DongHae's Magic Words

Holiday Trouble

Heechul's POV

After putting the younger ones to sleep, I walked to Leeteuk's room. He had texted some of us and wanted us to meet him in his room after all the younger ones had drif off into sleep. Aside from me, Hangeng, Yesung, KangIn, Shindong, Sungmin and Siwon were all there in the room already. "So what happened after I brought Ryeowook into the room." Yesung asked. I sat down beside him and sighed. "I dont think we can trust Alex, you know? I dont know who to trust, either Alex or Ron, but I dont think ROn will do such a thing, when he is trying all his might to protect Ryeo... I mean yah, you guys know what I mean? And when Ron appeared, I noticed how shocked Alex was. Given that he is the husband of Alice and the father of Gladys, I dont think he will turn his back against his family. Even though anyone of you guys, did something really wrong, I wouldn't turn my back against you people. That's the theory." "That's nothing we can do right?" Sungmin sighed. "Yes... I agree on that, but somehow he removed the demon is Ryeo's body..if he wanted to kill him, whey dont he just attacked?" Shindong asked. I shook my head and said, "That's his plan, he wanted our trust, and the more trust we gave to him, the easier it is for him to attack us from the inside out. Dont you get it?" Shindong slowly nodded his head. I can see that the rest were also agree-ing to what I had said. "I just hope Wookie will be fine though... The Priest told me that he is slowly healing... both mentally and physically. I really hope it's true. It's almost 2 weeks now... I dont want the rest of the 3 and a half month of holidays to deal with this... We wouldn't get any breaks at all." Yesung said softly, but it was loud enough for us to hear. I sighed as I looked at the rest of the members. "You guys really need to sleep, your eye bags are popping out, it's almost 3am now. We will discuss this tomorrow again." I yawned and scretched as I stood up. "Come on, you guys need to rest, sitting here the whole damn night, isn't gonna get up anywhere near solutions. Rest is important as well." Leeteuk agreed with me and we both rushed the members to sleep. "Siwon.. did the Priest said anything to you about Alex?" I heard Yesung asked him. "Yesung, stop asking, tomorrow we will discuss it again. Go to sleep." I coughed and told him. He sighed and went into his room, Teukie gave me a nod and I followed Yesung into the room and checked on my cute little dongseang.

"Ryeowookieee~" I called out loudly when i walked into the room and Yesung immediately covered my mouth. "Hyung! Let him sleep!" He whispered and looked back at his love and checked if I had woken him up. "Ryeowook isnt gonna wake up.... He is deeply asleep. Dont worry." I said as I walked towards the sleeping boy and looked at him. "His face had sunken in though... how much weight had he lost? Oh my... his wrist are so tiny... My poor dongsaeng... I am so sorry hyung never noticed it before." I rubbed his hand gently. "OOps, did I unknowingly added salt to your wound?" I turned around and looked at Yesung who was staring at Ryeowook with teary tears. "Yah, pull yourself together. He is still breathing and you are behaving like he's not. Yesung uh. When the dongseangs are around, I didnt say anything, but Teukie, Me and Hannie had been trying to tell you that you need to pull up a strong front for the dongseangs. Yes, I know you are thinking that I am selfish for saying this, but there is no choice Yesung, no choice, Teukie is also constantly breaking down seeing THREE of his baby hurt, and whatever by those stupid things. You are facing and dealing with ONE. But Teukie puts on a strong front. Me and Hannie are obviously affected too. but being the oldest, we couldn't fall like this. We could just let our reaction and emotions took control of us. Whatever you did out there, was ing dangerous, do you have any idea what if it wasn't Ron who possessed you then, but it was Gladys or Alice or Ken or Kai, whatever monkeys, cats and dogs. What if Siwon's Priest couldn't help you? What if you die? Then... what's the use of protecting Ryeowook when you are not here anymore? Think before you act Yesung." I ranted on how his actions earlier in the night was so freaking selfish, pushing Ryeowook to Donghae and dashed for the spirit. I knew he wanted to protect Ryeowook, but this isnt the right way to do so!

