Moon Between the Stars


Short Version:

In an island with seven charming princes, and being forcefully engaged to one, Tyanne has to quickly adapt. Her kingdom and her family depend on the deal, so she has no choice but to comply. Will she find her own happiness, or will she regret her choice?

What about Aohn, who already met her first and only love but can't confess it, because rules forbid it? Will she find a way or remain forever in the shadows?                                              

Long Version:

After a natural disaster, the beautiful country of Óthis turned into an island. There lives a monarchy with seven young (and handsome) princes, and a population of around 2000 people, with a small number of them being women (and most of those being chozêh, clairvoyants who are forbidden from marrying and having children)Because of that, the country needs heirs to ascend to the throne in the future, and young people to fight and work. 

That's how Tyanne, a noble girl from a neighbor country, is sent to marry the humble and kind third prince, Lee Suho. Or at least that's the plan, before Jongin, the charismatic sixth prince, gets in the way.

Alongside Tyanne and the princes, we have Aohn, a chozêh who keeps a special relationship with Changwook, the second prince. Changwook is the second-in-line to ascend the throne, but he's not usually treated like that. Son of a mistress dearly loved by the King, Changwook holds his Imperial Father's warm heart, but also the hate from his brothers and the indifference of his mother. In Aohn he finds the kindness and warmness he never got as a child and falls in love, knowing it is a forbidden one.




Author's Note: Hello ^^ I'm here with a new fanfic, written as a gift to some special girls. I won't promise you the characters will be 100% faithful to EXO member's characters, but people who've read it so far actually told me I've written them pretty fairly/similar so far :) Please note that this is fiction, so ages and other aspects may differ ^^


Poster credits (*_*):





Aohn woke up from her thoughts and stoop up, aligning her bed sheets. It was now. It should be now.

Moving most of the candles to her small and centered table, she chanted some words as if those were parts of a song. When she finished, she shuffled the cards and threw the dices on the table.

“No, it can’t be!” Darkness. Fear. Confusion.

She threw the dices again and turned over a card.

“The same result. I can’t see anything. That’s impossible!” She exclaimed, in disbelief. “Unless… But no! The sky is clear, the sun is up, the city is calm and the spirits are relaxed… I should be able to see something! Show yourself… Please show yourself to me…”

She threw the dices again, and again. The result was the same. She could only guess: either she was losing her abilities, or a calamity would soon arrive. Aohn didn’t know which was more frightening.


“Mi Ra… Mi Ra!” He was looking for her. Benevolent Gods of Óthis, could he have chosen any worse occasion to visit her? This wasn’t the right time. Her head was a mess. A disaster could be smelled at distance. But he was coming.

What could she do? She wasn’t properly dressed and her hair was a mess. Of course, that could be considered a disaster.

“Mi Ra, here you are!” He said while opening the door. She looked at his shadow and her heart started beating fast, even though she knew it wasn’t right. “I look-Oh!” He exclaimed, and turned around.

“You really like to try many new things, Prince Lee Chang Wook-sshi. Now you’re even trying to peek while a young lady is dressing up?” She said, with a nonchalant voice but with a smile hid by her room’s darkness. “Please get out. I’ll meet you in the Red Sea Quarter Room.”

Without a word, he left. She hurried to the door and opened the windows, letting the sun lights in. After hiding her cards, she chose a simple dress to wear and some comfortable yet nice shoes to walk and went, ready to meet him.

She couldn’t hide her excitement, as much as she was scared of the outcome. They were friends, but that kind of relationship wasn’t accepted in Óthis. And what if they turned into lovers? That would be considered a deadly sin, but that possibility was rare. He would never love her that was clear.

Stopping at the door, she sighed and walked in. Chang Wook stood up with a smile and prepared a chair for her to sit down.

Mi Ra! I was waiting for you! I’m sor-”

“Don’t call me that!” She hissed. “You know that Chozêhs are supposed to follow only her revival’s name, and no one is supposed to know the birth one.”

“But I like your name”, he whined. “It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” He smiled, and that smile made her blush.

“I’m ‘Chozêh Aohn’ for you, and you’re Prince Lee Chang Wook to me. You know how things are.” She emphasized.

“But you call me ‘Chang Wook sshi’. Why shouldn’t I call you Mi Ra?”


Aohn sighed, trying to calm down and get her heartbeat stable. That was hard while she was near him. “You were the one who threatened me and made me promise to call you by that name. So-”

“So”, he interrupted her, “you’re saying I should threaten you again? I can do it.”

She laughed. “You’re impossible.” She accepted the chair and sat down. “Why do you want to see me? Did anything happen with your family? Are you sick? Is anything wrong?”

He sat down as soon as she was seated, and shook his head. “Do I need a reason to meet you? I missed you and our talks, that’s why I came to see you. I just didn’t expect to see you like that. Did you oversleep?”

“No”, she replied, “I was playing the cards. But I didn’t see anything worth mentioning.”

“I see.” He nodded. “That’s a good sign, then, right?”

“Not really.” She explained. “Even when there aren’t threats, we’re always able to see anything. Even if we just get some feelings of happiness and freedom, that’s already something. But not seeing or feeling anything at all? That’s a sign of catastrophe.”

“Hmmmm.” He looked around and then looked straight at her, making her move her eyes down. “Have you discussed it with any other chozêhs?”

“No, I didn’t. I mean, I know some feel that something in the air, but they can’t figure it out what. It’s all back to normal if we follow their opinions. But you know that they don’t have my guess powers.”

“They don’t even know your Elloymyst powers”, he laughed and she followed him. He was always teasing her, saying she had inhumane powers. In a way, it was true because she had the vision of a prophet, but he meant something like physical powers – abnormal strengths, lights coming from the hands, poisoned tongue… and many others.

“Mi- Aohn-sshi… I’m feeling bad. Nothing’s going well in the palace. I’m always the one being left out. Even though that’s not necessarily bad because I can escape to meet you anytime of the day.”

“What about your brothers?”

“Always cold as ice to me. They say that our father only loved a girl, and that girl was a poor and dirty mistress who gave birth to a useless son. No one recognizes me, and even my father has difficulty in defending me in front of the Council.”


Aohn dropped her head for a bit, feeling those words of pain and injustice. Such a nice young man being left alone, it wasn’t right. A man with potential who was destined to do so many things, ignoring him wasn’t right either.

If only she wasn’t a Chozêh. If only she was a normal young woman from the middle or high class who met him in normal circumstances. If only she could stand up and hug him, telling him everything was okay. That he had her.

But she couldn’t. It was forbidden. Chozêh were the Gods’ ladies. The girls who were chosen since birth to hold earth’s secrets and help humanity. The girls who should know no men. That power was a gift and a curse. But for her, it was just a curse.

MBTS: Chapter 1 updated!!!!!


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