Chapter Two: Flower Crown

Being Normal

April 23, 1722

Airdrethian Castle Garden


She loved the spring.  She loved everything about it.

She loved the way the flowers sprung up in an array of beautiful colors.  She loved the feeling of the water through her fingers from the recently melted river.  She loved the small animals that popped out of greening trees.  She loved the warm hug the sun gave to her back.

Spring infatuated four year-old Yuna.

As she played with her sisters in the royal flower garden, the young princess could not help but wonder why the rest of the family did not enjoy spring as much as she did.

Galleria and Lorraine would not explore and play in the garden or forest nearly as long as she did, save for the god awful winter time, and they didn’t light up at the beautiful flowers in the same way that Yuna did.

“Yuna, we’re going into the shade with mother and father” eight year-old Galleria told her small sister.  The little girl paid no response, and continued on with what she was doing – making a flower crown.

Yuna knew that she was a princess and did not find it fair that she was never allowed to wear her royal crown.  So, in substitute, the little girl would make a crown for herself out of anything she could find.  She enjoyed her crowns made of flowers the best.

Queen Amethyst glanced over at her youngest daughter playing in the flowers and let out a small smile.

The Queen of Airdrethia was beautiful.  So beautiful in fact, that she was considered the known world’s crown jewel of beauty.  Her snow white skin and fair blonde hair contrasted her violet eyes after which she was named. 

“What did the letter from Heechul say?” her bell-like voice asked.  King Ephraim lifted his green eyes up from the document in question.

“His eldest son has decided that he wants Yuna’s hand in marriage.  Heechul wants to set up a treaty to have them married when Yuna comes of age.” Ephraim sighed.

“Yuna?” the Queen questioned.  “Are you sure it did not say Galleria? Or Lorraine?”

Queen Amethyst was entirely confused.  Her profound beauty had been passed down in ten-fold to her oldest daughter Galleria – same eyes, hair, everything.  And though Lorraine was tan and carried an auburn head of hair like her father, she had the hypnotizing purple eyes as well.

Amethyst knew that her youngest was pretty, yes, but her beauty was not astounding.  She lacked the purple eyes that characterized the Airdrethian court for centuries, and her midnight dark hair contrasted heavily with her sisters’ light beauty.

“Yes, it definitely said Yuna” King Ephraim assured, “and it’s a no, no matter what daughter Heechul’s son has chosen to infatuate himself with.”

“Heechul knows Airdrethian policy.  We marry through love.” the Queen agreed.

Neither parent spoke the most important part of the royal Airdrethian marriage laws: an heir must be produced by two royal parents, no matter what.

“Mummy!” a high-pitched voice squealed as two small arms wrapped around the Queen’s leg.  A pair of emerald green eyes stared up at her mother.

“Yes, Yuna?” the Queen asked and patted her child’s head.

“What’re you and Papa talking about?” the small princess asked and hoisted herself up on Queen Amethyst’s lap.

“Some strange boy wants you to be his queen” Ephraim cooed and poked the little girl’s nose.

Yuna emitted one giggle through her small lips, “That’s impossible!  Galleria is going to be the queen!”

The two royal parents looked over at the older princess and saw her secretly letting an icicle grow from her hand.  Lorraine was next to her, feeding water from her own hand to the magical creation.

“That’s right baby, Galleria is going to be the Queen one day.”

The only normal member of the family scooted off her mother’s lap, and left to make another flower crown.


Author's Note:

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Chapter 15: Pooh they finally meet!!! Please update soon!!!...
Research_I_Swear #2
Chapter 15: New reader here, I'm loving the story! May I ask, is this story abandoned? If not, I hope you update soon! Can't wait to see what happens next
Lovenhope #3
Chapter 15: Update very soon please I am absolutely in love with your story it would be great if you update it as soon as you can thank you for the amazing story
MiracleOrange #4
Chapter 15: I love this story but it hasnt been updated in so long :(
ILoveKDramas1 #5
Chapter 15: I Hope That U Update These Fic. Soon!!!