Chapter 7

Running Out of Stars

I never got my explanation from Suho. When I asked him about it, he tensed up, but simply said he hadn’t realized the pile was out there. I didn’t want to doubt him. I trusted him. So I didn’t ask again. Several days passed with little to no difference in the norm. However, I tried to get a little closer to Xiumin. But it seemed that every time I had time to see him, D.O. needed my help with something or he needed to talk to me. I kept thinking about what Jandi had said while we are in the woods. About me and D.O. It bothered me, really, but as the days grew warmer, I seemed to think about it less and less.

          Every day, Kris would come home from work, usually bringing home so food. As business picked up at the café, he was able to bring more and more food home. Before I knew it, it was mid-February. The days were slightly warmer though not much so. On the good days, Chanyeol and I would go out back with a ball and play soccer in between the walls. The others would come out to check on is and end up joining our, Chanyeol and I would go out back with a ball and play soccer in between the walls. The others would come out to check on is and end up joining our game until everyone was outside playing.

          Chanyeol always had cared for me ever since our parents… passed. Even now, 10 years after finding Kris and the group, he guarded me like any big brother would do. This came in handy when we were playing soccer and a ball came flying my way and I was too distracted to see it. He’d usually end the games with more than one ball mark on his face.

          One day, towards the end of the month, I was juggling the ball alone when it was suddenly swiped away.

                   “Hey!” I turned around to see the grinning face of Xiumin. “I was using that ball.” I joked and held out my hand.

                   “Follow me, I want to show you something.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the back door. Throwing the ball at an unsuspecting Baekhyun. We laughed at his surprise cry as he pulled me through the door. It was very dark outside and I couldn’t see much so I was glad that Xiumin never released my hand. He tugged me forward, repeating to follow him. He led me to a ladder that was attached to the wall. He released my hand so he could light a lantern he had brought out earlier with a match. As the flame illuminated his face, I could see the excitement in his eyes. “I think you will like this.” He grinned and began to climb the ladder. I followed him up onto the roof. As soon as I made my way up, Xiumin got behind me and covered my eyes. “Trust me, walk forward.” Hesitantly, I took a step forward. I had no idea what to expect, and the butterflies in my stomach from his touch did nothing to soothe my anxiety. After several slow steps, he commanded I stop. “Ok, are you ready?”

                   “Yes!” I was eager to know what he was so excited about. As his hands slid away from my face, I understood. I stood on the edge of the rood, and in the distance, the lights of the city shone bright in the darkness of the night. Being in such a ghetto area, such sights were rare. But here on the roof, high above the trees, I understood.

                   “Now look up.”

          I did as he said and gasped in wonder. The sky had not a single cloud in it and millions of stars lit it. I felt my hand being tugged and I followed it without looking away from the sky. When I finally glanced back down at the boy who had shown me such wonders, I found him sitting on a sheet that he had obviously brought you just for this. He pat the spot next to him in an invitation for me to join him. I lay next to him as he reclined to stargaze. My eyes tried the best to take in all the beauty of the sky. I turned to Xiumin.

                   “Xiumin, this is all so beautiful! How did you know to come up here?”

                   “I just wanted to see what was up here and when I found it, I immediately wanted to show you. Do you like it?”

                   “Like it? I LOVE it. It’s… so beautiful…” My words trailed off as I locked my fingers with his. He mumbled something that I couldn’t hear. I didn’t ask about is as my attention was drawn back to the stars in their multitude. And in silence, we watched the stars.

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