Chapter 1

Submerged in a Twisted Musical

                “So…I’ll talk to you later Taeyeon?” I smiled into the phone. My heart beat faster when I heard her laugh on the other side of the line.


                “Of course! Good night Siwon.


                “Yeah…good night.” I breathed, hearing the dial tone click. I stared at the phone for a while, trying to suppress another smile. I smiled anyway, because I mean, I was alone, right?


                …Or so I thought.


                This weird, electronic music started booming in my room, which made me shriek – a manly one I can assure that - in surprise and tumble to the ground. And that wasn’t even the most unusual part. When these male voices started singing, I didn’t even know what feeling came strongest; confusion, surprise, or a sense of terror. I was completely startled when five men danced into my room.


And then the lyrics came.


                I didn’t even understand what words they were saying because I was way too astounded about this whole scene to worry about some silly lyrics. I backed into a corner of my room, staring open-mouthed at the “dance” they were doing. And since when was my room that capacious?


                The song came to an end, and I was absolutely speechless. I didn’t even flinch when the door opened again to reveal a man dressed casually – very different from the tuxedos the others were wearing – and sighed, the sound crystal clear from the lack of background music.


                “Well. You certainly scared the guy to death.” He commented sarcastically, leaning against the doorway. I finally turned to him, intrigued by the accent tinged in his voice. He slowly stepped towards me, a gentle smile on his face.


                “I’m Hankyung.” He said. I took this time to examine his features. On his head was a black hat lined with barely visible white stripes. Other than that, there wasn’t really anything worth noticing.


                “What is this? What’s happening?” I demanded. His response was a light chuckle, which only bothered me even further. The men behind him started stretching and talking amongst each other. I stared at them, bewildered. Hankyung offered his hand to me, but I rudely pushed it away. How could he expect me to be friendly after that?


                “Don’t worry. We only appear for a short amount of time.” I gaped at him. How could he be so nonchalant about all this?! He noticed my panicked expression and tried smiling.


                “Seriously. Don’t think too much about it. I’ll explain everything.”


                “Yeah. These strangers barge into my room, and I’m supposed to not think much about it?!” It bothered me that he didn’t even seem fazed at my outburst.


                “Hey, I told you I would give you answers, am I right?” He turned around and pointed at the door.


                “Out. All of you.” He said sternly.


                After they all filed out, he turned back to me with another bright smile.


                “Details about them can wait.” He flopped on to my bed and leaned against the wall, as if it were his. His casualness perturbed and annoyed me. He put his hands behind his hand, casting a lazy gaze towards me.


                “Who are you people?” I snapped. He snorted.


                “We only appear when a person is involved in some sort of dilemma. Hey, music can explain a lot. So far, we’ve had many successful customers.” He smiled wryly. I blinked, still not really believing that this whole thing was happening. To me.


                “And I’m in a dilemma how…?”


                “Easy. You like some girl called Taeyeon, but you refuse to neither confess nor get together with her.” I sputtered when a sensitive topic was brought up.


                “I – what – Okay, you have absolutely no business snooping around in my personal life. And how do you know her name?!” A smug smile appeared on his face.


                “So she is your love interest.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I breathed a sigh of relief, only to jump at the sound of his voice in my room.


                “It’s not that easy getting rid of us, Siwon.”


                “How’d you…” I shook my head. “How do you know my name?!” Hankyung ignored me and continued.


                “We don’t disappear until we completed our job.”


                “Jobs?! I never asked for this – for you guys to come!”


                “Maybe you never asked for us, but you certainly need us.” He shrugged easily. “Music goes a long way.” He emphasized this by shooting his hand forward. I crossed my arms, glaring at him through narrow slits. I only knew one word that could sum him up; annoying. Completely, flat-out annoying.


                “Get out. Seriously, I need to sleep.”


He raised an eyebrow at me. I knew I was being rude, but I did not have a reason to feel guilty. Especially in this sort of situation. I scowled back at him and he laughed.


“Okay, okay. I’m heading out now. But just as a heads up, we’re going to be back tomorrow. Or at least I will.” He called out mystically. Yep, definitely annoying. When he closed the door, I immediately ran and opened it again, just to make sure he really left.


 It surprised me to see that he had vanished within seconds of exiting.


                When I woke up the next morning, I could see the sun shining red behind my eyelids. I arose from my peaceful sleep and sighed, gazing out the window to see the light pouring through. The sunlight assured me that it was going to be a great day with the bright sun, the lack of wind, and especially the –


                “Good morning sleepyhead.” Everything from last night crashed on top of me, settling into a heavy burden on my shoulders, along with a minor headache.


