Naughty Hyung

Holiday Trouble

Yesung's POV
"Ryeowookie, I love you!" I smiled as I kissed him on his soft lips and he rested himself on me. It was 6am in the morning and he woke up because of a nightmare. But thanks to Merlia's medicine, he was really feeling better and even stronger. "Hyung...I cannot sleep.." I was still roaming around my neverland when I heard the voice that I loved so much calling out to me.

"Hmm? What's wrong baby?" I rolled over and asked him while pulling him closer to me. The others had cleared out after Ryeowook got better after the shots he had earlier on, so that we can have a good rest. "I cant sleep." He pouted as he looked at me with those eyes that I loved so much. "hmm.. But I am able to sleep." I nuzzled into his neck. "Let me tell you a story, shall I?" I looked at him and he nodded ,smiling. "Once upon atime, there was a boy name Yesung. He was a very cute and chubby boy, he loved weird stuffs like catching bugs and talking to plants. He got even weirder when he joined a boy band, named Super Junior. Since he had known most of the members for years before having the group, he was pretty relaxed among the hyungs and dongseangs, but one thing he was worried about was that there was a new boy that was joining them, but they hardly know who was it. They didnt want to accept any more members, but as soon as the boy came into view, everyone accepted him and started to take him around the house and teach him things, although some hyungs were still disturbed by the fact that the is a new boy, Yesung had already fallen in love with the new boy at first sight. When the boy introduce himself, Yesung thought that it was fate for the both of them to meet. But he didnt know if the boy had the same feeling as he does.. But after a few months of hanging out with him and playing with him, getting information from those who were close with him. And after the car accident that the rest had undergine, Yesung finally master the courage to confess to the boy." I paused a while as I heard the deep breathing of the boy that I fell in love at the first sight. "Ryeowookie, I love you!" I smiled as I kissed him on his soft lips and he rested himself on me. He had fallen back into sleep after I started my "story". I brought me nearer to me, as I rest on the pillow and stared at him. I dont know how much I love this fellow, but i definately can't live without him.

I patted his back lightly as I think back about those times when we went out for dates. We were the only couple, that had not argue before at all. And honestly speaking, these few weeks alone, I had shouted at him, slapped him, and many more. I regretted being such a jerk to him. Especially after I promised to the members that they will not see him make Ryeowook cry or angry. But whatever happened, had made me violated all my promises. I thought back on the time, when he wanted to break up with me, I almost wanted to die. But I was happy that he actually didnt want to... but it was the save my life. Ryeowook is a silly boy aint he? I never told Ryeowook will hurt himself... but oh wells. I looked at the bandage that still wrapped his hand nicely.

Why Ryeowook? Why? Why didnt you tell me? I could have helped you. You had suffered too much. I had really no idea how am I going to get Ryeowook out of depression in 5 days. Normally, people take years to get out from it. But 5 days? I really dont know how. I his cheek with my thumb and sighed in deep thought. How ? How? How am I suppose to do it? I felt tears ran down my cheeks as i asked myself, how am I supposed to help him. I looked at the time, it was 8:30am. I decided to get up off the bed and cook something for my boy. I walked towards the kitchen after washing myself up.

"Morning!" Eunhyuk greeted me. "Hey,  up so early?" I asked him and he nodded. "I was hungry.. how about you?" He asked me. "Ryeowook had a nightmare and I couldnt go back to sleep after that." I explained. "Oh... if you want to cook porridge for me... i suggest... I help you with it.. It will be better this way, just in case you blow the kitchen up." He smiled. "Am i THAT bad?" I snorted. "No, you are not, you are just too careless, tell me what's troubling you, hyung?" Great, nothing can escape Eunhyuk's sharp eyes, even though i tried to act as if i am fine in front of him, it's still impossible. "Come on hyung, i know you as well as Donghae knows Ryeowook, so just tell me what's wrong." He said. "Thanks Hyukjae, but i am just frustrated upon how am I supposed to help Ryeowook get out of depression in 5 days time... it's impossible. i can make him happy, but i cant help him get out of it. It's far too much from my point of view."

