Distant Memories(Made in the USA part 2)


Mark and Jackson entered the hall with Lauren behind them. The girl was dressed in a plum colored dress, black leather flats and a mini Rebecca Minkoff pouch.

Jaekyung was following the two, somehow she felt giddy.

She felt giddy that Saehee had left and Mark was with them. She smiled as she pulled her folder closer to her.

Mark had raised his palm, Namjoo and her walked to him.

“Namjoo, can you call Saehee’s office again?” He asked, Jaekyung bit her lip.

“And, Jaekyung, please watch over Lauren.” Mark added before walking again.


“Honestly, I don’t like you.” Lauren said as they walked, Jaekyung looked at the young girl.

“You’re nothing compared to my mommy, why do you keep butting in?”


“It’s Miss Wang for you.” Lauren said before hopping towards her father, Jaekyung swallowed and looked away.

Why does everyone take her side?


Saehee parked her car. She took a deep breath before sliding down the car and entering the house.

She could heard Lauren watching the TV in the living room, Namjoo and Jackson were also chatting.

She flexed her neck before climbing the stairs, seconds later she could hear Mark following her form behind.

Saehee ignored him as she entered her room, she noticed the Cartier watch on her dresser as she put her purse down.


She shrugged off her coat and shoes.

“Look, Sae, I~”

She yanked off her shirt, Mark winced and looked at her eyes.

I’m going to bathe.” She said simply, Mark shut the doors.

Saehee, please~

She shook off her skirt, she looked at Mark briefly before heading to the bathroom. Mark groaned and left the room.


Saehee stared at her reflection, she bit her lip.

She was angry, she had no idea how to approach things like these.

She took off her robe before placing herself on the tub, and then she closed her eyes as the water surrounded her.


Lauren eyed the plate warily.

“Who cooked?” She asked, Butler Ko smiled at her.

“Jaekyung offered to help us in the kitchen, young miss.”

The door opened from the second floor.

“Butler Ko?” It was Saehee and her tone was polite but measured. Jackson looked at Mark across the table.

Saehee appeared clad in a sports bra and a pair of running shorts. Mark looked up, unsure of what to say.

“Ya, you plan to run alone at night?” Jackson called, Saehee plugged out her earphones.

“Sort of, eat well.”

“Sae, we have crabs!

“I’d rather eat alone, bye.” Sahee replied before leaving the house, Jackson sighed and put down his chopsticks, he turned to his cousin.


Mark paused. Namjoo and Jaekyung looked away.

“You have to fix this.”

Mark looked away, his brows furrowed, Jaekyung looked at her plate, her lips starting to lift up.



Jackson left the table and followed Saehee.



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22 streak #1
Chapter 47: Eiii! Mr and Mrs Tuan Soon!
Chapter 33: Rereading it again...lol
Chapter 47: Sssssoooooooo good...now to part3 we go..~~
22 streak #4
Chapter 47: Oh my heart
mistymountains 193 streak #5
Nice story!
flawlesswangtuan #6
Chapter 24: This story is interesting, i like it :D
Congrats on getting featured!
Chapter 1: New reader. It's hard to find a lot of fanfic with Mark in it and with a great story line, It's interesting, I'll read the rest of the chapter and see if I can read without put a skip on anything^^
Congratulations on getting featured!