Chapter 7. Courage.

Dream come true.


" Aigoo, now i have to walk past in the cafe.

It will be so akward.. since the time Young Min asked me for my name " I thought.

I gathered my courage, pushed open the door and went in.

It was very very very emptyemptyempty CROWDED.

" AISH! Fans again... guess i will have to wait. " i mumbled to myself.

I walked towards a one-seat-table.


"YAH!!" a loud shout came from the counter.

I ignored and continue walking.

" HEYHEY!! YAHYAHYAH!!! the girl walking towards the seat! wearing a purple shirt! with blue shorts!! "

I stopped and looked at myself from top to bottom.

" ME? " i raised my eyebrow and turned around.



Minwoo was standing slightly behind Young Min,

watching closely on what would happen next.

" Don't be so nervous, she will turn back. " Young Min said.

" HEYHEY!! YAHYAHYAH!!! the girl walking towards the seat! wearing a purple shirt! with blue shorts!! " I(young min) shouted again.


She stopped.

" See what i told you? "

" Aigoo.. what do i do next?? " Min Woo asked.

" Relax. Just wait and see " Kwang Min said.

" Yah! gather up your courage!! " Jeong Min shouted.

" YEAH!! " Dong Hyun and Hyun Seong shouted too.


It was noisier than usual therefore all of us have to practically shout at one another to hear what we were saying.



" N..N..Ne? " i stuttered, loud enough for them to hear.

I don't mean to, but i just couldn't control myself from stuttering.

what an embarrassment.

but it was gone in an instant, guess what.

some ALL fans were looking at me, some whispered to each other while some looked like they were going to kill me.


I took a step back. i was kind of frightened, though i do not know who they are.

just by their looks, it was killing me.

i look around nervously, and made up my mind to just walk out of the cafe.

planning to return at a later time.

i managed to push my way out of the deadly glares and broke out of the cafe.

" PHEW "

I started walking away.



" Ehhh... the situation don't look good yeah? " Young Min said.

" She's leaving hyung " Min Woo said sadly.

Suddenly someone pushed Min Woo from the back.

" Yah, so you are going to let her go just like that? " Dong Hyun said.

*I don't want to say this...* " Chase her for goodness sake! " Jeong Min continued.

Min Woo was shocked by the support given from his hyungs.

" GO GO GO ! PALI !! " Pushed Kwang Min and Hyun Seong.


" Ne! Kamsahabnida hyung! " I(Min Woo) shouted - a quick one. before running out of the door.

As soon as Min Woo left the shop, the fans faced the rest of Boyfriend.

" WHAT. IS. HAPPENING.OPPA!!!! " they screamed.

" Omo, deep trouble. " Donghyun mumbled.



Why do this have to happen to me?

It is a good thing boyfriend is trying to talk to me but..

the fans... AHHHHHH!

I slapped my forehead in frustration.


" Yah! Wait up! "

I doubled my speed, oh no, who is it?

" STOP ! S.T.O.P ! "

I turned my head and saw Min Woo.

" OH? "


I stopped. He was panting. "how cute"

" Ne? "

" I.. i ... i... -pant- Hold on. "

He spun around and back faced me.

i could see his ears getting redder by the minute, and beads of sweat trickled down his neck.

what is happening to him?

did he get heat exhaustion?


As he was backfacing me, i took out my untouched iced water.

In a minute or less after i took out my bottle, he turned back to face me.

" Can i.. have a chat with you? "

" Here, take this first. you look like you are going to die from heat exhaustion soon. "

" Oh.. kamsahabnida " He beamed at me.

i could feel my cheeks getting warmer, i pretended to fan myself.

He saw what i did.

" The weather sure is warm right? here, drink some too. " he passed to me my bottle.



" Oh my, what am i doing? asking her to drink from HER bottle after I drank it? "

I thought to myself, regretting on what i have said.

" Sure. " she took the bottle from me and drank some too.

INDIRECT KISS! I am going to die of happiness.

I hid how i felt and asked again.

" Lets go to the park and have a chat. "


to my surprise, she agreed.

we walked side by side awkwardly.

After settling down at a bench, i started asking her questions.

" So.. this is the first time i am talking to you, lets introduce ourselves "


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WAAAAAAAW great story i love it when it end i feel happy and sad in same time happy for the happy ending and sad because it ends :'( LOVE YOU autor :D <3
Purplish95 #2
Thankyou XD
LOL I <3 how you always have those cross out sentence that make things seem sarcastic but then end up writing something els that make thing seem more realistic :) very cute story :D Keep writing more!
aw this was a cute fic!
Purplish95 #5
MaknaeDiva, Alright!^^ i will improve the next time round~ thankyou for commenting!
New reader~<br />
While the sentences need a bit more work with presentation, this is actually a pretty cute fic ^^ Keep trying hard :D
Purplish95 #7
jojobeelove7, enjoy ^^ more chapters will be up~ by today !
nalgaewings #8
ASDFJKL; This is so adorable! :D
Purplish95 #9
Hehe, thank you :) i am posting up more chapters, stay tuned! ^^
jonggggup #10
awwww HAHAH SO CUTE (: