

“What the hell is with all this noise?” Minsuh growled from beneath her sheets. She peeked out of her blanket fort and stared at her alarm clock until what was blurry became clear.


“, I’m late!” she said, jumping out of bed and running towards her closet.

Can’t wear this, can’t wear this, can’t wear this… She thought as she rummaged through her clothes. She obviously couldn’t wear her job uniforms; they would think she showed up to the wrong place.

“Perfect!” Minsuh exclaimed out loud, content with the outfit she picked out for herself. She was wearing black leather leggings with a gray pull over sweater with the shoulders replaced with black spandex. She sat down and put on her only pair of heels; she was required to wear them when she went to work at the café, which she really couldn’t understand.

Minsuh stood up and grabbed her purse and walked outside, turning to lock the door. It’s not like there’s much to steal in there anyways. She thought to herself, laughing bitterly as she walked along the street. She pulled out her phone to text her brother; he was always worried about whether or not she was doing well on her own and offered to give her help, but she always refused it. She wanted to not have to rely on others to survive, and she was doing just that.


Oppa! I’m on my way right now, wish me luck!

Good luck Minsuh! I know you’ll do great. This time really is the time, I can tell!

Thank you! I love you!

Love you too, good luck and don’t be nervous


Minsuh looked up from her phone smiling; she really appreciated that her brother was so supportive of her and her dreams. As Minsuh glanced up, she realized that she was standing in front of her destination: SM Entertainment. She observed the extremely long line of people who were in front of the building. They’re probably all here to audition too… What am I going to do?! Minsuh panicked to herself. She knew that only a certain number of people got in as trainees, and she had to be one of those people. But this line looks like there are over 200 people here! This was her third audition into a company- both YG and Cube Entertainment had rejected her saying that she “wasn’t up to their standards.”


They could have at least put it in a more polite way, for God’s sake. Minsuh snapped back into reality and ran towards the end of the line; better late than never, right?

Two hours later after finally making it into the building and getting a number, the nervousness began to set in.  She watched the people around her who were last minute practicing their dance routines, or warming up their singing voices. Should I be doing the same thing? She thought to herself. No, I’ll only make myself more nervous if I practice in front of everyone. She concluded.

A voice rang out above the chatter, “Number 307, Lee Minsuh!”

Minsuh looked up with uneasiness in the pit of her stomach. This was the time. It was her moment to show everyone that she was able to achieve her dream.

She slowly got up out of her seat and walked- more like trudged- to the open door where the facilitators all sat at a table waiting for her. She walked in front of the open room and bowed to the people who were about to determine her future.

“My name is Lee Minsuh, and I’ll be dancing for my audition.” She said as cheerfully as possible; she already knew that the trick wasn’t to show how nervous she actually was.

“Alright Minsuh, please show us what you’ve got” said an older man at the table, giving her an encouraging smile. At that moment the door behind the facilitators opened and a young male walked in, observing- Minsuh didn’t pay any attention to him.

As the music began, Minsuh began to feel the beat and feelings rush through her body; the dance that she practiced so hard and put her heart and soul into came naturally to her as she danced her way across the entire room. She was putting her all into it when she didn’t even realize that the music had stopped and so had her body moments. She glanced upwards towards the facilitators where they all stared at her with widened eyes. She scanned their faces in hope to see an answer, but she lingered on the male who came in before she started. He was intensely staring at her, his eyes boring into her soul. She turned her head downwards out of embarrassment and bowed once again to the facilitators.

They began to speak amongst each other and nodded to one another. The older man who spoke to Minsuh earlier stood up and smiled at her.

“Lee Minsuh, congratulations. You’re now a new trainee under SM.”  He extended his hand towards Minsuh expecting her to shake it, but instead was startled when he was suddenly jumped onto by an ecstatic Minsuh.

“Thank you! Thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me, thank you so much!” She cried, her words muffled since she was still attached to the man.

The man laughed softly and pried Minsuh off of him. “Come back tomorrow and we’ll give you a tour of the facility.” He said gripping her shoulders. “and next time, try not to jump your boss, alright?” he chuckled, giving her a friendly wink. She turned red and looked towards the floor.


The mysterious male continued to watch Minsuh with a glint of humor in his eyes. She’s going to make a good addition to this company. He thought to himself, smiling.

“Jongin? What are you doing here? Everyone’s waiting for you in the dance room.” He heard his name and turned to see his friend Kyungsoo standing behind him.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Let’s go.” Jongin quickly replied, pushing Kyungsoo and himself out of the room.

“Who were you looking at?” Kyungsoo continued to question him.

“Oh it’s no one, just wanted to see the new trainees and what not.” He replied.

I’ll see you tomorrow, Lee Minsuh.


Meanwhile, Minsuh smiled to herself as she began to walk towards the door.

I’ve done it. I’ve actually done it. I have my dream in the palm of my hand.


(A/N) Hi everyone! Thank you for reading the first chapter, and I'm sorry if it's lacking details or it went a little fast or short, I'm just trying to get the beginning out so we can dive right into the plot. Anyways, see you in the next chapter! ~K

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 1: Yay! So happy for her!
LadySyndra #2
Sounds very interesting! I can't wait for the first chapter! Very excited for it!