
Another Dancing Vampire
I glanced at Kai, who was sitting on the bed, playing with a dream-catcher that was hanging on the edge of my bed. He eyed me with an expression of worry and sadness. “I wasn’t thinking of leaving you or EXO-K. It’s just an offer for a performance in China, it’s nothing big. I’ll come back after that’s done,” I reasoned as I kept on inserting the rest of my clothes into my suitcase.
Kai stood up from the bed and dashed towards me. He stood there, behind me. I could feel his breathing against my neck. He s his hands unto my waist and back-hugged me. “I’m just… I’m so worried about you. If you get hurt again, I’ll never forgive myself,” he murmured, with a hint of sadness in his voice. Letting out a sigh, I placed down the clothes I was holding and placed my hands on top of his. “I’ll be fine, Jongin. I have EXO-M to watch over me.”
“But still…”
I turned my body around and placed a finger in front of his lips as I shushed him. Our eyes met – and I saw all the fears and worries inside of him. I cupped his cheek with my palm, smiling at him. “Everything will be just fine. Trust me.”
Kai let out a lungful sigh, but then returned my smile in a matter of seconds. He then leaned closer to me, and I didn’t hesitate to close my eyes. However, before the impact came, a gush of wind entered the room as a presence filled the empty balcony.
“Keir, change of plans – we need to go tonight,” a deep voice hollered in the silent room. Kai straightened his back and looked at his leader (who was now sitting on the balcony railings) in confusion. “What ‒ tonight? Why? What happened?” the younger asked in confusion.
“I told Luhan and Lay to check the fence. They said…” Kris paused, and we walked closer to him in concern, “the fence is, somehow, broken. Destroyed. Crushed into pieces.” Kai widened his eyes and took a long gasp. “What? Who would do such a thing?” I saw fangs growing in place of his teeth.
“Look, we can talk about construction later. But if Wangbi wants to get to Beijing by tomorrow morning, we have to leave now,” Kris firmly said, leaving Kai no choice but to sigh in defeat. It wasn’t a split second after when he dashed around the room collecting the remaining things, organized them into my suitcase and zipped it shut. He then handed the suitcase to me. “Here.”
I could sense a deadpan in his sentence. “Kai, you can trust your friends, okay? I’ll be fine,” I reassured him one more time, smiling at him once again. Kai returned my smile, but it was a bitter smile. “Come on, the rest of the guys are waiting for us,” Kris stood up from the railings and I walked towards him.
“Yes, Kai?”
I turned my head to see Kai’s generous smile, the one he gave me every time nothing was wrong. “Have fun!” he chirped, and I chuckled in respond. Kris got my suitcase in hand as I climbed unto his back. “See you soon, Keir!”
And with that, Kris jumped down from the balcony, and dashed down the streets, too fast for anyone to see. It was 10 p.m. when we arrived at the meadow and met up with the rest of EXO-M. That was when I saw the broken fence. It was broken, completely broken, just like Kris had mentioned. Everything was crushed into pieces of wood and nothing in the fence survived.
“So I guess you’ll be driving our way to Beijing?” I asked as I got down from Kris’ back. Tao and Chen laughed at my sentence. “Who said anything about driving?” Chen fired back. “Do you see any cars around? No, sir,” Tao high-fived the elder who laughed with him. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
“While you sleep, we’ll run all the way to China,” Luhan smiled as if nothing troubled them with running 8 hours straight to China. I widened my eyes in surprise. Were they really going to run to China? Aren’t they going to get tired? “We’re vampires, Wangbi. We don’t get tired as easily as you do. Plus, we’ve done this a lot, even before the fence was built,” Lay answered my question. I just realized I blurted my thoughts aloud.
Suddenly Xiumin dashed towards Kris and me. “I’ll handle the suitcase, if you don’t mind,” he offered the leader, who nodded and handed him my suitcase. Then, Kris turned his attention towards the two benders.
“Luhan, ZiTao, get your elements ready,” he smirked at the two boys, who obeyed his orders with a chuckle. Luhan searched around for a good source of water when he walked towards a tree with a frown, and bended the all of the water inside it. As he pulled the water away from the tree, his arms made a circular motion around his body and the water formed a huge circle by his waist. The tree itself became completely withered and dry. I almost forgot Luhan hated taking water from plants. Meanwhile, Tao tapped the ground with his feet, and the ground molded a deep hole, big enough for Tao, even Chanyeol or Kris to fit in. I watched in awe as the five boys began to stand in a line, heading towards the north.
“Why would they need to bend? Wouldn’t people be able to see their abilities?” I whispered to Kris in a concerned tone. But what I got in return was only a nonchalant chuckle. “Relax. It’s nighttime. Who would stay awake at a time like this? And anyway, Tao’s going underground as we run through the forests. When we reach the beach, Luhan will take us under the waves and travel underwater,” he explained.
Isn’t Tao afraid of the underground bugs, though? And wouldn’t traveling underwater be unsafe? I was getting worried about this vacation. But nevertheless, I trusted them.
Tao grabbed a flashlight and turned it on, stuffing it into his waist bag. “I’ll see you hyungs at the beach, then!” the latter exclaimed before he dives into the hole. Like a mole, he drilled through the soil, making a tunnel for him to make his way. I watched in shock as he drilled super-fast into the underground tunnel. “Well, we better catch up!” Chen smirked and dashed after the youngest.
“Surf’s up, guys!” Luhan bended the stream of water and surfed on its surface as he chased after Chen.
“Hey! That’s a head start!” Xiumin followed him.
“You guys! Wait up!” Lay pursued the elders.
Now it was just me and Kris. He chuckled at the sight of his friends as he calmly walked down the meadow. “Did I mention that we always used to race to the beach?” he grinned, and so did I. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he continued to walk down the grassy land.
“You can sleep while we run. It’s going to be a long way to Beijing,” he said.  It was only a second before he swept me off of the ground and carried me bridal style. I almost had my heart break its way out of the ribcage. “Hey, Kris, what the--?” I was cut off when a powerful wave of wind rushed against us. Kris began running down the meadow and into the dark of the silent forest. The moon lighted his way through the forest. I saw the trees passing by behind his broad shoulders. The wind made my eyes go all droopy, and I was soon drifted off into dreamland.
The five boys ran through forests, empty streets, down rivers, and meadows. It was after 2 hours when they’d finally reached the beach. They saw Tao who was sitting down on a pile of sand as he was already waiting for them. The latter sat up from his seat and dusted the sand off of his Gucci jeans. “It’s about time you hyungs arrive. That is…,” he checked his watch, which was Gucci as well, “exactly 11:54 p.m.”
Kris looked down from the youngest to your sleeping figure, and caressed your silky hair softly. After Tao’s sentence, the only sounds heard were the splashing waves and the soft sound of your breathing. The other five soon stared at your sleeping figure, just as Kris snapped out of his own world. “Come on. We need to get going. It’s a long journey to Beijing,” the leader spoke with authority in his voice and continued to walk down the beach, inching closer and closer to the water.
“But, leader…”
Kris halted. He didn’t even glance at the elder calling him. “Aren’t you tired of carrying her around? You know you have myocarditis symptoms.”
He knew what Luhan was thinking. Somehow, his mind was filled with jealousy ‒ that Kris got to carry you around instead of him. But Kris had to do this. There was a secret inside of his deepest heart. “No, Luhan. I’m not as weak as you think I am. I’ll carry her.”
“Leader, please,” another voice stopped him from walking. This time, it was Chen. He stared at the leader with pleading eyes. It was rare for Chen to do something like that. If it wasn’t for someone important or his best friends, he would have been playing and cracking jokes with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Only a few knew of his caring side, his true mother-like figure. And that made the leader sigh.
Kris spun 180 degrees and turned his gaze towards the eldest. “Everest…” he called as he walked towards him. Xiumin shivered. Even though he was the eldest, he’s had a slight fear for Kris’ intimidating aura. He was used to being quiet in EXO; it would make it even awkward with the leaders. “Ryuu, why me? What if I can’t control my bloodlust?” he asked. Kris gave him a supportive look. “You’re the strongest out of us. You’re the eldest in EXO. We trust you, Kai trusts you, Wangbi trusts you,” he emphasized the last sentence. Xiumin took a while to think, but soon took your body into his arms and smiled at the leader.
Seeing this, Luhan felt something stabbing him inside his heart. He didn’t know what it was, but the felt uncomfortable seeing you in the hands of others, even his own friends. Nevertheless, he hid the thought and began walking towards the sea. He brought his palms into one and raised it above his head, parting it as they ascended. The sea mirrored his hands movements, splitting into two separate parts. It left a dry land in between as a path for them to pass through. The others followed Luhan behind him in a single line, with Tao in the middle of the row. Why? Because if Luhan loses his concentration in the middle of the sea, Tao would bend a huge block of sand and soil to send them back up to the surface.
Soon enough, the 7 of you were engulfed inside a huge air bubble in the middle of the sea. Luhan bended the water as he kept walking past the fishes and the coral reefs. Lay and Tao watched in awe as the sea turtles and the dolphins swam around their bubble. Chen would sometimes reach out of the bubble to pet the dolphins, only to have them splashing water back to him.
After a few hours (5, to be precise), the group had finally reached Beijing’s beach. Luhan collapsed onto the ground and panted heavily in tiredness. “Seriously, I’m going to find the person who broke the fence, and I’m going to the blood out of his body,” he deadpanned, which gained a round of laughter from his coven-mates.
It was another hour of running when they finally reached their house. “Ah… It’s home sweet home!” Chen jumped onto the sofa and he grabbed a cushion and cuddled on it. Lay and Tao got into their bedrooms while the three eldest dashed upstairs where your room was. Xiumin gently placed you on your bed as Kris put down the suitcase beside the wardrobe. Luhan adjusted the pillow under your head and threw the covers unto your body. Kris and Xiumin stared at Luhan as he sat beside your small figure. Kris urged himself out: he knew what Luhan wanted. Soon enough, Xiumin followed the leader, as he needed sleep as well.
Luhan, though, stayed inside your room for a few minutes. He took a while to caress your rosy cheek, your copper hair, and your milky skin. He felt his heart beating wildly: even he was shocked of this feeling. But he knew it was wrong. He knew you were mated. He couldn’t do anything to change the prophecy. He stared at the moon as a chilly whispering voice began to fill his head. He sighed as he looked in the mirror. Small antlers grew on top of his head; his blond hair was turning brown. His curse was taking over his body again.
Luhan walked towards your window and opened it and jumped to the nearest branch, not before glancing back at you. “Sweet dreams, Princess.”


