Part 6





~~~~~CHORONG’S POV~~~~~


My eyes are so puffed up. I was crying wildly last night. I really hate what’s happening right now. Why is he making things complicated? Why is Myungsoo dragged inside our problem?


I purposely woke up so early today so that Woohyun won’t have the chance to wait for me outside the gate, if he will.


He’s so stupid. If he doesn’t want me to leave him, why would he do that? It would just make me hate him.


Park Chorong, you have to set aside your feelings for Nam Woohyun. He is not for you.


I walked outside the gate and got relieved that he’s not yet here. I walked to school alone.




For about a week, I have been ignoring Woohyun. I’m not answering his calls and texts, walking away when we see each other in the hallway, waking up as early as possible, and I even changed my seat, far away from him. I also told Myungsoo to just leave me alone because I don’t want him to be in this mess.


Another week passed, but he is still consistent. He still tries to contact me. He always grabs me but I just push him away. Maybe this way, he will forget me and be with Naeun happily. And I can just throw my feelings for him and move on. We can just live our own lives.


But to be honest, I feel like dying.


I thought this would be just easy. But I’m wrong. I thought forgetting someone is just as easy as eating an apple. But I’m wrong. Everything I’m doing definitely feels wrong but it would be the best for their relationship.




The bell rang and everyone went out of the room. I ran on my way out to avoid him. I walked fast out of the school and just walked home alone.


Just looking around brings back a lot of memories.


I saw the ramen shop where we always eat everytime we’re craving for it or if it’s cold.


I saw the tteokbokki shop where the shop owner’s son is so good-looking and the people there are jokingly teasing me to him, including Namu.


I miss calling him Namu. And I miss him calling me Chororo.


Those are the names that only the two of us use.


I miss hearing his greasy jokes that even though it’s so corny, he never fails to make me laugh.


I miss his throwing of hearts gestures everytime he says goodbye from afar.


I miss his sudden back hug and when he puts his arm over my shoulders.


I miss the arrogant, prideful, noisy, annoying, and cheesy Nam Woohyun that was my best friend and secret crush.


SUDDENLY, everything we’ve been through together just vanished like that.



I walked pass through the playground where we played when we were young. Even in high school, we still go here, sitting on the swings, talking about non-sense.


I looked around and no one’s here. There are no kids playing. No vendors around. Just silence.


I sat on the swing and just stared blankly. I realized that I was already crying this whole time.


“I know you’d be here.” I heard HIS voice. I don’t know why, but I cried harder.


He sat on the swing beside me. He looked at me while I’m crying.


“It’s been a long time since I saw you crying like that. The last time I remembered seeing you crying so hard was when we were in 4th grade. We were in this playground when some other kid pushed you, that’s why you cried hard.” That made me chuckle, but tears are still falling. “I came and fought with that kid which made him run away, crying. I saw you got bruised on your knee so I had to piggyback you.” I just looked down, trying to stop my tears.


“Park Chororo, I really miss you.” I cried harder. “I can’t imagine how I survived two weeks without talking to you. I want to hug you desperately.”


I’m just speechless. I’m at loss of words. I don’t know what to say.


So I decided to walk away.


SUDDENLY, he hugged me from behind.


“I’m sorry, Chorong. I’m really really sorry.” I can hear that he’s tearing up too. “I’m sorry for leaving you alone. I’m sorry for not considering your feelings. I’m sorry for being selfish. Please forgive me. No one hates Nam Woohyun.” I burst out crying. How can I hate you?


“Chorong.” He placed his hand in front of me, he’s still behind. Then, he showed me a necklace.


The Fork necklace.


“This was supposed to be for Naeun, but I realized, you are more important to me. I can’t live happily without you by my side. I thought you were just a friend to me, but I’m wrong. It’s more than that. You’re special.”


He grabbed my shoulders to face him. We looked at each other’s eyes. His tears are forming in his eyes, but mine is flooding. Then he wore me the Fork necklace. “This is for you.” He showed me the spoon necklace he’s wearing.


“I can’t take it when you’re with other guys. I’m sorry with what I did to Myungsoo. I hate it when he’s with you. Do you know how frustrated I am when you told me that he likes you?” Awww. I’m very touched.  So he’s being jealous all this time? I thought they just have problems with each other. But it turned out that Namu realized his true feelings. Awww :”>


He touched my cheek. “I love you, Park Chorong. Please stay with me.” AHHH! Now I’m sobbing so hard.

I hugged him tight. And he hugged me too.


“Yaa Nam Woohyun!” I said.


“Yes, Park Chororo?” He said, still hugging.


“Saranghae.” I’m smiling like an idiot.

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koala_panda #1
are u not going to continue the story?
hayeolssi #2
cuteee >< update more, myungeun story pls
nawnnie #3
please update soon >< i like your story
Aww woohyun chorong >< update soon~
Update soon! ~