My Brother's Best Friend
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Chapter Two


June 1st, 2014.


9:30 P.M.


When Baekhee and Lizzy arrived at the packed EXO-PLANET club in Hongdae, the line was already piling out the door full of eager partygoers looking to have a good time. Baekhee looked at the crowd uneasily, worrying whether they would even get in before the club closes. As she got ready to head toward the back of the line, Lizzy suddenly pulled her toward the front.


“But.. line…” Baekhee pointed.


“Lines are for people who don’t look like us.” Lizzy declared confidently. She marched right up the bouncer and gave him her best flirtatious smile.


“My friend and I would really like to get in…” she batted her eyelashes.


The bouncer grunted and pointed at the back of the line. Lizzy’s face fell.


Baekhee rolled her eyes and was about to drag Lizzy to the back of the line before she could protest further when suddenly she heard-


“Baekhyun’s little sister?”


She turned around and saw a familiar bunch of faces that she recognized were her brother’s friend group at school. Among them, she knew Chanyeol was the tall one with the red hair, Chen was the shorter one with a permanent smile and Tao was the cool delinquent looking one with a face straight out of a high school manga. 


Her heart fell slightly when she realized she didn’t see Jongin among them.


So much for her Master Plan of Seduction.


“I never thought I’d see you here. Oh yeah, you’re 18 now huh? Happy birthday!” Chanyeol exclaimed. The rest of the group chimed in with their birthday wishes as well.


Baekhee bowed to all of them politely, “Thank you very much.”


“So are you guys going in right now?” Chanyeol said, not so subtly eyeing Lizzy. Baekhee remembered Baekhyun mentioning something about Chanyeol being a womanizer and made a mental note to keep Lizzy away from him.


“We can’t get in.” Lizzy pouted, flattered by Chanyeol’s attention.


“Ah, don’t worry. We’re all VIP guests here.” Chanyeol signaled to the bouncer, “These two girls are going to come with us,” he announced.


To Baekhee’s surprise, the bouncer just grunted and nodded, cooperatively letting them through. She half expected that Chanyeol’s VIP stuff was just a shtick to get girls.


“Wait where’s Jongin?” Lizzy asked suddenly. Baekhee almost smacked her for being so obvious but Chanyeol didn’t seem to catch on.

“Ah Jongin? He should have just finished performing I think…”


That’s when Baekhee suddenly realized there could be a huge hitch to her plan.


“Wait… is Baekhyun here?” She blurted out loud.


Chanyeol and the rest of Baekhyun’s friends laughed.


“Tonight’s your lucky night,” Chanyeol sang,  “Because he’s stuck doing overtime. Some dumb intern accidentally deleted all the files off his computer

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Chapter 3: Update soon! ^^
suesuepoe #2
Chapter 3: It is really interesting!please update soon!
rudelysweetk21 #3
Chapter 3: Aha the stupid brother's code -.- haha nice start..hope you will continue to keep it :))
lu-hanny #4
Chapter 2: oooooooh this story seems to be very interesting! I hope you update soon c:
Chapter 1: interesting! :) update soon ^_^