Chapter Twelve: A Starry, Beautiful Night

Being Normal

May 3, 1737

The Do Bakery, Midas, Airdrethia



            Homemade streamers and flowers flew through the air as Byun Baekhyun and Kim Hyoyeon walked into the small bakery, hand-in-hand.  Baekhyun planted a sweet kiss upon her cheek and the small crowd of about fifteen cheered louder.

            Princess Yuna threw flowers with the rest of the other guests, but she kept a special tulip crown that she had made for Hyoyeon safe around the hilt of her sword.

            I’m so happy for her.

            It was a beautiful day for the Exotopian friends of Airdrethia and their Pixie.  Today was the day that Baekhyun had finally asked Hyoyeon to marry him, and she of course, had said yes.

            Do Kyungsoo walked out of the backroom with his large eyes shining and a beautiful three layer pink frosted strawberry cake, couple’s favorite.  The other guests, which included the Do family, the Byun family, the Kim family, even Prince Joonmyun, the Park family, and Baekhyun and Hyoyeon’s other friends, all quieted at the presentation of the cake.

            “Now this, is something to be excited about,” Chanyeol whispered from next to Yuna, adjusting his own tulip crown straighter onto his head.  Yuna giggled and playfully hit his arm.

            The night glowed on with the burn of the torches, and after some time, Hyoyeon and Yuna decided to leave the party and walk in the moonlight.

            “You look perfectly happy today,” Yuna stated quietly as they strolled across the cobblestone.

             “That is an accurate way to describe how I’m feeling right now.” Hyoyeon grinned, placing the crown of tulips Yuna had given her upon her head.  She twisted the small sapphire ring Baekhyun had made himself on her finger.  “Are you not excited as well?  You will finally be attending your first wedding.”

            Yuna brightened immediately.  Weddings had always fascinated her, and because she had never attended one, she was excited to learn exactly what occurred at them.  From what she had heard from the maids who were able to attend Joonmyun and Lorraine’s wedding, they were beautiful.

            Joonmyun and Lorraine had been married for about a year now.  Amethyst had decided to keep the wedding more quiet than Galleria’s had been, and had been apparently “worried” that Yuna’s presence would disrupt the ceremony, so the youngest princess had been banned from attending.

            Yuna had enjoyed sword practicing upon her parents’ throne room during this time.

            She had found it especially enjoyable when she had “accidentally” cut off the head piece of her mother’s royal chair.

            “I am incredibly excited, and deeply honored that you have decided to make me your Maid of Honor.”

            “Who else would I choose? You’re my best friend,” Hyoyeon stopped, clutching the girl she considered a sister’s hand.  “I would do anything for you.”

            “I feel the same for you, Hyo.  And, I am thankful for everything that you have done.  Especially, after you found out who I truly am.”

            Yuna meant her words through and through.  After Hyoyeon had discovered that Pixie was actually the Princess Yuna, she kept her identity a secret, even from her family.  The butlers had told the Kim family and the royal family that Hyoyeon had elected to lounge with the youngest princess.  Ever since, Kai had harassed his sister to tell him about the princess or to introduce them.  But, Hyoyeon had stuck to her guns, and only said that she would fit in perfectly should she ever decide to hang out with their group.

            After Joonmyun had married Lorraine, he too found out about Pixie’s identity, and had kept it a secret.  He was kind to her, and he and Lorraine would have lemonade in the garden with Princess Yuna every few weeks.

            “I do hope nothing will change for us, regarding our friendship,” the 19 year-old princess whispered.

            “It won’t, I forbid anything to change,” the eccentric Exotopian girl promised.

            Yuna hoped it was true.

            Life had become a beautiful, perfect thing for her.


May 3, 1737

Exotopian Docks


            22 year-old Prince Kris stared at the large beast of a ship before him, not even bothering to hide the large smile upon his face.

            May they all feel intimidated at the sight of this.

            “It is a beauty, my brother,” Prince Xiumin stated with a low whistle.  He grinned at his older brother, feeling the excitement emanating off of his chest.  “Just think, in a month’s time, you shall see your Princess Yuna again.”

            “It is a meeting twelve years overdue!” Prince Chen shouted with a peal of laughter as he shot friendly lightning bolts into the sky and ran to board the Puff.

            Kris watched as his brothers boarded the ship, waiting on the deck as his father had asked of him.  He was nervous to see her again, even with Sehun, the recently appointed Ambassador to Airdrethia coming along. Sehun had encouraged Kris that everything would be fine, and that Pixie was not difficult to please, but an uneasy feeling still overtook his gut.  Nothing was set in stone yet.

            He watched Luhan use his telekinetic abilities to move his Chemistry and Magical Influencing tools, and his nerves flopped in circles in the same way that the beakers did.

            “Yifan, my son” King Heechul strode up with a charming smile.

            “Father, why are we leaving a day early?” the eldest prince questioned.

            “Nothing bad ever comes to those that come early, besides Ephraim has already been notified,” he said.  “Are you prepared?”

            “I hope so,” Kris mumbled.

            “Yah,” Heechul put a large hand on his son, who had nearly outgrown him, and gave an assuring stare, “Never stop fighting for your Queen.  Never, Yifan.”

            Something that could not be explained in words passed between the two men.  It was an understanding of sorts, and it defied their relationship.

            Kris marched onto the boat, confidence exuding from his every stride.

            King Heechul remained on the dock.  Gazing at the side of the ship, his eyes found those of a painting of the woman for which the ship was named after.

            It was his Queen.


June 8, 1737

Airdrethian Forest


            “The sunset through the trees is truly beautiful, don’t you think?”

            Chanyeol’s question rung through the quiet forest, his tall figure matching the height of some of the smaller trees.

