Chapter 3


This Chapter is Beta-ed by : toxicyanide


The dinner went quite awkward for a while, mainly just Chanyeol’s mother talking and kept asking about her guest well-being that was answered excitedly by Mrs. Lee. Meanwhile Chanyeol and Kris just remained silent, while Kris keep his eyes on his mother and future mother in-law having conversation, Chanyeol tried to keep himself as calm as possible, but sometimes he would look at Kris’ direction when he thinks the older was not looking. Chanyeol is really shy to show his obvious interest toward his future mate so he tore his gaze to another direction when Kris would look at his direction, possibly notice the younger action. A satisfied smirk formed on Kris lips because of his future mate’s cute action he witnessed. 



 “Honey, I think the chit chat is enough, now let’s talk about our son’s marriage,” Park Jung Soo, as the alpha of the house finally speaking while holding his wife hand sat beside him to stop her own conversation because there’s more important issues to be discussed. 


“As we know that my family have a debt toward Mrs. Lee family,” he continued, the new information practically giving Chanyeol a heart attack because he did not know that his family has debt. Moreover apparently he’s the one who his parents use to pay their family debt just because he’s an omega, probably will have to fight with tooth and nails right then if the one who sat in the seat in front of him is some kind of old erted alpha instead of Kris.  


“Wait! So appa is using me to pay a debt toward them?” Chanyeol asked loudly, trying to restraint sudden anger inside of him toward his parents. 


“Let your father explain the situation first baby,” his mother said calmly. 


“Using you as payment of this family debt is a cruel way to say it, I rather say continuing the family legacy is more suitable term, so let me explain to both of you,” Mr. Park cleared his throat before continuing his explanation, “Yes indeed our family has a debt toward Mrs. Lee’s family but it’s not in the form of money or wealth like what you think, it’s in a form of a promise because Mrs. Lee’s grandfather helped our family through the hardship during the time of war, thus my grandfather had promised him to unite our family through their alpha-omega offspring marriage. Because it is believe that the bond between alpha-omega is the strongest,” Mr. Park explained. 


“But why me and Chanyeol, Mr. Park?” Kris asked politely. 


“Because Chanyeol is the first omega in our family after three generations and you’re also the first alpha born in your family after your great-grandfather, so this is the first possible time to accomplish that promise, moreover it’s my mother’s last wish before she died. I hope both of you will understand and accept this arrangement” Mr. Park answered with pleading eyes. This is the first time Chanyeol has seen his father acting like this. Yes Chanyeol knows how much his father dearly loved his mother so fulfilling her last wish must really matter to him, moreover Chanyeol also loved his grandmother, she was a sweet memory in his childhood before she died. 


“Frankly speaking Mr. Park, I have no objection toward this arrangement but before we talk further about this, I guess Chanyeol probably has something to bear on his mind about this since a marriage is not a small matter. For a newly turned omega like Chanyeol, if he has a condition about this marriage I will gladly accept it.” Kris said maturely for someone his age, from his appearance Kris could not be more than a few years older than Chanyeol. 


“So do you have something to say Chanyeol? Do you have any condition regarding this marriage or mating?” his father asked, this the first time his father use the word “mating” which was bring new idea to Chanyeol about this whole arrangement. Mating means he would do the whole knotting thing with his mate, which the idea still very strange to his mind since he not used to being an omega yet. Yeah sure that his future mate has an attractive physical appearance but still he’s not ready. The image flashed in his mind about being mated, pregnancy, becoming parents suddenly came to his mind and made him little dizzy. 


“When my mom told me that I would be mated with someone, I tried not to be selfish and also consider my future mate’s point of view about this arrangement, so I would like to know if you have any thought about this, Chanyeol?” Kris asked, this time he looked directly toward Chanyeol eyes. Chanyeol could see the concern in his future mate, and he was glad because Kris was not like the other selfish alphas, most importantly Kris was completely different than Woobin, at least that’s what Chanyeol thought until that moment.  


