
Holiday Trouble

Yesung's POV

Alex? Who is this Alex guy? Are we able to trust him fully? What if history repeats itself? Like how we trusted Alice and Gladys? Is this Alex guy trustable? No way I am letting Ryeowook be hurt again. No way I am gonna risk it. But I could not even convince myself that his offer for help is not tempting at all. It did make me wanna risk it. But what if I made the same mistake again? Will it harm Ryeowook? Will it worsen the situation? He was already in so much pain. What if temptation for Alex's help overwhelmed me and he will kill off Ryeowook? My mind was in a mess. However, there was another voice telling me to risk it. Why not give it a try? I thought about it one second. Yet, another second I was telling myself off that I should not use Ryeowook's life to place a bet. This boy, his energy was draining fast with that demon in him. Was it Ron? I couldn't help but to link it to Ron. If Gladys was able to follow us out, wouldn't it be easy for Ron and the rest to come out too? I looked at Rywowook who was in my arms, still not awake from his last attack. This silly boy, he didn't want to ruin our date and held in the pain until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Silly boy, Ryeowook, you are really a silly boy..." I choked as I his pale cheeks. "Yesung hyung... are you thinking about what Alex had said? About what he could help?" Sungmin asked me as the rest of the members crowded around me and sat down around the living room. Yes, we had gotten home from the dinner after Alex sadi that he could help. I freaked out and pushed his help away and dashed out of the shop with Ryeowook in my arms. I was afraid that he was one of those sent by whoever or whatever to kill him. I saw he talked to Leeteuk hyung before the rest of them joined me and we went home together. "Yeah...Should we trust him?" I answered not looking up from the latter sleeping on my lap. "Is he okay?" Donghae asked he placed his back of the hand on Ryeowook's forehead. "He's cold..." He said while removing it. "I'll go make something warm for him, meanwhile, if he woke up, please ask him to have a warm bathe." Leeteuk said after he felt Wookie's forehead too.

"Ryeowook?" I called out when he suddenly grabbed my hand tightly. I was holding his hand and rubbing his hand with my thumb. "Ryeowook?? What's wrong?" I asked again as he held on to me even tighter. "Ryeowook! He... IS VOMITTING BLOOD!!! TEUKIE HYUNG, RYEOWOOKIE IS BLEEDING!" Kyuhyun screamed and wiped the mouth that was coming from Ryeowook's mouth. "Why is this happening?" Sungmin asked as he helped me sat Ryeowook up and Kyuhyun continued to rub Ryeowook's back. "urgh...." Ryeowook groaned when I accidently knocked into his knee. "Sorry.. Ryeowook are you okay?" I asked as i rubbed his knee and looked at him. I couldn't really register what was happening now. One moment, he was eating dinner with me and one moment later, he was vomitting blood at home while he was sleeping. "Wookie?" Donghae called out. I saw Ryeowook closely open his eyes and blinked before looking at me. I was just inches away from kissing his lips. His eyes started to water and I wiped it off before pushing his head inwards to let him rest on my chest. I his arms in order to release the pain he was feeling. "The ambulance is on the way Ryeowook... be strong.. hang on awhile. Alrights?" Eunhyuk told him as he checked his temperature.

Here I was... sitting in the hospital by the bed, looking at the boy in front of me. The doctors had said that he had stressed out his organs from irregular meals and the lack of rest had caused his organs not to function properly and hence resulting in internal bleeding. My eyes hurted from crying. I couldn't control myself when he was being pushed into the ambulance and had been tearing since then. Is there a way to solve it? Will Alex be able to help? I dont know... I don't know what the members had discussed because I did not once walked out of this room. I didnt want Ryeowook waking up and finding no one beside him. He looked so peaceful sleeping now... maybe the hospital is a better place for him to rest for the moment. The painkillers that the doctors had injected made him able to sleep peacefully without the stingy pain. "Ryeowook... you have to be strong alrights? We are all with you... I dont know if I should allow Alex to help you... the members might think that it's worth the try... but i dont want to see you hurt again.. i dont want you to break down again.. what should.... what should i do? what should i... do?" I broke into tears when i his cheeks. I held his hand in mine and placed it on my chest as I sobbed.

Kyuhyun's POV

Ryeowook fell... He fell... The doctors said that that he had stressed out his organs from taking irregular meals. His lack of rest had caused his organs disability to function properly and hence resulting in internal bleeding. I wanted to walk in to the ward to check out how was he but only to find Yesung hyung crying while holding Ryeowook's hand. Yes... I know how he felt deeply. I know how much it hurts to know that you cant do anything to help or comfort the one whom you loved the most. On nights when nightmares haunted me and i found myself crying and shivering in Sungmin hyung's arms, also made me hurt that I couldn't stop worying Sungmin hyung. Kibum and I had been talking it about our nightmares frequently. How it was scaring the both of us and how it was all related to Ryeowook. We dreamt about Ryeowook dying about Alice coming to us and using us to kill Ryeowook. We were afraid that we couldn't control ourselves if it really happened.

