Chapter 1

Junsu's Love Confession

This small fanfic is for a really special girl. In reality, I have always respected her and thought she was that kind of amazing girl we don't usually find. So im lucky to have found her ^^

And since this is what I do when i see people i like get hurt or sad, im writing it (if it's not that good please tell me, ill write another >.<) . 

It's also being funny for me to write it. I hope Elina likes it, but i hope you, my viewers, like it as well <3

So, let's dive in Junsu's small world now, is that okay? hehe

Hope you enjoy it <3




"Ok, so, let’s do it!"Junsu smiled while opening Microsoft Word. "I’ll write her a love letter. She will think I’m so romantic and will immediately fall for me." He starts praising himself, thinking how Elina will be his tomorrow."Oh, you’re so smart, Junsu ah. Oh oh oh. So, let’s work now. Hwaiting!"

He starts writing. Then deletes all what he wrote. Starts typing again. Deletes it.

He scratches his head. It was more difficult than he thought. Maybe, maybe, he was just feeling a block. Doesn’t writers feel it as well sometimes? There was no way Junsu, the GENIOUS Junsu, could not know how to write beautiful love letters.

He needed food to help him. Oh yeah. So, he went to the living room.

"Jaejoong hyung! Jaejoong hyung!" He found him watching TV. "Make me food!"

"Heh? Junsu ah, it’s not even 3 pm… You ate one hour ago, how can you be hungry already?"

"What? So the only one who can be hungry is Changmin? Why do you always cook for him and never for me? Why??"

"Junsu ah, hyung is tired… There are yogurts in the fridge, fruit… Do something for yourself, ok?"

"Hyung!" he pretended to cry. He leaned to the couch and started his number 14 plan: annoy his hyungs "Hyung! Hyung! Hyuuuung! Hyung! Oh what’s that, hyung?" he points to the TV. "Is it an E.T.? Hyung, I’m hungry. Hyung, does E.T.s get hungry as well?"

"Junsu…" Jaejoong sent him a furious glare. Ok, he could get angry at him… but in compensation, Elina would get all lovely-dovey with him later, if she finds out he is such a great poet… hmm… So, plan number 15: keep going with plan number 14!

"Hyung. Hyung. My tummy has a huge hole in it. Hyung. Hyung. Hyung. Hyung, who’s that Clark? So, he’s a superman? Hyung, does supermen get hungry as well? Hyung, hyung? Why don’t you reply me…. "ok, finally card now - … Hyung?"

"HYUN- I mean, JUNSU! Stop it!" Jaejoong stands up."Okay, ill cook it for you, but please go away after, ok?"

"Yes!" He claps. "Oh btw, hyung, bring the food to my room when it’s done, ok? Bye!" he ran away before Jaejoong could say no.

So, he sat on his bed waiting for the food. He called Elina but she didn’t pick up. He called again. And again. On the 14th call, she finally picked up.

"Yoboseyo? Junsu sshi? What happened? Are you okay?"

Oh, cute, she’s worried about me… So, let’s start plan number 32.

"Anniyo, Elina sshi… I’m so sick. The doctor said I had leucemia. Leucemia B, you know that… I… I want to see you… one last time."

"Junsu sshi? Junsu sshi?"

He hang up the call. Now she’d be crying for him and would come running to his house… Oh wait, she didn’t know where his house was. So he sent her an sms with the address, adding “in case you are worrying about me”.

He layed down to the bed, daydreaming, until he heard strong noises at the door. "Junsu hyung!" Changmin opened the door, crying. "Junsu!" He hugged him.

"What, Changmin?" He sighed.

"Are you... sick? Elina said that you were about to die, hyung. Hyung!"

"Move away from me, silly." he sat back in the bed. "This is just my number 32 plan: making her worry about me."


"She will see she likes me and misses me. After that, when I write my love letter, she will accept it and we’ll live happy ever after!"

"Here’s your meal, Junsu…"Jaejoong brought a bowl with curry noodles and gave it to him. "Changmin ah, weren’t you sleeping?"

"Anni… But hyung why did you cook for him and not for me?"

Jaejoong sighed. "From now on, you’ll cook your own food."

"See what you did, Changmin ah!" He poked him."Now he won’t cook for us anymore."

"It isn’t my fault. It’s so unfair, I’m the youngest while you can cook for yourself now."

"Changmin, you’re almost 24 years old. My dad got married when he was 25. It’s time for you to learn too."

"When hyung does that, I’ll do it too. So, that love letter, do you want us to help you?"

"Love letter?" Jaejoong frowned."I’m out of here. It smells bad."

"Jaejoong, hyung, wait!" Changmin hold him in time. "We have to help him, you know, or Elina sshi will also receive a living crab as you did last time."

He got the chills, remembering how he said he wished to eat crab in his birthday and Junsu gave him a living crab in a box. The crab almost hurt him, until Yunho held it and decided to cook it. In the end, they all obligated Junsu to eat it because the gift was from him after all.

"Ok, just because I like Elina sshi."So, what did you write until now?"

Junsu sat down in the chair next to the computer, showing it. "I deleted everything I wrote but… Don’t you think a love letter in blank is also cute? So she can imagine what I wanted to write for her… Won’t it be original?"

"Honestly?" Changmin froze. "Anni, that’s totally stupid."

Junsu pouted."Why don’t you support me? Anyway, I decided I don’t want any help from you. You’re the soul fighters, I don’t want to hit Elina by mistake."

"What a stupidity. Love doesn’t mean kisses and hugs all the time. Bullying her, doing pranks on her is also love."

"Yeah, Junsu. You should try. Our one touches really make improvements in our relationship. Now, I can only look at Changmin and notice when he’s willing to hit me or not."

"Really? So, you think I should try?" Junsu asked.

"Yes, of course. She said she was coming here now. Take a walk normally, speak with her and then play an one touch with her!"

Junsu thought for a second. Yeah, great idea. And when she gets totally in love with me, ill give her that empty paper. I won’t even have to bother with the writing… She’ll still be happy for receiving it, right?

So, that was it. Elina and Junsu would be the next soul fighters.




"He hurried to leave and then he saw Changmin, looking totally surprised. "Hyung, are you sure you want to go… like that?"

Who the hell was that guy leaving Junsu’s house? What kind of person he thought he was to be dressed like that? She laughed, until he came to her…

She looked at him, shocked – "Why did you push me?"

"- Ah… no, no… Just me. Hit me."


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party-party #1

i like it!!
I love it!
kyaa, junsu's love finally going well
thank you for finishing this story
Please, continue this
I really love it when first time I found it
wahhhh so cute!!! Junsu is soooo adorable!!! update soon
And is that Elina in your poster? o.O
OMG that's so cute I swear! I don't understand why people don't read it xD<br />
To tell you the truth maybe it's because there's a fictional character and maybe because it'sa straight fic. I only have one or two people reading my fics. I know it's not fair but if you want some readers you should write . From my experience in the fic world... people are not into dbsk+fictional. They're more into dbsk+you or dbsk fics. So don't worry honey. It's not your fault.<br />
<br />
About this fic. As I said already it's cute and funny^^ I laughed out loud! The only thing that confuses me is the - instead of " or ' when someone speaks. But other than that the plot and and your grammar and everything are ok! And Junsu is a real retard. OMG leucemia. LOL who does that? He is a dumb... geez!