c o n c l u s i o n .

chanyeol, happy birthday : from simplicity roleplay .
l o v e d
hey chan! do you see all those people up there? yes. all fifty seven of them. we all love you so much. even if it is never said aloud, you're so loved and appreciated. never forget it okay? happy birthday!

" He's awesome, he's like, that weird older brother I've always wanted.

What I like about you...? EVERYTHING?  =^^=

I'm really thankful for having you as a friend because you can always brighten up people's days!

PG 13 ~*~*~*~

I appreciate everything you do for this Roleplay and for all of us here, hyung!

i hope we can make our bond closer cause you look like a nice person.

you don't even know how thankful i am to have met such a wonderful person.

but no seriously you are perfect and I think everyone think like that as well.

i like how chanyeol has never really had coffee.

you're literally one of the closest friends i have ever had in my whole period of existence so far.

happy birthday chanyeol

Hope you're having fun!

thank you for being born into this world, for being one of the best admins i have ever met.

Promise me you'll be happier, more confident and stronger than ever.

spend it well with friends and family. you're a year older than you already are

people find you very nice, funny, and easy to talk to. you're also sweet and good with words.

Thank you for being so welcoming!

get lots of presents. papa loves you too.

you make me such a happy person it's ridiculous - you make me feel loved, you make me laugh, you make me feel good about myself, you lift my spirits up when i'm feeling down, you're always there for me and i just - i'm speechless that such a person like you even exists in this world we live in because you're so gODDAMN PERFECT OKAY.

You're a great person, you know?

thanks for existing.

never ever forget how important and precious you are. "

- simplicity roleplay, 290614

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