But now, Alex, who we dreamt that he could help, has appeared into our life and had offered help. But the members,like Donghae hyung, Heechul hyung and Leeteuk hyung didnt believe in him.. They were all afraid that Alex was one of those who wanted to kill Ryeowook. I am sure one person think this way too... Yesung hyung...He was too worried about Ryeowook's condition... But Yesung hyung will definately deny Alex's help and trust. How can I get him to trust Kibum's and my dream? That Alex was here to help...

"Hyung.." I started and walked in the ward. He immediately wiped his overflowing tears away and smiled at me. "He's gonna be alright... don't feel sad... I know it's hard.. but you have to stay strong for him.. I understand that you are hurt... but you have to stay strong to protect him..." "Thankyou Kyu.. you are really mature.. I will try my best.. what brings you here? Where are the others?" "They are all in the canteen.. hyung.. Recently... kibum and I had this dream... that.. Ryeowook is gonna.... Ryeowook couldn't make it.... but... there is this guy... Alex... he would be able to help Ryeowook.." "No... I dont trust Alex... I mean... that I wouldn't want to risk it.." "But hyung... Alex seemed like he could help Ryeowook.. I get what you mean.. but at least listen to the story of the town? about the ground? We might be able to find out more.. If Alex really wants to kill Ryeowook... we will jump in and protect him.."

"NO.. I dont wanna risk it." "But hyung...." "Enough.. get out. please.. if you are gonna say more about Alex.. get out." "Hyung. you are being stubborn." "I dont want to risk it. We trusted the fairies because they wanted to help you, Kibum and Wookie. And look what have we ended up with? A broken and hurt Ryeowook. A confused and scared Kibum and look at yourself. You are nothing better or far from being okay. You are torn too. Look at Sungmin. He is also breaking down because of your frequent nightmares." "How did you..." "You screamed. Kibum screamed. We all knew. All of us knew that you two are having nightmares. You guys were suffering mentally. Ryeowook is physically and perhaps mentally too. I dont wanna to risk trusting Alex. What if history repeats itself again?" "Hyung.. but my dream." "Grow up Kyuhyun. it's get a dream." "NO! I am sure that Alex could help!" "Kyuhyun. before I lost my patience. You better get out." "Kim JongWoon, you are a really selfish bastard." I hissed as I kicked the chair and stomped out of the room.

I felt tears rolling down my face. I wasn't angry. I was upset. Why didnt Yesung hyung believe that Alex could really help Ryeowook? Yes.. I know that dreams are not reality and vice versa. But the feeling in me is telling me that it's right to trust Alex. I understand his fear but... why can't he give in and safe Ryeowook... he is dying... I let myself lean and slidded down the wall before crying. Sungmin hyung came shortly and was shocked to find me crying. I poured everything out to him while he comforted me softly. I dont even know why I cried.

Ryeowook's POV

Pain... all i could feel was pain.. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I heard arguements. It sounded like Yesung hyung and Kyuhyun. They were arguing about Alex... The man who claimed that he could help me. "Hyung. you are being stubborn." I heard Kyuhyun said. He sounded pissed and annoyed. "I dont want to risk it. We trusted the fairies because they wanted to help you, Kibum and Wookie. And look what have we ended up with? A broken and hurt Ryeowook. A confused and scared Kibum and look at yourself. You are nothing better or far from being okay. You are torn too. Look at Sungmin. He is also breaking down because of your frequent nightmares." Yesung hyung replied. His tone wasn't any better.. He sounded angry.

"How did you..." Kyuhyun cut him.. sounding a little shock and confused. Why are they being like this? "You screamed. Kibum screamed. We all knew. All of us knew that you two are having nightmares. You guys were suffering mentally. Ryeowook is physically and perhaps mentally too. I dont wanna to risk trusting Alex. What if history repeats itself again?" Yesung hyung said. He was feeling gulity about my conditions again.. "Hyung.. but my dream." "Grow up Kyuhyun. it's get a dream." I heard they both argued again. "NO! I am sure that Alex could help!" Kyuhyun pressed on. "Kyuhyun. before I lost my patience. You better get out." Yesung hyung... why are you so pissed.. You are scaring me.. I had never heard him sounded so angry but he wasnt yelling... probably afraid that I will wake up. "Kim JongWoon, you are a really selfish bastard." Kyuhyun hissed. I heard something dropped and the door slammed shut. Sobs were heard shortly after that. Kyuhyun was crying. Did Yesung hyung made him cry? But why? Isit because of Alex's offer of help? I am making... no.. my conditions.. is making the members fight between one and another. I tried to open my eyes.

