his shoulder, soaking his shirt with her tears. She was pulled into his embrace as she continued sobbing, letting out those hurtful emotions that she had been bottling up inside that morning. “I saw them again Chanyeol. I saw them. I was walking to school when I saw them coming out, from the same car! Can you believe it? They came to school in the same car! Even I have never sat his car before!” Chanyeol was about to come up with some witty comeback but clearly it wasn’t appropriate for the situation right now. “And when she was about to leave, he gave a hug. He did all of that, right in front of my very eyes. Do you know how much it hurts to watch the one you love together with someone else? Do you?”

Chanyeol stayed quiet for moment before replying. “Yeah I do.”

Chorong’s eyes widened as she realized what she had said. Memories of her and Chanyeol flashed briefly through her mind as she hung her head low. Maybe Chanyeol was a better option for her. “It hurts, Chanyeol. It hurts knowing that you aren’t worthy enough to be together with the one you love. It hurts to know that he has someone else, that I’m not the only girl in his life.”

“You could be jumping to conclusions, you haven’t heard his story.”  He whispered.

“I don’t want to listen to his story. Guess it really is true that men are all just selfish bastards. They leave eventually. So why not experience the heartbreak earlier? It’ll save me much more trouble in the future.” Chorong scoffed as she wiped her tears away. “Come on, let’s head to class.”


Chorong’s day ended without a single trace of Joonmyeon. She didn’t want to see him anyway, or at least that’s what she told herself. She’d be lying if she said that she doesn’t miss him. She missed him like crazy. She missed his smile, his laughter, every little thing about him. And it’s driving her insane. It’s funny how she was behaving as though they had already broken up but clearly, they haven’t. She slammed her locker shut as she walked over to the music room, hoping to find Chanyeol there.

“Attention everyone? Hello? Hi.”

The announcement system came on and Chorong stopped in her steps. It was his voice.

“Um, how do I begin this? Hello everyone, my name is Kim Joonmyeon. Today I’m here to sing a song. It’s something that I’ve been working on for the past 5 days and I’ll like to dedicate it to a special someone. I won’t say her name because I know she’ll kill me if I do but I’m pretty sure she knows who she is. Today’s our 100th day together and I’ll like to take this opportunity to show my love towards this girl who has brought me nothing but happiness in the past 100 days. You’ve been down lately and I hope that this song will cheer you up. Lastly, I’m sorry for being such a bastard for the past days and I hope you’ll forgive me. Love you forever, your guardian angel Kim Joonmyeon.”

A soft melody played in the background. It wasn’t a familiar tune to Chorong but she enjoyed it anyway. As soon as the person over the announcement system began singing, her heart melt. Chorong did a quick calculation in her mind and then it struck her. It was their 100th day anniversary. It has been one hundred days since that confession on the rooftop, two hundred days since the arrival of her very first rose. There was no doubt that the target audience of the song, was her. Tears were b up around her eyes but this time, it was tears of joy. The voice was soothing and pleasant, soft and melodious. Chorong soon found herself being immersed into his voice as she stood there. People around her were looking at her with curious eyes but she didn’t care. This moment belonged to her and her guardian angel. There was no way she was going to let anyone intervene.

The song ended as she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was the girl, that girl. Chorong scowled at the sight as her face darkened. How dare she ruin her moment? “Who are you? What do you want?” Her voice was venomous, dripped with hatred.

“You’re Park Chorong aren’t you? Hello. I’m Kim Namjoo, Joonmyeon’s cousin.” The girl smiled as she reached out for a handshake. Cousin? That means…? Chorong mentally slapped herself as she returned the handshake. “You’re really pretty, no wonder Joonmyeon fell for you. Anyway, if you’re wondering where he is, he’s at the rooftop.”

Chorong fought back a smile as she remembered Joonmyeon’s romantic side. She quickly gave Namjoo a hug as she rushed up to the rooftop, on her way to meet her prince charming. Her heart raced as she thought of the hundred and one possibilities of what could be in store for her. Knowing Joonmyeon, he’d always have a thing or two up his sleeves and he never, ever fails to blow her away every single time.

The sight that greeted her did indeed blow her away. There he was, standing in the middle of the rooftop with a huge bouquet of roses. This felt all too familiar. A red carpet led to him was covered in rose petals as he stood at the end, lips curled into her favourite angelic smile. She took a step forward, and then another. And for that moment, every bit of anger and hurt that was in her was eliminated away. There was no way she could possibly stay mad after all that he has done. As she approached him, he reached out his hand and she gladly took it. It was crazy how her petite fingers fitted perfectly in his firm palms, just like the piece of a jigsaw puzzle. He pulled her close as he placed a lingering kiss on her lips. “Happy 100th day anniversary babe.”

Chorong’s cheeks flushed red as they broke away from the kiss. He handed her the bouquet of flowers and it didn’t need much calculations to know how many roses there were in that bouquet.

“You got me roses again.” She breathed out as she accepted them with both hands.

“I figured that you enjoyed my one hundred roses confession so why not do it again?” Joonmyeon chuckled. “Now you have two hundred roses to take care off.”