I wanted to continue but I felt someone tugged my sleeves. I looked back down at the culprit. Ryeowook was squirting his eyes and looking at me. "Hyung... what are you so angry about?" He asked me. "Well, wookie, you see, your hyung over there, did something really wrong today. I wont tell you what is it though...." I totally caught Ryeowook's attention. He immediately sat up and looked at Yesung who just continued to look down and played with his fingers. "What did he do?" Ryeowook asked me as he looked at Yesung. "Well, you were in pain and..." Before I could even finish, Yesung cut in. "I tried to stop the spirit from coming over so I dashed towards it..I was possessed.... But even it was Ron, I should have known better that I should think twice before I acted....I am sorry." He said. I sighed as I looked at Ryeowook, who was just staring at Yesung. "Wookie uh?" I nudged him. He blinked at few times before looking at me. "Heechul hyung... would you mind... letting us talk alone?" I could hear that he was about to break down anytime soon. "Yes, I mind. I will stay here unless you promise you wouldn't cry, which is highly impossible." I said. "Hyung..." Ryeowook whined. "OK, fine. I was just joking, you two worked among yourself, if you need me, i will just be in my room." I told him as I got my out of my bed. I didnt did that on purpose.. I meant making Ryeowook upset or even caused problems between them. Ryeowook had to know and stop Yesung, before his emotions took over him. Ryeowook needed to know what happened back then, because Yesung's actions were really dangerous. I sighed as I walked into Teukie's room and updated him about what I had said or done in the room.

Yesung's POV

Heechul hyung left the room, closing the door behind him. It was now, only me and Ryeowook. I knew I was in deep right now, making Ryeowook upset and probably angry. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!!" He bursted after we stayed silent for about ten minutes. He threw his pillow at me and I didnt dodge it. I deserved this. I stood up and walked towards him and wanted to calm him down from crying. He was trying to muff his cries into his hand while biting it. "Ryeowook... please... stop hurting yourself..." I said as I tried to remove his hand from his mouth. "Ryeowook...Kim Ryeowook...1...2...." I threatened and he ignored me. "So what? What if... I am hurting myself? as..if.. you trying to.... kill yourself.... isnt... hurtful enough... for me?" His words struck me. I tried me best not to cry as I tried to remove his hand. I grabbed it by forced and saw some fresh cuts on his wrist. "Kim Ryeowook, what the hell is this?" I grabbed his hand and pointed at the cuts. "Cuts, obviously.Are you blind?" He was being rude to me now. "Ryeowook, talk to me nicely." I told him as I hold his hand firmly. "Why did you cut yourself again?" I asked. He flinched. "I wanted to die. Because you didnt want me anymore, as you wanted to seek death, that's why you dashed into the spirit when you knocked me out..." He lied. "Ryeowook.." "What the hell are you thinking about? Dont you know how freaking impossible it is for me to live on without you? You know it.. Yet ..." He paused, all these while he had been trying to be firm and avoided eye contact with me, but it was slowly breaking apart. "i hate you." He mumbled as pushed my arms away and hid under the covers. I jumped in beside him and embraced him into my arms after pulling the covers away. He was crying now and hitting me with all his might on my chest and arms, kicking me away from him, because I didnt want to let him all. "Let go of me, Let go!!!" He whined and struggled. I was stronger and he knew it. He continued to hit me until he was tired and he hugged me tight after that. I didnt say anything but I comforted him down slowly. I deserved all those hits from him. It wasn't really painful, cause my heart was hurting more, because I upset him by my selfish actions. I cuppd his face and leaned down to kiss him. He didnt regret me, but accept me. I slowly took him into my arms, not breaking the kiss. But after awhile, I broke it for him to breathe and I took this chance to wipe away his tears. "I am sorry..." I said to him, but I know that he was still angry .... wait.. more of disappointed. He didnnt respond to me but just rested in my arms, still hugging me tight. I patted him until he fell asleep. I couldn't blame him for anything, because it was my own actions which brought about this. And I knew that he was deeply hurt, because I promised him that I will never leave him or let him go, but my actions today had a 90% chance that i will die... if not for the spirit was Ron, I would have been in hell now.

The next morning I woke up to find myself alone in the room. I sighed, recalling what happened last night as I walked out of the room towards the kitchen. I was actually not looking for breakfast but for Ryeowook. "Anyone seen Wook?" I yawned. "Yupps, he is upstairs, he moved back up." Eunhyuk replied me. "When?" I was quite shock. "This morning. Heechul hyung and Hae came down to pick him up. I assumed you guys argued yesterday, Wookie dont look good at all. He wasn't crying, but his eyes were red and he didnt even want to talk to anyone. He just silently took his things and went back up with them Hae told me that he went striaght into his room and laid on his bed, when Teukie hyung and the rest asked what's wrong, he didnt even reply. What happened hyung? What exactly happen to you two?" He asked me, as I just stared at him blankly. I could sense out a hint of annoyance and anger in his sppech. "He.. promised Ryeowook, not to leave him, but he dashed for the spirit. Ryeowook is disappointed, as we can see." Kyuhyun appeared from the back and patted me on my shoulder. "He's fine. He just need sometime alone, apparently without any sharp objects near him." Kyuhyun yawned and walked passed me to get something to drink. "How did you know?" Eunhyuk asked him. "Hyung, he came to my room, in the middle of the night, sitting on the edge of my bed and scaring the hell out of me, when I opened my eyes. With me and Sungmin hyung forcing me to talk.. how can I not know what's up with him?" Kyuhyun gave us an annoyed look. I could see that he wasn't really happy that he didnt had have enough sleep. "I will go and talk to him." I excused myself into the bathroom and washed myself up before heading towards the 12th dorm.