Chanyeol then realize he should get closer with his future mate first, because it would be very awkward to be mated with someone he barely knew. There was silence in the room before Chanyeol finally spook and gave his answer, “Yes, I have several conditions. I would like to finish my high school first before I am officially mated with Kris. I want him to treat me as an equal in our relationship not just someone to dominate. If Kris agrees with my conditions then I have no further objection on this arrangement.” Chanyeol said in sternly and he could not miss the sudden change of expression on his mother and Mrs. Lee’s face. He knew that both of them very excited about this arrangement and by his condition it would buy him time for another year before he would be mated to Kris. 


“Kris please say something,” his mother said to with pleading eyes. Somehow Chanyeol knew that she wanted Kris to object his conditions thus he should reconsider. 


“I have no problem with Chanyeol’s conditions Mrs. Park.” Kris said flashing his apologetic smile. 


“It’s only a year and a half to go mom,” Chanyeol said to his mother frowning face then took a sip of his drink to ease the tension with this whole mating business. 


“I can’t wait to cradle my grandchildren, I’m sure you and Kris would make cute babies.” Mrs. Park said in an almost obvious whinny tone completely ruining her elegant image and Chanyeol almost choked on his drink at his mother shameless statement. Should he expand his condition to not marry until he graduated from university instead? 


“Mom, you should have told that Yura noona instead!” Chanyeol protested. 


“I’ve told her that a million times but she’s as stubborn as your father, you know she won’t marry before she becomes a top newscaster. Even she won’t come to this family dinner because she always prioritizes her job.” Mrs. Park continued her grumble. 


“She has her own reasons mom,” Chanyeol said comforting even though he can’t bear to curse his older sister himself in his mind because somehow she made him feel more burdened with this whole marriage thing. If only she married and had children then their mother would not pressure him like this. 


“Can’t you just marry Kris and have adorable babies so she will realize what she’s missed while only focusing on her career?” Mrs. Park argued, Chanyeol can’t believe that his mother complaining about her sister stubbornness when it was obvious where her trait come from, and it’s clearly not from his father. 


“Honey, I think we should respect Chanyeol’s decision. You said yourself that you will not think any less of our son even if he’s an omega, right? And I believe that education is also important for an omega so I think Chanyeol condition is reasonable enough.” Mr. Park finally said something that knocked some sense to his mother. Mrs. Park thought for a while. 


“Okay but one condition,” Mrs. Park said so she won’t lose her bargaining power. 


“What?” Chanyeol ask hesitantly. 


“Kris will live in this house until both of you are officially married. He could take Yura ex-room beside Chanyeol’s,” Mrs. Park said with bright tone.



“Can you wipe that grin off of your face it’s started to get creepy honey.” Park Jung Soo complained to his beloved wife. 


“I’m just so happy. My plan with Kris’s mom didn’t go as what we planned but the situation is good enough.” she said happily. 


Mr. Park only shook his head in disbelief, “Sometimes I just don’t understand you honey.”  


“Oh come on, I know you know what I mean, even you understand the situation better than me since you’re an alpha. It’s no secret for anyone that alphas and omegas have worse self-control rather than betas, right?” 


“So, you conclude that they probably mated by themselves even before they graduated from high school?” Mr. Park guessed his wife thought. 


“Yeah, that’s what will likely happen when you put an hormone-crazed alpha and omega teenager under one roof, right?” Mrs. Park look at her husband and raising her eyes bows. 


“I don’t know Ye Jin-ah, Kris seems pretty mature for me, probably he has better self-control than other alpha in his age.” Mr. Park commented on his wife’s statement, he knows that his response was not what his wife wanted. 


“But according to his mother, Kris’s cool and mature image is just merely a façade that he put around new people, inside he just dorky kid like the other teenagers. Anyway, you already ruined my mood. I thought we were on the same page about this arrangement. Let’s just sleep! Good night.” Mrs. Park said in a bored tone, without waiting her husband further word, she turned off the lamp on the desk beside her and tucked herself under the blanked. 