Today was going to be a horrible day.


Hankyung appeared out of nowhere, sitting on the windowsill. His legs were dangling gleefully as if nothing were wrong.


                “Yeah. Whatever.” I mumbled, falling back on to my mattress. He was at the side of my bed within a moments glance, surprising me at his fast movement.


                “You really do have a rude personality.” He quipped. I stared at the shape of his hat and sighed. Like yours is any better, barging into my room like that. Hankyung motioned for me to get out of bed and went to my closet, throwing a pair of pants and a shirt towards my face. I didn’t really appreciate the violation of my personal space.


                “Come on. Get dressed, and we’ll talk more over breakfast. I’ll be waiting in the kitchen.” Well at least he couldn’t read my mind.To my surprise, he disappeared. Just like that. I had to remind myself to ask him about his…strange vanishing.


                I contemplated just not going down to the kitchen at all, but from what I’ve seen already, I knew he wasn’t going to stop bothering me unless I got it over with now. Pulling on the shirt, I decided that there was nothing to lose by listening to him.


                When I walked into the kitchen, I was yet again shocked at the sight of him brewing coffee, while at the same time making eggs and toasting bread. I raised an eyebrow, the annoyance being pushed to the back of my mind by curiosity.


                “I didn’t know you cooked.”


                “I see you’re less cranky with food.” He mused. I wanted to get mad at him again, simply because I wanted to. But he was right. I did get less cranky with food.


                He put two plates of eggs carelessly onto the table, along with two cups of coffee and a plate full of toast. A simple breakfast, but it was enough to satisfy me.


                “Well as they say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I crooked an eyebrow at that seemingly awkward sentence, but he didn’t seem to notice.


                “Who knew the easiest way for you to trust me was through food.” I rolled my eyes.


“I never said that I trusted you.” I said, but he ignored me.


“I mean, you were right. We did kind of barge in last night. We didn’t mean it…we just kind of…appear.” He smiled apologetically. A part of my temper eased away when I heard the simple apology, leaving awkwardness in its place. Thankfully, he continued talking.


                “Sorry…” In lightning speed, he popped up in front of me with a gust of wind. “No pun intended.” He added. When he realized that I didn’t get the joke, he chuckled.


                “It was close to the title of our first song.” In another speedy movement, he left and came back with a cup of coffee in his hands. I took it and walked past him, purposely bumping him to the side. I still wasn’t ready to make him feel welcome.


                “So who are you guys anyway?” I asked, half snapping at him. He didn’t seem to mind and sat down.


                “We’re all illusions.” He said, taking a bite of his toast. I stared at him. That…just sounded stupid and completely preposterous.


                “So I’m talking to an apparition right now?” I asked sarcastically. Hankyung shook his head.


                “Well, everyone but me. I’m just the one who makes friends with the customers.” Part of my annoyance was coming back. He kept referring to me as a “customer,” which aroused more questions in my mind.


                “It’s not going to be too easy to make friends with me…” I muttered. When he looked up from his eggs in question, I shook my head.


                “Why don’t you sing with them?” He gave a small smile and took a sip of coffee.


                “I’m not really in the entertainment business anymore.” I took a cautious bite of egg, grudgingly admitting that it was delicious.


                “So you guys just…appear?” Hankyung shrugged.


                “Basically. We get assigned a customer, do our job, and then disappear. We get a memory wipe after each time.” Hearing this information, it was like hearing a fairy tale. I didn’t deny the fact that I was intrigued.


                “You can’t remember the name? Or how he or she looks?”


                “Not really. Some familiarity is about all we get. And our customers get a memory wipe too.”


                “So why is it that you guys appear?”


                “Romantic dilemmas.” He answered humorously. I bit my tongue at that. I was not in a romantic dilemma.


                “But why music? Out of everything. Music.” Hankyung smiled, pushed his empty plate forwards and tipped his hat forwards.


                “Let’s just say that you just found yourself in a little musical.”


                His words were lost in the atmosphere as he disappeared into thin air.


                “…And how can you do that?”


                My last question was never answered.


                A day or so later, he was back to his own annoying self.


“Come on. Everything starts with a beginning. Tell me about her.” He sat on my bed, playfully patting the seat next to him. He’s just like a child. I thought. Seriously. He was just like that annoying five year old that you didn’t want to talk to. But somehow, even under the circumstances, I had no problem telling the story.