Chorong couldn’t say she didn’t like it. In fact, she loved it. Their lips met halfway once again as the couple indulged themselves in a passionate kiss filled with their love for each other. “Wait.” Chorong suddenly pulled back. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

Joonmyeon scratched the back of his neck as he blushed. “Well let’s just say that I never planned on ignoring you. My phone broke down that day when I didn’t send you a text. I tried calling you using my dad’s phone but apparently I couldn’t get through.” Chorong mentally cursed at her mother. Of course, that would explain why she hasn’t been receiving and texts nor phone calls for the past few days. Her mother terminated her line. “I’ve been meaning to find you at school but I kinda changed my timetable for a week just to suit my cousin’s. I believe you have met Namjoo?” Chorong nodded, fingers fiddling with Joonmyeon’s hair. “She’s been coaching me for my singing. I couldn’t sing for nuts. And since she did a course on singing and composing, why not ask her for help? But that meant that I had to sacrifice my timetable with you so that I had the time to rehearse. I’d tell you but that would ruin my surprise for you.”

“And you thought that having me get hurt and depressed was the best way to go.” Chorong smartly pointed out, leaving him speechless. “Do you know how many sleepless nights I had? Do you know how much tears I shed? Do you know broken I was?” Her voice was brought down to a mumble as she started tearing up. “I thought you left me.”

Joonmyeon quickly kissed the tears away as he brushed her cheeks with the back of his palm. “I’m sorry babe. I guess I didn’t think my plan through. I’m so sorry. When I saw you that day, my heart fell. It was so painful to know that my actions were the reason behind your tears and I am greatly sorry for that.” He pulled her into his embrace as he planted light kisses on her hair. “Please forgive me. I will never, ever do anything as stupid as that again. I promise.”

Chorong wanted to stay mad, but she couldn’t. Not after all that he had prepared for her. “I love you Kim Joonmyeon. I love you so much. Please don’t ever leave me.” Chorong whispered as she buried herself into the male.

“I love you too Park Chorong, always have and always will.”

The couple stayed in each other’s embrace for a moment more before finally breaking apart. “Speaking of which, why wasn’t I able to connect to your phone? Did you change your number by any chance?” Joonmyeon furrowed his eyebrows as he posted his question.

“My mom kinda disconnected my house line and my phone line. She wasn’t too happy about the time you came to my house at 3 in the morning.” Her cheeks flushed as she thought back of that day. “So a few days later, she disconnected the line.”

“Your mother hates me, doesn’t she?”

Chorong could only nod. “But don’t worry, we’ll convince her, somehow.”

Joonmyeon noticed the sudden drop in her mood as the topic of her mother was brought up. “You’re hiding something from me, aren’t you?”

“I’ll tell you later, I promise.” Chorong figured that there was no use hiding about her situation at home from her boyfriend any longer. If she really saw him as her boyfriend, then she would be able to trust him and confide him whenever things brew up at home. “By the way, that song that you sung earlier on, what’s the title?”

“It doesn’t have a name because I’m waiting for someone to name it for me.” Joonmyeon winked as Chorong realized the meaning behind his statement.

“You wrote that song?” And Joonmyeon hummed in response. Chorong had to turn away to hide her already red cheeks. It felt so surreal, that a guy would actually take the time off to write her a song. Suddenly, she felt a chilly touch around her neck. She looked down, only to be greeted by a rose necklace. “Joonmyeon I-“She hesitantly touched the necklace as she looked into the eyes of her lover. “It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” Chorong squealed internally at how cheesy her boyfriend was being. But she liked it. “Always remember that I’m here for you no matter what. Don’t ever doubt my love for you because I will always love you.”

Chorong lightly shoved him. “If this is what you prepared for our 100th day, I can’t imagine what you’ll do for our first year.”

“Well what do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know, maybe a trip to Paris or Venice?” Chorong received a pinch of her nose, causing her to break out into a series of giggles. “Anyway, what’s with you and roses? You seem to enjoy giving them to me a lot.”

Joonmyeon chuckled. “I don’t know, maybe because whenever I look at them, they remind me of you? Isn’t Rose such a nice name? Shall that be the name of our future daughter?” Chorong quickly buried her face in his crook. Joonmyeon only chuckled at how adorable his girlfriend was being. He placed his finger under her chin, tilting it till their eyes met. With that, his lips captured hers, sealing their love for each other.

Sometimes Chorong wonders what she has done in her life to deserve someone as perfect as Kim Joonmyeon. But then again, everyone deserves to be happy and it just so happens that her happiness came in a form of a guardian angel sent from above.

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kyuyoung #1
Chapter 1: As expected author-nim! Yeahh sweet and romantic suit suho and chorong soo well. Good job^^
blank16 #2
Chapter 1: wow.. thank you so much for sharing this story authornim.
im in love with your writing~ it's just painfully cute.
i would love to read more and more from you. <3
keep writing!! Fighting!! :D
ohmysehuns #3
oh my god a sequel thank u author-nim!
dreamer_girl #4
Chapter 1: Loved it! Really cute. I totally loved Suho in this <3
Chapter 1: aw so sweet!! *.* I loved this so much <3 hope you can write more surong in the future :D
i'll also mad like chorong if i'm being ignored by my bf (wait, i don't have bf yet, tho -_-)
their daughter's name will be like kim rose lol it's cuteeee
do u plan to write another sequel? this story is definitely make me smiling like an idiot.
Chapter 1: aaawwwwwwww too much sweetness, i think im overdose with dat <3
vale0994 #8
Chapter 1: AWWWWWW cute I love them so much and I love your sequel :) Surong Fighting <3