Chanyeol walked back and forth inside in his own room. He did not expect that his parents had already planned his mating and his future mate only few meters away from him, alive and breathing the same air with him. Inside his sister’s abandoned room that was separated with a thin wall with his own room. 


“What should I do?” Chanyeol muttered to himself. After struggling with his own mind for several minutes he finally found his courage to knock at Kris’ door. 


“Hi, Chanyeol what’s the matter?” Kris asked when he found Chanyeol standing in front of his doorstep. 


“Ehm, since you’re living here now, probably need my help to give a tour around the house? If you’re looking for the bathroom it’s on the end of this corridor then turn right.” Chanyeol explained to Kris briefly. 


“But there’s a bathroom inside this room but the plumber is broken so I couldn’t use it?” Kris said. Chanyeol mentally slapped himself because he forget that there's a bathroom inside his sisters bedroom, even though that’s the reason why he and his sister fought over the room years ago. Chanyeol lost his words for a while, is it too obvious that he just wants to talk to Kris? 


“No, no, no  . . . your bathroom is fine, I told you just in case you need another bathroom.” Chanyeol said awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. “Anyway, do you need any help?” Chanyeol asked quickly to change the topic. 


“Actually, I just unpacked my belongings, but I guess I can do it on my own,” Kris answered, then he realize disappointed look on Chanyeol face. 


“But of course I would appreciate another pair of helping hands.” Kris said quickly. 



Kris has unpacked most of his belongings, but trying to be helpful Chanyeol sweep his gaze around the room to find something that he could do and found a cute looking box that left untouched. Inside that box he found many weird looking things, like worn-out single strapped bag, a little white alpaca doll, a sketch notebook and other various thing. He took out the sketch book with a crappy handwriting on its cover, took him for a while to recognize the word written on it is in Chinese. 


“Porto folio,” he read the only word that was written in the Roman alphabet on the cover of the sketch book. 


“What does it say?” Chanyeol asked Kris, pointing on the words written in Chinese. 



 “Wu Yifan,” Kris answered, it sounds like a name for Chanyeol. 


“Who is Wu Yifan?” 


“Me,” Kris answered simply. 


“Why do you have name in Chinese? I thought your family name was Lee,” Chanyeol asked curiously. 


“Lee is my mother’s family name while Wu is my father’s. I’m half Chinese and Korean.” Kris explained, Chanyeol realize that there’s so many thing that he did not know about his future mate. 


“Oh . . . So where’s your father?” Chanyeol asked since he only ever met Kris mother. 


“He died in an accident when I was little.” Kris said in solemn tone. 


“I’m sorry,” Chanyeol show his sympathy. 


“No, it’s okay, I barely remember him anymore, that bag was belong to him, now I’m still wear it even though it's not so pretty anymore,” Kris said then take the bag that Chanyeol notice earlier out of its box. 


“So this is your porto folio?” Chanyeol asked still holding the sketch book, he did not want Kris dwelling on his father sad memory anymore. Kris only nod to answer Chanyeol question.  


“Do you mind?” this time he asked for Kris’ permission to open the book. 


“A lot people don't understand it but it’s my style, it’s my masterpiece.” Kris said shyly. 


Chanyeol was expected a sophisticated drawing like the one he saw in Jake Dawson’s sketch book in Titanic, but instead he found many weird looking animal drawings that looks like kid doodles.  


“Well it’s  . . . unique,” Chanyeol commented carefully. 


“But it’s look like kid’s doodle. Why did you draw like this?” Kris went on to explain that he has a clothing business with a friend, Henry Lau, back in Canada and he’s the one who designed the pattern on the clothing that they sold. 


“People actually buy this?” Chanyeol asked in disbelief. 


“I guess, in fact my unique design is the selling point.” Kris spoke out proudly. 


“The money I got from this business is quite satisfying because Henry is a genius in marketing.” continued Kris. 