Donghae's POV

"Ryeowook uh." I shook him a little again. He was just back facing him, laying on his bed, without answering me at all. "Talk to me, Ryeowook... you know you can lean on me when you are down, dont keep it in... it's not like you..." I had been trying to get him to open up to me ever since he came back up. I was so shocked wehn I saw his eyes in the morning. Heechul hyung had roughly told us... well... told Teukie hyung what happened when he lectured Yesung hyung about dashing forward to the spirit, I happened to be awake in the next room and I heard it clearly. "Wookie, talk to me..." I sighed as I sat on his bed. "You cut yourself again.. didnt you?" I knew he was listening, but he just refused to talk. "Why did you do it? It's because you are stressed out or? Ryeowook, I can't have you cutting yourself every now and then. I will go mad, you are my very precious friend and I dont want to lose you..." I stopped as the tears threaten to flow out of my eyes. "Donghae hyung..." He spoke after ages. "Yes?" "I feel so hurt.. so much pain in me. Not in my body, but in my heart... He promised that he wouldn't leave me, but what if he really went if the spirit was evil... hyung.. it's painful... it hurts. I can't breathe. My chest is heavy, my heart hurts, I dont want to cry but.... i can't control my emotions. I felt numb..." "It's okay... I know it hurts. Let it all out, it's our little secret okay? I had already told the hyungs out there that I will be talking to you, so we have all the time in the world to ourselves now. They said that Yesung hyung will come up anytime, but I doubt hey will let him in so soon, so just let it all out." I reached out for him as he climbed into my embrance and started to sob. He sounded so hurt. I will be like this if Eunhyuk did the same thing to me, I sweared i will strangledhim and make him beg for mercy. I calmed Ryeowook down, before we had a heart to heart talk with each other until it was about lunch. Ryeowook was much better, he was smiling and even pinching me when I said the wrong thing. I laughed and brought him out to the kitchen. "Donghae uh!" Eunhyuk hugged him from the back. "Oh hey!" I smiled and I looked at Ryeowook who went to Yesung hyung and hugged him, smiling. "Are they okay?" Eunhyuk asked me. "With a little of hae's talk and magic, definately." I told him as we both witnessed Yesung hyung kissing Ryeowook.



I decided to pause here, because it's 2.28am here and my brain is tired and dead... :X So sorry...

thankyou for supporting my story. Comments are loved greatly <3 <3 ( I am also so touched by the comments , it really boost my self-esteem alot ^^ )


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Yada yada yada... I'm back to read this story for the third time XD
Omo! I've finished this awesome story! :) thanks for wrote this♥
Chapter 1: I just started reading this today, and Im getting addicted. Im a SiBum shipper, and, Im happy that I saw their lovey-dovey moments here ♥
Chapter 55: I finished this finally. I got addicted, omg. Some parts scared the hell out of me >.< But it was sooo nice. Yewook's love is so sweet. <3
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I finished this late -.- /coughs
YAYAYAAYYAYAYAY i really thought somebody will gonna die T^T
anyway, the ending was sweet <3 thanks for this~ ;A;
yewook ~ <3
naznew #6
wah...i already finish read your story...
it take almost 2 week to finished it...(start read your story at 12a.m everyday)..coz every chapter its so long..
Your story almost make me sad, happy and fear and always worried (to ryeowook)..
love this story..
Thanks 4 making this story..
KoreanMusicLuva #7 took me.... a week to about 3 to finish this ( i was lazy to read it striaght forver :P) and i cried once :P i think chapter 54... haha i really love this story :) imma go read some of your other stories now ^^
it takes me three days straight to finish this without making my face staining with tears over and over again..i'm glad they finally free.. good job!!! ^^v
yayy ! at last they were freed ! great ending ! love ur story ^^
SujuFan94 #10
This was a great way to end the story. Thank you very much :)