                “It’s pretty simple, really. We met in high school over a project, lost contact in college, and starting conversing again afterwards. We’re just friends though.” This is where Hankyung cut in.


                “But you like her, right?”


                “Well, kind of. And if you people are here, than I guess that proves it.” Hankyung laughed.


                “No need to be so rude to us. And didn’t I say that we can’t help it? I told you, we just-”


                “I know I know. You guys just appear.” I commented mockingly. I didn’t understand how Hankyung could be so…happy. His smile never seemed to disappear. The closest his smile ever came to fully disappear was a smaller one that showed no teeth.


                “You got it. But we’re here for good reason. Trust me, you and Taeyeon will be happy together in no time!” I was going to say how stupid that sounded when a slow but peppy tune started playing. My eyes rolled back as I groaned. I flopped back, pulling a pillow over my head, trying to block out the incessant noise.


                I could hear Hankyung’s amused, mocking laugh right before the singing started. I couldn’t wait for those strangers who were now in my room to get out.


                “I remember the image of you who waited for me again today…”


It was about a week later, and the tension between the both of us died down a little. That still didn’t mean I liked him, but it meant that I could handle him without snapping at him or getting annoyed with him. I was getting groceries, and he decided to tag along since he had “absolutely nothing to do.”


To be honest, I was expecting him to chatter on endlessly throughout the whole time we were at the market. But he was surprisingly quiet. Not even a smile. He was just gazing around with this far-off look in his eye.


As if to prove me wrong, the corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile and his eyes focused on me.


“Is there something on my face?”


“…No. Why?”


“You’ve been staring at me weirdly this whole time.” I averted my eyes to the front, realizing that he was right.


“…Oh. Well it’s just that you seem different today.”


“How so?”


“You’re a lot quieter. And far less annoying.” I pointed out. He didn’t seem all that offended. He just smiled wider.


“What does it feel like to be in love?” At the sudden question, I almost dropped the carton of milk in my hands.


“Excuse me?”


“With Taeyeon.” I laughed out loud, earning a curious look from him.


“You honestly think I’m in love with her?” I plopped the carton in the cart. I could tell Hankyung was confused and curious.


“I don’t know, it’s hard to tell. I was sure I did back in high school, but that could have been my stupid teenager hormones talking. I don’t know about now though. Maybe some lingering feelings, but I’m definitely not in love with her. That’s kind of why I don’t know the reason that you guys are here.” I felt a tiny bit smug at the fact that he wanted to know some information from me. It always seemed like he knew every single detail about me.


“So what was it like back in high school?” He asked again. Now he just seemed nosy.


“I don’t know. Why are you so curious? You’re acting like you’ve never liked a girl before.”


“I probably didn’t.” I stopped rolling the cart forward for a second at his easy-going tone.


“What do you mean ‘probably’?” Hankyung shrugged.


“If I did like a girl, I wouldn’t remember.”


“That doesn’t make sense.”


“I was born into this job, Siwon. And this job runs 24/7. I don’t have any time to have an actual social life. And even if I were to like someone, it’d be a customer. But I get a memory wipe after each time, so I never remember that person.” Hearing this, I felt sort of guilty for treating Hankyung so rudely. The pensive expression on his face only worsened the feeling.


“Sorry…” I said thoughtlessly. He turned his head curiously towards me, a small smile on his face.


“What’d you say?”




“Nope, I heard something.”


“I said I didn’t say anything!” I snapped, pushing the shopping cart with more force than necessary. He chuckled behind me, but didn’t say another word the rest of the trip back home.


When we returned home, we went to my room; Hankyung sprawled out on the floor while I was on my bed reading. It was about a half hour later when Hankyung sat up suddenly.


“Call her.” Hankyung said. Hmm…thirty minutes. I mused to myself. That was probably the longest time he’s been quiet so far. I looked up from my novel in curiosity.




                “Start out slow. Invite her to a club. Bring a lot of friends.” I raised an eyebrow at his suggestion. How did that never cross my mind before?


                “Ehh…doesn’t sound like a good idea.”


                “Oh come on Siwon, why not?”


                “Truth is, it doesn’t sound too bad except for the fact that I don’t have many friends who actually know her.” Hankyung only grinned.


                “You could use my friends.”


                It took me a minute to figure out what he meant.