“I think is cool you make your own money at such a young age.” Chanyeol praised his future mate, one more thing that he could proud of Kris and differentiate him from Woobin. Chanyeol is sure that Woobin is only leeching off his parent’s money.  


“So? Is it okay for you to be mated with me? Because as you can see I don’t come from a rich family. Without father and my mother’s job as a journalist. I wish I wasn’t burdening your family with my presence here.” Kris express his feelings. Chanyeol could sense insecurities in his voice, like he was still questioning whether he iss the proper alpha for him. 


Chanyeol realized that Kris already has deep thoughts on this arrangement rather than him, so did his own parents. They probably planned that Kris would take over his family business once they were mated. 


“As long as I remember my mom is the one who asked you to stay here, and so far its fine with me to be your future mate,” Chanyeol answered, “but I have things to tell you.” he continued hesitantly.  


“What’s that?” Kris asked.

“Sometimes I thought everything just went too fast, you probably knew that I just presented as an omega only few weeks ago, which means even in this time, in this hour last month, I was a beta boy who never expected to be mated with an alpha. To be playing the “wife” role in the relationship, a beta boy who still thought that he would be presenter on national television one day and marry the omega/beta girl he loved. I never thought that today I would met you as my future mate, and sometimes I'm just so afraid at what surprises the future hold for me, because the last one it gave me surprise I hated it.  Honestly I hate being an omega…” Chanyeol said and then suddenly the image of what happen in the locker room came rushing again in his mind. The tears started to form in his eyes, Chanyeol hates the way he became such a crybaby that time around. 


‘Got that little Channie? You’re an omega now. A good for nothing but to and breed.” Chanyeol still remembers clearly what Woobin had said to him and he hated how his words affected him. 


“People think lesser about me now and treat me differently just because I’m an omega. It .” Chanyeol said in muffled sobs. Kris was surprised with Chanyeol’s sudden change in mood. He believed that Chanyeol had been through a lot when he became an omega. Kris only hoped that his existence as an alpha would not become another threat to Chanyeol. He came closer to the younger and held him in his brace. Chanyeol tensed up by the little surprise from Kris’s action but he did not try to move away from the tight embrace. Kris’s scent was somehow comforting to him; he liked the way the older alpha held him protectively yet so gently. “I’m just a clueless omega much less becoming someone's mate. I should be the one who asking you whether you are fine with being my mate.” Chanyeol said in the other man’s hold. 


Kris drew soothing circles on Chanyeol’s back, “We’ll figure it together, okay?” Kris whispered on Chanyeol’s ear. It’s feel so stupid for Chanyeol, how easily he became attached to an alpha that he just met. Kris was his future mate can’t change the fact that Kris was still a stranger. The sound in the back of his mind keep warning him that he should not easily let his guard down around the said alpha, but Chanyeol couldn’t help but feel safe and sound around Kris. 



The next day Mrs. Park almost squealed in joy like a child earlier when she found her child and his soon to be mate sleeping together in the same bed with their hands intertwined. Mrs. Park was experienced enough to notice the couple did not do anything more than sleep but it enough to make her happy witnessing the progress of her plan. 


Actually she wanted to make the sweet moments last longer but someone should drive Mrs. Lee to airport so she would not miss her flight. 


Chanyeol blushed brightly when his mother caught him sleeping in the same room with Kris that he only met the day before, but before she could say anything he ran toward his own room and locked the door. He tried to remember what happen the night before. He could not recall anything but crying on Kris’s shoulder and drifting to dreamland not long after that. He sighed in relief because apparently Kris did not take advantage of him and his ity was still intact, even though his heart is still rushing with hurt when he remember how easily he fell onto Kris. 



“Why do you should leave so soon?” Mrs. Park hugged her friend dearly before going to the airport. 


“I have an appointment with a doctor that I can’t cancel.” Mrs. Lee explained. 


“Doctor? Are you sick? But you look so healthy and beautiful. I hope it’s not serious.” Mrs. Park stated in concern.  