I sighed as I looked at how Eunhyuk was cooking the porridge. "Why so much?" I asked him as he poured the porridge into 3 bowls. "You need to eat hyung! Ryeowook's one is still in the pot, let it cool down first, I am taking this to Donghae." He smiled at me. "You havnt tell me any solutions." I asked him. "You need to eat hyung, we will talk after lunch." He told me and I just stared at him. Picking uo the bowl and eating the porridge slowly, I wonder how long have i not tasted food? Food had been rather tasteless to me in the past few days expecially with Ryeowook's conditions. I knew that I looked pale, and the members were very worried for me.

I stood in the kitchen and enjoyed my porridge when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and rested on my back. "Good morning hyung~" He greeted me with that so cute voice of his. I placed my bowl down and turned around so I can face him. "Morning baby, why are you up so early?" I asked him as a planted a kiss on his forehead. "I was searching for you."He smiled. "I am always here, aint I?" I joked as i pointed to his heart. "Have some Eunhyuk's porridge, yea?" I pinched his nose and went to scoope some porridge for him. "Eat up!" I said as I picked up my bowl and continue eating. "It's nice!" He cheered. and it has been too long since he last ate something all by himself. "You should tell that to Eunhyuk later." I messed his hair and I placed my bowl into the sink.

I went over beside him and sat down on the chair just beside him. "Come, let me feed you." I told him as I took his spoon from his tiny hands and scooped the porridge and places it into his mouth. He was blushing when i did that. "You are so cute. Come on, let's finish this up and go wash up." I told him. He went to the toilet to wash up while I washed the dishes. And I washed myself up in another toilet down the hall. "Ryeowook~" I called out for him after washing up and i saw him bouncing towards me."Hyung~~" He cheered. "Why are you so happy?" I hugged him. "I dont know. I want to stay like this forever." I can feel his smile in my embrace. "I am sorry.." I apologised for not able to give him what he needed and wanted. "Hyung.. there isnt a need to...." I captured his lips and kissed him deeply. "I love you, and that's all I can promise you. With those 3 words, you can do whatever you want to me, and I will do whatever I can to help you, because, boy, I love you. Saranghae." I whispered into his ears and he hugged me tightly. "I am sorry for being weak..." "No Ryeowook, you are not weak." "I am... i ..." He started to sob a little and I carried him up and went to our room, kicked the door closed. "Baby, you aint weak..." "NO hyung... look .. how effortnessly you made just to carry me up.. I know it myself... " "Ryeowook uh..." He just hugged me tightly and rested on my neck. "I am really sorry, for making you worried." "Ryeowook, you are the best boyfriend I had ever had, you are the one who taught me to love and give it all. WHy must you apologised to me?" I wiped his tears away. "I dont know." He sobbed. "Smile baby, smile for me. That will what you need to do, clear all your mind and just smile for me. " I told him. "Hyung... what are you doing?" He asked me as I climbed towards him and pushed him down on the bed lightly. "Shall we..." I and immediately he turned red. "I take it as a yes, since you are blushing..." And I pulled his shirt off in a swift moment. "Hyung... you are really..hngh... naughty." He moaned asI kissed his neck. "And I know you love it." I reached for his lips and kissed him deeply before eating him up.



a short one, :D ahhhhh, it ttm. OTL

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Yada yada yada... I'm back to read this story for the third time XD
Omo! I've finished this awesome story! :) thanks for wrote this♥
Chapter 1: I just started reading this today, and Im getting addicted. Im a SiBum shipper, and, Im happy that I saw their lovey-dovey moments here ♥
Chapter 55: I finished this finally. I got addicted, omg. Some parts scared the hell out of me >.< But it was sooo nice. Yewook's love is so sweet. <3
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I finished this late -.- /coughs
YAYAYAAYYAYAYAY i really thought somebody will gonna die T^T
anyway, the ending was sweet <3 thanks for this~ ;A;
yewook ~ <3
naznew #6
wah...i already finish read your story...
it take almost 2 week to finished it...(start read your story at 12a.m everyday)..coz every chapter its so long..
Your story almost make me sad, happy and fear and always worried (to ryeowook)..
love this story..
Thanks 4 making this story..
KoreanMusicLuva #7 took me.... a week to about 3 to finish this ( i was lazy to read it striaght forver :P) and i cried once :P i think chapter 54... haha i really love this story :) imma go read some of your other stories now ^^
it takes me three days straight to finish this without making my face staining with tears over and over again..i'm glad they finally free.. good job!!! ^^v
yayy ! at last they were freed ! great ending ! love ur story ^^
SujuFan94 #10
This was a great way to end the story. Thank you very much :)