                “Oh, HELL no. You mean your little musical buddies? Tch, the last thing I need is random, simultaneous dancing. And singing!” The idea that once sounded appealing immediately turned outrageous. Hankyung smirked and crossed his arms.


                “First of all, it’s a club. They’re not stupid enough to cause attention in a public place. Second of all, who else are you going to get besides them? I told you before; we’ve never failed our customers.” I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was going to be relentless about this if I didn’t agree now.




                All of a sudden, this boy popped in right beside me, out of mid-air. It did pretty much scare the hell out of me. He had the same annoying, sprightly smile as Hankyung. And the same black hat with white stripes.


                “Hi.” Oh God, even the same accent! I abruptly stood up, only to trip over something on the floor. I stared in surprise at another man leisurely on his back, wiggling his fingers at me.


                “Hey.” I made the smart decision to stand next to Hankyung – cling on to his arm – in case any bodies decided to miraculously appear again in my room. Which two more did. Hankyung peered around the room and nodded to one.


                “Ryeowook, where’s Henry?” The man, Ryeowook, pointed to the door. As if on command, a significantly younger man waltzed in through the door, texting. He looked up and smiled cheekily.


                “Sorry. Forgot my hat.” I stared incredulously at him.


                “Hat?” I asked disbelievingly. Hankyung nodded, tipping his own hat forward.


                “It allows us to teleport.” He acted as if that was the most normal thing to say. I rubbed my forehead and looked up at Henry, the only seemingly normal one there. I went to his direction and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.


                “I like him the best.” I blurted. Henry chuckled, squeezing my forearm.


                “And why is that?”


                “You seem to be the only normal one here.” Hankyung rolled his eyes and motioned the other guys to come closer, explaining his “plan.”


                Right after they were done talking, the other boys immediately disappeared. Apparently, I was supposed to invite Taeyeon at that moment.


“This is stupid.” I hissed. Hankyung smiled and tossed my phone in my direction.


                “You’re stupid for not trusting me. It’s just an invite!” I dialed her number, but I didn’t press send just yet.


                “I still think this is stupid.” I pressed the phone to my ear and heard the ringing. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. When I looked to the side for Hankyung, he was gone. Probably transported to someplace else. I thought.


                “Hello?” Taeyeon’s voice jerked me out of my thoughts.


                “Oh…Uh, hi Taeyeon.” I said stupidly.


                “Oh, hi Siwon!” Her happy voice lifted my spirits.


                “Um…yeah, I was thinking…” All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my arm. I almost screamed in surprise when I realized it was Hankyung. His fingers danced along the rim of his hat playfully.


                “Tomorrow night.” He mouthed.


                “Do you and your friends want to come to a club tomorrow night? I’ll be bringing a couple people.” Hankyung shot a thumbs up at me. I just waved him away.


                “Yeah, sure! Of course!” She replied almost too eagerly. I was simply speechless.


                “I’ve got to go, Siwon. But send me the details later, okay? Thanks…thanks for inviting me. And my friends. Bye!” She chirped. I heard a small laugh right before she hung up. I stared at the phone in my hand disbelievingly and tossed it towards the mattress. Right at the last moment, Hankyung appeared on my bed to catch the phone.


                “Don’t want to say this…but I told you so.” A smug grin spread across his face. “Always listen to us.” I stared at him, but didn’t feel like getting mad at him. In fact, I didn’t really mind anything at that moment.


                “You’re smiling.” He said in a sing-song tone. I shrugged, still feeling rather pleased. He was still annoying, but it was thanks to him. I was actually going to thank him when he abruptly asked a question.


                “So how are you feeling?” When he asked this, I didn’t even notice a musical prelude starting to play.


                “Happy, I guess.” An abrupt, loud melody shocked me. I could feel everything sinking down to my feet as the realization hit me.


                “Oh no...God, why do I keep getting dragged into this.” Even when I said these words, it didn’t bother me as much as it did in the beginning. Hankyung laughed and shrugged, doing a little dance to the music.


                “You’re just easy to play around with!” This time, I still ignored the music, just not as much as before.


                “I never once forgot about you, I only thought of you…”


                I realized at that moment, that they weren’t bad singers at all.


                The next night, I was standing in front of the club entrance, talking with Hankyung. Well, it was more like listening to Hankyung rather than talking.


                “Treat her well.”


                “I know.”


                “Get her drinks, but not too many.”


                “Hankyung, I know.”


                “Don’t get her drunk.”


                “Hankyung, I get it.”


