-Deleting Later-



I figured I needed to write something because we seem to have really long breaks inbetween chapters. To be honest, Lisa and I wanted to write this with constant updates, but it seems to be difficult. 

To be honest, Lisa and I live in different countries. Completely different. So our timezones are really hard to overcome when we write with each other, since when I'm free she'll be in school, and vica versa. We work on a collaborative document, so to get a time that works for both of us for a long period of time ends up being difficult in one way or another.

Also, as I'm the writer and she's the editor, lately I've had a lot on my plate too. I got back from vacation a few weeks ago, but since then I've had summer assignments and whatnot to do to prepare for the upcoming school year. I also have to start taking the time to research and apply to colleges, since it seems that that time has come. (Very stressful so far, cried twice already, lol).

The fic itself is still very much alive in our minds- we send each other small parts we want to eventually include, and I'm constantly thinking about what to write. I actually have the thought of working on it a lot, but my school work comes first. I need to go to a good college!

But yeah. That's the announcement. We're sorry for the delays in chapters, and hopefully we'll have at least a few out before I return to the hell called school. Thank you for your patience! 


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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 1: Yay! So happy for her!
LadySyndra #2
Sounds very interesting! I can't wait for the first chapter! Very excited for it!