“I’m fine Ye Jin, I only need to take care of these wrinkles.” Mrs. Lee said teasingly, receiving light punches on her shoulder. 


“Aigoo, Korea has better dermatologist today, you don’t need to go back to Canada just for your treatment.” argued Mrs. Park. 


“But I can’t stay here forever, I have job to do. Please take care of my son, and don’t hesitate to call me if he is being a bad boy or hurts your precious son.” With that Mrs. Lee said her goodbye but Mrs. Park stopped her. 


“Ok, about our son I have something to tell you,” Mrs. Park said happily and told Mrs. Lee about her found that morning.  



“I love you mom.” Kris said before she left for her plane. 


“I love you too, son. I wish the next time I come here it will be on your wedding day with Chanyeol.” Mrs. Lee said hopefully to her son. ‘I hope God gives me enough time to attend that beautiful day’ she said on her mind. 


Kris only smiled to his mother’s statement. There is still long way toward the wedding day and a lot of things that he should work on with his future mate. 


“Promise me to never hurt him, okay?” asked Mrs. Lee. 


“I promise mom. You should take care of yourself, okay? Don’t stress out too much with your job, and take care more of your health.” Kris advice his mother. He knew that his mother was a workaholic. 


“Aish, I’m your mother I should be the one to say that.” she said while ruffling her son’s hair. She almost can’t believe that her little boy has grown up become an impossibly tall and handsome alpha, just like his father. The thought about Kris’ father always left an uneasy feeling inside her heart. 


She waved her son goodbye and walked several steps before she turned toward her son once more. 


“Why you still here mom? You will miss your flight,” Kris said. 


“You know that their probably still looking for you right?” Mrs. Lee said in serious tone. Kris was startled when he realized what his mom talking about. 


“You should never let your guard down because being in Korea means you’re getting closer to them.” warned Mrs. Lee. 


“Don’t worry they won’t find me. I’ll never let them hurt people that I love again.” Kris said determinately.


To be countinue . . .

Sorry for the slow update, I hope more than 3600+ words is not too boring to read. 
Thanks for all the support, 194 subbies and 27 votes, thank you very much! 
But of course please kindly leave your comment/review for my improvement, I’ll very appreciate it.
And about Kris character, a lot of you guess that he will be more possessive toward Chanyeol, well, in my own corner little world omega-verse every alpha is possessive toward their mate in their own way. ^^ I still exploring the character of my main character and their potential. I like how some of EXOstan use the term overdose to describe possessiveness, it’s kind of funny.

I wish I could give you the teaser but I haven’t write anything for the next chapter, but probably you could guess what happen next since we have overdose!Woobin and Kris who intended to make Chanyeol as their mate. My story is so cheesy. . . . . .




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Just in case if some of you need poster, I'll glady to make KrisYeol poster


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Chapter 6: Where are you

AnelaTheGray_916 #2
Chapter 6: Glad ur back can't wait till the next chapter hopefully coming out soon.
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 6: Wow wolf AU never let me down and your story too. I like it so much and you said there a hint about the story in the poster and I'm see nothing but chanyeol is crying please make a happy ending and up date soon if you can I'm sorry for not commenting on each chapter but I really like it ❤️❤️
Will you be updating soon? I already very much like this story. ^_^
Chapter 6: update soon please?
soshine #6
Chapter 6: Ugghh update soon plis
BabySkypeia126 #7
Chapter 6: woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh~!!
glad to know tht this story will have its much awaiting updates real soon.............!!
cz I miss krisyeol so badly... T^T

and I wish I can help u for being a beta reader.........
but I can't promise much as my work sometimes took most of my time...
anyway... best luck for u n still wait for upcoming updates~
Ayangyeng #8
Chapter 6: Welcome back .. Hope u ll find ur beta soon!!
HHHLinn #9
Chapter 6: yey . welcome back
Chapter 6: yehey.. welcome backkkk