            Chanyeol and his Pixie walked alone in the forest together.  Baekhyun and Hyoyeon had ditched them an hour ago to pick out some wedding details.  Kai had left about a half an hour after that, for a date with a fiery red-headed Airdrethian girl he had been seeing, Ralitza Flynn.

            So, Chanyeol and Yuna were alone.

            And, Chanyeol was mentally considering this a date.

            Secretly, Yuna was as well.

            The princess nodded at Chanyeol’s question, twirling in a patch of pink light.

            “So, what are you thinking about getting Baekhyun and Hyoyeon for their wedding gift?” the small girl asked, gently braiding a couple of flowers she had picked up from the ground.

            “I am not quite sure.  Baekhyun is always satisfied with an edible present.  Hyoyeon is where I get a bit lost.”

            “We could buy a gift together, and give it to them.  From the both of us,” Yuna bluntly suggested, blushing a little at the thought.

            “Is-Isn’t that something a couple would do?” Chanyeol stuttered, sitting underneath a tree as the sky blackened.

            “I don’t think that aspect should matter,” Yuna stated calmly, sitting next to Chanyeol.

            Di-did she just insinuate what I think she just insinuated?

            Chanyeol scooted a little closer to the girl he was head-over-heels for.  A mere couple of inches remained between the two.

            Did I just say that? And did he just get closer?

            “Y-you know, Pixie,” Chanyeol started saying, clearing his throat.  “It seems that everyone we know is coupling off.  It only makes sense that we as well find our own significant others.”

            “Hmm,” Yuna pretended to think for a moment.  “Is Do Kyungsoo single?”

            “Do Kyungsoo?!?”

            “Yes, I am not much of a cook, so it would be a smart idea for me to marry one.”

            “I CAN COOK!”

            Yuna looked at Chanyeol, her eyes as big as his outburst.  His face a bit red, from embarrassment or anger, she was not sure.

            “Is there something that needs to be said between us Chanyeol?” she questioned, her voice as quiet as the summer wind of the night.

            The boy was silent for a long time.

            And then, he took her small hand in his large one.

            “Pixie,” he quietly and calmly began.  “Since the moment I first met you, I knew you were…different.  And since then, I have come to a big realization: that no day without you is worth living.”

            There was a break in between his thoughts.

            “I love you.”

            Yuna’s green eyes peered deeply into Chanyeol’s warm chocolate ones.

            “Park Chanyeol, I love you too.”

            “Then marry me.”

            This conclusion sent the 19 year-old into a minute shock.

            “Can I ask you something first?” the princes asked quietly.  The immediate nodding that answered her, made Yuna continue.  “You know nothing about who I really am, and you want to marry me.  Why?”

            “Because, even though I don’t know who you legally are, I know who you actually are.  And I love the Pixie I see nearly every day with the whole of my heart.  I love the way you make flower crowns every day.  I love the way you smile when we find a field of flowers.  I love how you always smell like tulips and rain.  I love how you make me feel alive,” Chanyeol burst with his words, “and I could never picture my life without you.  Marriage, it’s the only option for us, Pixie.”

            “My name is Yuna.” She whispered, still at awe from his words.

            “Like the Princess Yuna?  That’s a beautiful name.”

            “Chanyeol, I am Princess Yuna.”

            Chanyeol turned his attention from the moon to look at the girl he had confessed his love to.  She seemed to give off as much luminescence as the orb in the sky did.


            “I am Airdrethia’s Princess Yuna, and yes, I will marry you.”

            Chanyeol let out a string of incoherent sounds, not understanding exactly what was happening.  Until, the princess leaned forward and bestowed her first kiss upon the man of her heart.

            Literal fire burst from the ground behind Chanyeol, as his feelings exploded in his head.

            Yuna thought she had left the planet for a brief period of time.

            The two broke apart before Chanyeol hurriedly made the fires that had lit die out.

            “If you’re the princess, can we-can I still marry you?” he asked quietly, holding her hand tightly.

            “As far as I can remember, we need one pure marriage – that’s Galleria and Adrian.  Our most important law regarding marriage after that, is to marry for love.” Yuna whispered, staring at the sky.  The stars seemed to be shining extra bright for the couple on that night, as if they knew the mood was bright and lively.

            “Ask your parents tonight, and if it’s a yes, we can announce it tomorrow,” Chanyeol said.

            “I hope to see you tomorrow,” Yuna whispered, standing up, “and every day after that.”

            “Good night, Pixie, Yuna,” Chanyeol bid, engulfing the girl in a hug.


            Yuna’s feelings soared through the starry night’s sky as she raced home to the castle.

            I hope it is not too late!  Father needs to be awake, so that I can speak with him about this marriage.  He will be delighted!  And maybe, I can even move out of the castle…

            She let out a shining smile as she ran in through the front entrance of the castle, the guards politely bowing to the young, beautiful princess as she went.  Yuna ran past the dining room only to be stopped by a cold voice.

            “Yuna, you are late for dinner.”

            Queen Amethyst’s voice made the princess descend from her mental heaven.

            The entire royal family was staring at her from the grand dining table.  Ephraim and Amethyst at the heads, with Lorraine and Joonmyun on one side and Galleria and Adrian on the other.

            “Sit down, we have much to discuss.”

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Chapter 15: Pooh they finally meet!!! Please update soon!!!...
Research_I_Swear #2
Chapter 15: New reader here, I'm loving the story! May I ask, is this story abandoned? If not, I hope you update soon! Can't wait to see what happens next
Lovenhope #3
Chapter 15: Update very soon please I am absolutely in love with your story it would be great if you update it as soon as you can thank you for the amazing story
MiracleOrange #4
Chapter 15: I love this story but it hasnt been updated in so long :(
ILoveKDramas1 #5
Chapter 15: I Hope That U Update These Fic. Soon!!!