Mr. Oh

Ah! My Mister!


This is just an extraordinary normal day.


Im Sera woke up, feeling really lightheaded. She rubbed her eyes and opened it gently, the sun greeting her through her windows. "Why didn't I let down the curtains?" she mentally smacked herself and pouted. Then her eyes suddenly widen at the thought of something.

"School! Oh dear gosh, school!" she panicked and faster as you can say 'you're late', she dashed out of her bed and went to the kitchen to take a quick breakfast. Sera ran at the quickest speed she can and reached the kitchen in a very short time. Sera grabbed the cereal box along with her favorite bowl, and suddenly remembered something. Something more important than school, something she never thought of before dashing out of her comfy bed...

"Sera, you stupid! It's saturday! No classes!" she exclaimed in defeat and slumped into one of the kitchen's high seats. "How could you be so stupid?" she lightly hit her head and stood up. "Well, at least this means a full day of chapter updates" Sera consoled herself and went back to her bedroom to grab her towel and take a shower.

While humming a song and skipping towards the bathroom, she heard a strange noise coming from the shower. Well, honestly, not that strange, just the sound of the fast droplets of water coming from the shower. But, isn't it creepy when you have the house all by yourself because your parents are always in the business trip, meaning you only get to see each other at least twice a month, and you have no brother and siter? In other words, home alone by yourself?

Although feeling scared, Sera took the courage to open the door. She closed her eyes, breathed heavily and made a fighting gesture with her fist. She took a step closer to the shower curtains and opened it slowly, only with her eyes closed. Sera's not prepared to see what's in store for her. She's clearly afraid of ghosts and serial killers, she doesn't want to die because of extreme surprise.

She slowly opened her eyes when she knew she finally fully opened the shower curtains.


"Oh my dear God" Sera said slowly, shocked. As she stared at the boy's eyes, also looking back at her. The boy is shampooing his hair, his body full of frothy bubbles because of the excessive amount of shampoo in his hair. The boy does not look like a serial killer, nor is he not even close. He looks like a really handsome prince who came to save her, but only she found him in her bathroom, with no single amount of clothing to cover his body, and he's using her strawberry-scented shampoo.

Sera instinctively threw the band of curtain she's holding and threw it at him. "Please cover yourself, oh my God, I'm not a ert, oh my God, I'm still a for wifi's sake!" she exclaimed. The boy quickly covered himself using that curtain. Sera studied his face. 'Oh dear, he looks so adorable and handsome' she thought but shook her head to shake the thought off. The boy just stared at her blankly, waiting the next thing she would do. "No, no! I didn't look at your body! You might think that I'm erted! No, no! I really didn't even look at your chest! I promise! I swear to the god of wifi!" Sera told him, still a little panicked. She waited for his response, but the boy only tilted his head.

"Why are you here? And who are you? You really look familiar? Do you go to the Seoul Special City High School too? And the door is locked? How?" Sera asked questions non stop, making the boy squint his eyes at her. "Why do you ask so many questions?" the boy finally spoke to her. Sera blushed at his simple response, 'damn this boy's voice is y'.

"Because I have the right to, this is my house" she answered after recovering. "Wow, really? This house is yours? How can you prove it?" the boy snapped back at her. Sera gaped at his cockiness, this guy is really something. "For one thing, I know where my cereal box is located. I know the password to the love of my life, wifi, is and I also know to turn on the heater" Sera simply replied, noticing the boy's pores on his arms showing visibly because of the cold water.

"You seem convincing" the boy answered, nodding his head. "Answer me, how did you get in, when the front door is locked?" Sera asked, acting and sounding like a military commander. She feels like it, for the first time in front of guy, she feels in charge. But it's a little sad for her though, because she knows she's in charge because the guy's clueless.

"Well, peasant, I just woke up on a soft thing--"

"What soft thing?"

"I don't know how to call it, it's a soft, big, black, and comfortable thing? It has like-- three parts or something?"

"The sofa?"

"Yeah, the sofa?"

"You don't know what is that called?"

The boy just looked around and Sera just rolled her eyes, she never met a boy so clueless and helpless but so stupid at the same time. But he is really adorable and cute; a day wouldn't be enough to stare at his face. Sera decided to ask more questions.

"That's mysterious, wow, are you a magician?"

"No, I'm a prince"

"A prince? Wow, you okay?"

"I am fine! Why do you wanna know that?"

"You're ridiculous. What's your name?"

"Oh Sehun"

And that's when Im Sera finally blanked out because of sudden surprise. Well, at least she didn't die.


OMG~ A chapter update! Hope you like it guys! :)

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