                “But always drink at least a little bit before dancing. Nobody can dance when they’re sober.”


                “You’re starting to sound more annoying than usual.” I gently brushed away the hands that were fiddling with my leather jacket.


                “Really, I’ll be fine. And besides, you guys are going to be in the club with me. I’m a grown man, no need to treat me like a child.” Hankyung playfully stuck out his tongue.


                “I always fuss over customers.” I pushed open the doors entering the club, letting Hankyung in before me.


                “Why do you always refer to me as a customer?” Hankyung didn’t look back and kept walking.


                “I don’t like getting attached. We’re going to end up leaving anyways.” He seemed a bit more bittersweet about it than I imagined.


                “We’ll be around the club if you need anything. Taeyeon’s going to walk through the door in about ten seconds. Good luck.” He tipped his hat forward and waved before disappearing into the crowd.


                “Ten seconds? Really…” I whispered under my breath. Soon enough, Taeyeon did walk through the entrance with a friend. After some small talk, her friend went inside the club. When Taeyeon saw me, she smiled and waved happily. I smiled back and glanced at her blue dress. She looked really pretty in that blue dress.


                “Hi Siwon! Again, thanks for inviting me and my friends!” She said softly, a light flush coloring her cheeks.


                “No problem. The idea kind of…came to me.” I smirked to myself, thinking of Hankyung’s insistence.


                “Really, I would have been sitting at home doing nothing right now. Come on, let’s go inside.” Before I could even squeeze in another word, she grabbed hold of my wrist and tugged me inside.


                We settled down on a couch near the corner and ordered a few drinks. The room was so dark that I could barely see her face. The only lights were the multi-colored lights flashing randomly all over the place.


                Our conversation was starting to become much more laid back and casual as the alcohol started kicking in and taking effect. Just when we were a little past sober, Taeyeon giggled and grasped my wrist again, persuading me to dance with her, and that she “absolutely loved this song.”


                Under any circumstances, I would have refused. But Hankyung was right. Nobody could dance properly when they were sober. When I was looking through the hazy vision of alcohol, nothing seemed to matter. I cared much less about what other people thought of me than I normally did. It was dark and crowded; I don’t think anybody would have cared.


                As we laughed together and danced on the floor, I surreptitiously looked around to see where the others where. I recognized Hankyung’s friends cleverly hidden in the crowd, laughing and talking with their own friends. But I didn’t see Hankyung at all. And that really unnerved me for some strange reason.


                Conveniently, one of her friends bumped into her, leading her into a conversation. I sneaked away and into a hallway, partially glad that I was getting a breather. It was really hot inside. I caught a glimpse of him sliding out the back door. I recognized his jacket, so I was sure it was him. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but something made me follow him out into the cold breeze. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me, looking around to find him. I heard some voices around the corner, drawing me towards them.


                “Look, I need to get back inside now…” I recognized his lightly accented voice immediately. I quickly peered around the corner, only to be horrified. A tall, strong man roughly grasped his arm, pulling him forcefully towards his body. Two other men stood beside the two of them, the three men obviously drunk. Way too drunk. I slammed myself back around, limiting myself to only hear their conversation.


                “Oh, but you have such a pretty face.”


                “Come stay and play with us.” I didn’t appreciate the lilt in their voices. It really, really got on my nerves. I slowly peeked around the corner, careful not to catch their attention. I could tell that Hankyung was beginning to get uncomfortable, but I didn’t know how to help him. There was some movement when one of the men sneaked their hand slowly into his shirt. Hankyung whipped around and backed up.


                “Don’t touch me.” He growled, the annoying, familiar smile completely gone from his face. When he accidentally stepped back into another man’s grasp, something in me made me step forward around the corner.


                “Siwon…” Hankyung was surprised. The man holding his arm slowly let go. Hankyung immediately jerked out of his grasp, stepping a safe distance away.


                “So you know him?”


                “Well he has a pretty face too.”


                “Invite him to join the party.” I glared at them, motioning for Hankyung to come closer without breaking my gaze.


                “Hankyung, our friends are waiting for us inside.” I said warningly. Wordlessly, he went to my side. The other men made no move towards me. With that, I turned around and gripped the back of Hankyung’s shirt tightly. I kept him in front of me just in case and walked quickly back into the club. My heart was pounding as we went towards the corner. But I heard no footsteps behind us.


                I released my tight grip after we rounded the corner, but we remained silent all the way back into the club. It was only when we were safe in the crowd that I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.