"Hyung..." I managed to speak up after struggling for awhile. "WOOKIE!! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Do you need the doctor?" Yesung hyung bombed me with questions. I smiled and shook my head as he gently sat me up on my bed before bringing me into his arms. "I'm okay... at least for now..." I replied as I sniffed his scent. "Sorry... sorry.. sorry... sorry for everything... sorry for not able to take care of you well and caused you to be ill. I am so sorry. I failed as a hyung and as a boyfriend. If only i paid more attention and let you rest more... none of this will happen.... i am so sorry." He sobbed. "Hyung... dont cry.. please... dont cry... you are making me cry.. please dont..." I trailed off. Tears were already flowing down with me knowing. "It's not your fault..." I sobbed and hugged him tighter. "Dont feel like this.. please..." I cried out and he nodded and hugged me tightly. I found myself crying in his arms. Whatever I was feeling, I was crying it out.

"Hyung... dont fight with Kyuhyun..." "You heard?" "yea... dont fight with Kyuhyun... Let's give it a try..." "Ryeowookie..." "Hyung.. I want to try trust Alex... what if he could help me? Rather than feeling this pain everytime.. maybe he could really help..." "But wookie.." "Hyung.. i know that you love me and cared about me, so you dont want me to be hurt, but it hurts me deeply to see you getting worried and hurt because of me.. if there are offer for help.. we should try.... right?" "Ryeowookie..." "Hyung.. i trust you.. do you trust me?" "Of course i do.. but wookie..." "It wont hurt for long... I have a feeling that he will be to help... me ease the pain..." "Are you sure?" "Yes..." "I'll listen to you... I hope i make the right decision wookie... i dont want..." I cut him off with a kiss on his lips. "You talked too much." "Baby... you are really cute." He smiled and he blushed as he wiped again the traces of tears I had on my face. "You should apologised to Kyuhyun for lashing out at him though." I said as I flung my arms around his neck, bringing down for more kisses. I missed it and I needed it to divert the pain I was feeling throughout after I woke up. I didnt tell him because I didnt want help to worry about me. "Hmmm..." "Hyung." "alright.. later I will do it... You should sleep more and rest more." He kissed me deeply after saying that. I lost the strength and once again, I let him take over while I let myself focus on the kiss.

"Do you feel like i am just using you to ease my pain?" I dont even know what came over me when I asked him after he broke the kiss. He grabbed my hands. "Ryeowook. You are really a silly boy and you think too much. I kissed you because I love you. And you wanted me to kiss you because you needed my love. I know that you are in pain now. But that kiss doesnt mean.. urgh.. you not using me.. you get it?" He knocked my head a little. "I am afraid." I said and looked at him. "I am really scared. Hyung... I am really scared.." He hugged me tightly as I cried once again. I dont know why but I feel scared out of a second. Really scared of out a sudden. I screamed when I saw some shadows on the windows. "Ryeowook? It's okay! Relax." He told me. "NO... jo.. it's not... it not.. they are back. they are everywhere!!!!!" I whined and i pushed him away from me. I knew it, they are here, they are here. They were looking at me. Something is not right.. Something was coming towards us.. something is trying to kill me, the feeling is too stong not to ignore. I felt the pain in me and the atmosphere wasnt happening. Alice is here. She is here. I felt her presence.. She was standing outside the window. She is here. " Go away go away go away!!!!!!!" I screamed only to let Yesung hyung hugged me tighter. "Ryeowook! Please! What's wrong!!" "They are here! She is here! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed when I felt someone grabbed my arms and inserted something sharp into me before everything went black.    

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Yada yada yada... I'm back to read this story for the third time XD
Omo! I've finished this awesome story! :) thanks for wrote this♥
Chapter 1: I just started reading this today, and Im getting addicted. Im a SiBum shipper, and, Im happy that I saw their lovey-dovey moments here ♥
Chapter 55: I finished this finally. I got addicted, omg. Some parts scared the hell out of me >.< But it was sooo nice. Yewook's love is so sweet. <3
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I finished this late -.- /coughs
YAYAYAAYYAYAYAY i really thought somebody will gonna die T^T
anyway, the ending was sweet <3 thanks for this~ ;A;
yewook ~ <3
naznew #6
wah...i already finish read your story...
it take almost 2 week to finished it...(start read your story at 12a.m everyday)..coz every chapter its so long..
Your story almost make me sad, happy and fear and always worried (to ryeowook)..
love this story..
Thanks 4 making this story..
KoreanMusicLuva #7 took me.... a week to about 3 to finish this ( i was lazy to read it striaght forver :P) and i cried once :P i think chapter 54... haha i really love this story :) imma go read some of your other stories now ^^
it takes me three days straight to finish this without making my face staining with tears over and over again..i'm glad they finally free.. good job!!! ^^v
yayy ! at last they were freed ! great ending ! love ur story ^^
SujuFan94 #10
This was a great way to end the story. Thank you very much :)