So, um.. hey guys! It's me again! I'm still alive! You guys alive? Man, I'm having a little writer's block here at the moment. Anyways, care to tell what you think about this chapter by commenting down there? Thanks!

Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS (i know it's a bit late) AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy holidays, y'all!





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liviya #1
Chapter 4: Awww OmG it's luhan , pls continue soon pls.
maistorysince1996 #2
Chapter 4: Aww the story went by too fast :) i know its been a couple years but i would love to see where this story goes authornim ^.^ i know how hard it is to find time to write or have ideas to write so no rush :)
vitalimzz #3
Chapter 4: Author-nim . Please update!! Ppaliwa . ><..i'm waiting for this ff yeah.. don't make us wait too long author-nim
Chapter 4: Please update!!!
Chapter 4: I don't want Wangbi to be turn into vampires by some stranger vampire... I want it to be a sweet moment between both Kai and her... Owh, I just remember that Wangbi in Korean means Princess... It totally suit her... Love triangle... Cliche' but, I won't judge first until I've read all the story... Don't worry... Love your story... I hope that after Wangbi turn into newborn, she'll get a great power and strength... After all, she's a Princess of Swan... Please think of any power that cool, suitable and also powerful for her ok... ^ ^
XtraClassy #6
Chapter 4: Omg! What is Luhan story? It is looking like he has feeling for Kai's mate. This story is amazing so far great job author nim. Please update soon thanks.
Justmaili #7
Chapter 4: Gahhh u know how to keep a reader on edge. Poor Jongin all worried about his gf. Understandable tho. But now I wanna know Luhans story now~ it seems pretty serious

Thx for the update! Cant wait for the next one!
gabriella_bella #8
Chapter 3: please update soonn authornim...!!
joycetricia #9
Chapter 3: Please update. Im getting excited now
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 3: please update soon authornim :D :D!!!

The story just gets more interesting and more anticipating ^^

Great job authornim :D Hope to hear from you soon :D