                “How’d you even get into that mess?” I chided, half scolding him and half relieved that we were able to stay out of serious trouble. I guided the both of us into a nearby couch.


                “Hey, I didn’t even do anything. I just went outside for fresh air, and those jerks just decided to bother me.”


                “You could have teleported out of there.”


                “Yeah, like that wouldn’t have aroused any suspicion.”


                “But still…they were drunk. They wouldn’t have noticed.”


                “Ha…If I wasn’t wrong, I would say that you’re worried about me.” He said playfully. I looked at him in curiosity.


                “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be? You almost got out there!” Hankyung only laughed.


                “What happened to how annoying I am? Or my annoying personality?” It hit me suddenly that he was right.


                “Well…things change under certain circumstances.” I mumbled stubbornly. “And there’s alcohol in my system! That’s got to be a logical reason.” He chuckled and rocked forward on to the balls of his feet.


                “So I can safely call you a friend?” I narrowed my eyes at him.


                “And what happened to ‘not liking attachments?’” His smile twitched just the tiniest bit.


                “Well…things change under certain circumstances.” I smiled at his witty comeback and mentally decided that he wasn’t all that bad.


                “Shouldn’t you be going back to your date with Taeyeon?” He gestured to the group of dancing girls on the floor. I looked over my shoulder. Suddenly, she wasn’t that important compared to what that just happened.


                “First of all, it wasn’t a date. And it’s alright. She’s doing fine with her friends. I don’t think she even noticed I was gone.” When I looked back to Hankyung, I caught him staring at me. He quickly averted his gaze to the glass of water that was on the table.


                After the close encounter with the men outside, I just felt like resting at that moment. It wasn’t until later when I got bad into the mood again. But for right now, sitting and relaxing sounded great.


                The night came a little too quickly in my opinion. I was waiting with Taeyeon for her ride to come outside the club sooner than I imagined.


“I had a great time Siwon. Thank you for bringing me.” Taeyeon said. I scratched the back of my head in slight embarrassment.


                “Really, it was no problem.” Taeyeon waved for a taxi and continued talking to me.


                “It was really fun. Really. Best time I ever had.” She looked away to notice a taxi cab pulling up. Before I knew it, her arm was wrapped around my shoulder in a hurried, one-armed hug. Even through the shock of the surprise hug, I actually had the sense to return it with an arm looped around her waist. Her arms felt warm, despite the cold night air. The hug was comfortable, and…I liked it. But before I could savor it, she was running towards the taxi, sending a smile and a wave behind her.


                “I’ll call you soon Siwon!” She slipped in the car, slamming the door after her. I didn’t even notice I was staring after the car when a hand waved in my face. It startled me. Even if it was Hankyung. It was back to him being the annoying dork he was.


                “Sorry, I would have interrupted sooner, but you were drooling after the girl.” I scoffed at him, instinctively running a wrist across my mouth.


                “I was not!” He laughed and shrugged innocently.


                “I was kidding. But you still had a dreamy smile on your face.”


                “Shut up Hankyung. Where are the others?” I changed the topic.


                “They left a while ago.”


                “Why don’t you ever stick together with them?”


                “I have a different job than them. I’m working together with them now, but it doesn’t mean that I work together with them in other missions.” I looked down the road to where Taeyeon’s cab drove down.


                “Sure.” I said vaguely. “Hey Hankyung…” But he was gone. He teleported again. I thought.


                Even after he left, I wasn’t too sure why I needed to talk to him. I don’t think there was a reason for calling his name.  But it shouldn’t have mattered. 

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Maribeth787 #1
Chapter 8: I hope you could finish this someday...
mle_hung123 #2
Sorry guys. I'm not sure if I will continue this fic :(
Chapter 9: so now it's 2015. just wondering if your even gonna update? I know a lot of ppl are waiting, and I am too.
*pester pester*
I'm still heeeere o.o
*pester pester*
I'm still faithfully waiting for an update o.o
I will pester you every once in a while to keep you updating, you know XD Until then I will just have to read this again >_<
Dongho_Eunhaeee #7
omg you D:

I'M DYING HERE please please please
i dont want him to forget!
no no no no no !!!! T^T
wongeng_ai #8
Yay for the Update :D

OMO, T________T please,I don't want them to forget their feelings towrads each other, it's so sad...
and I just let out a scream when Siwonnie told Geng about his feelings, aww <333333333
Hope they can find each other again *-*
thanks for the update and I'm looking forward for the next chapter :))