Chapter Eleven: Questions and Answers

Being Normal

June 8, 1735

Exotopian Post Office


            “Excuse me?” Kris’ animalistic growl made Sehun jolt from his shock at the face in the portrait.

            “I-nothing, your majesty,”

            “What did you say?” Kris let out each word slowly and dangerously.

            How dare anyone ridicule his love.

            “Kris, leave Sehun alone.  He’s probably never seen a royal portrait before and was shocked,” Luhan wrote off, attempting to grab Sehun’s wrist in a means of pulling the two away from his brother’s obsessive anger.

            Sehun at this point was completely oblivious as to what was going on around him – his thoughts were with his green-eyed mysterious friend.  The wind outside whirred with excitement as everything began to connect in Sehun’s head.

            “Kris, Sehun is from Airdrethia, he’d never mean any harm towards the crown,” Luhan had resorted to begging as his older brother glowered at his friend.  “I’m pretty sure he said ‘Pixie,’ which is-”

            Sehun’s mysterious friend…whom they know nothing really about…

            Sehun is friends with Princess Yuna.

            What do I do now?

            The realization made Luhan go clammy.

            He couldn’t tell Kris.  Sehun would be practically locked in his chambers as the older man questioned his life and everything he knew about Yuna.

            Kris could see it in Luhan’s eyes.  He had grown accustomed to this look.  His younger brother was about to flee.  He had to stop him.

            The iron grip around his bicep finally awoke Sehun from his haze, as he found Prince Kris glaring down at his brother.

            And then, they were out of the post office and flying through the air, in what appeared to be the direction of the Exotopian Royal Palace.


            Even if Sehun wanted to leave, he could not have.  Between Kris’ piercing stare and the two guards waiting outside of the door in the instance that he attempted to run, he would not get anywhere.

            Luhan’s yells of anguish against the wall from the other room could be heard loud and clear.

            It may have seemed a bit much, but Kris justified himself over the thought that he would do anything to better protect his love.

            The 20 year old took a deep breath before he exhaled his first statement.

            “You know something about this woman, don’t you?” He pointed at Princess Yuna.

            Yeah, she’s one of my best friends.

            Sehun bit his lip.  Luhan had felt pretty adamant on him not soliciting any information to his elder brother.  He should listen to his best friend.  But in a situation such as this one, Sehun was at a bit of loss as what to do.

            Kris appeared desperate, almost deranged in front of him.  Sehun did not want to be on the receiving end should something set him off.

            Deep inside, he knew the answer was to do what was best for Pixie.

            “Yes, I do.” his stoic face, gave away no other information.

            Kris felt his ears pop in excitement.  He willed himself to calm down.

            “Why did you call her ‘Pixie?’” His question fell from his lips as smoothly as butter melted.

            Sehun clenched his hands under the table.

            Sorry, Luhan.

            “If I am to tell you the story behind her name, I will have to tell you everything.”


June 10, 1735

Exotopian Palace Royal Parlor


            Prince Kris had been living on an information high for the past day and a half.  He had learned so much about Princess Yuna, and the information he wrought was all pleasant.

            She was quiet.  She was kind.  She was whimsical.  She still pranced around in flower crowns.  She was still perfect.

            The only thing that had bothered him was the fact that from Sehun’s stories, it appeared that she spent next to no time in the palace or with the royal family.

            It further unearthed his suspicions that something was off concerning the Airdrethian royals and the treatment of their daughter.

            Kris again felt the need for something to be done now, by himself.

            That is why he spent no time making his way to his father’s parlor after his arrival this morning from a visit to one of Exotopia’s Western provinces.

            The prince burst into the room, the word “Father” simultaneously came from his mouth.

            King Heechul was going through the stack of letters that had accumulated in his absence, one letter in particular peaked his interest.  At his son’s appearance, he hastily hid it within his stack.

            I shall save you for later.

            “Yes, Yifan?”

            “Father, I have obtained some information on Princess Yuna.  And I request immediate marriage with her.  If the Airdrethian crown does not reply within the month to our letters, I will personally invade with my own army,” Kris announced, all of his plans spewing from his lips.

            Heechul lazily looked up from the letter he was reading concerning a trade agreement with the country Camano, a grin upon his lips.

            “There is no need for that, Yifan,”

            “But, Father-”

            “Trust me my son, everything will fall perfectly.  Everything.”


June 9, 1735

Airdrethian Forest


            “I cannot believe that they ditched us to eat in the palace, how could they!” Byun Baekhyun yelled in mock anger. 

            Kai and Hyoyeon had already left for their dinner with the royals, celebrating Joonmyun and Princess Lorraine’s engagement.  The two had been very excited to see the inside of the castle, and meet the rest of the royal family, of whom they were most anticipating meeting was Princess Yuna.

            Well, the joke was on them as Princess Yuna, like the majority of the time, was sitting in the forest.

            Chanyeol laughed at Baekhyun’s complaint before glancing at Pixie, who held the same look of discomfort that she had had all day.

            Something is wrong…

            Something was wrong.

            Yuna looked off into space, continuing to think about her course of action.  She had received a note that morning from her mother that if she was not on time to the dinner, she was not allowed into it at all.  She would be escorted immediately to her room.

            Yuna was completely okay with this plan, the only problem was that, if she was escorted, it would be done so up the grand stair case, which the royal parlor and dining room had perfect view of.  Hyoyeon and Kai would see her.  This, above all, could not happen.

            She was not ready for that yet, and she didn’t know when, or if she’d ever be.

            The only solution was to sneak into the palace.  But to do that, would be very difficult.  Whenever the palace had guests, guards, as a safety precaution, were asked to man every door that allowed access to the castle.  They were no doubt, all on order to her to her room upon sight of her.

            What to do, what to do?

            “Pixie-ah, you look sick,” Chanyeol stated as he softly brushed his palm across the girl’s cheek, his own cheeks lightly pinking as he did so.

            Yuna looked up at the deep-voiced boy, his deep brown eyes immediately calming the storm raging in her head.

            “I’m fine,” she whispered, “just a bit…conflicted.”

            “If you need to go home, Pixie, we can you,” Baekhyun offered.  The girl shook her head.  Her friends had become more persistent as of late, in learning about her background.  Yuna still clung to her secrets, in fear that they would think differently of her.

            “Thank you for the offer, but I think I’ll just leave myself.  Tell Kyungsoo I said hello if you go to his bakery,” she bade as she slowly made her way to a potential doom.

            Yuna had decided to attempt to enter the door she used every day that Eunji, the maid had originally shown her.  She would then sneak through the hallways, with hopefully the occasional aid from some of the maids and butlers, and enter the top floor using the opposite, back stair case.  She would then sprint to her room, and maybe even enjoy a book or two.

            When the castle came into view, and Yuna noticed a lack of a guard at the secret maid door, she practically cheered.

            Luck is on my side!

            Her plan fell into place so well, that as she reached the top of the back stair well, she slowed her pace, and happily skipped in the direction of her room.

            Until she collided with a butler and guest at the turn to the hall where her promised land was located.

            “I’m so sorry, my lady, Princess,” James, her sister’s personal butler began to exclaim.

            “It’s alright James, I-”

            Her breath caught at the other figure before her.

            Kim Hyoyeon.

            “Pixie,” she whispered in horror.




            NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

            The word felt like an explosion in Yuna’s head.

            “No, Miss Kim, this is Princess Yuna, there is no Princess Pixie,”

            Neither girl said a word at James’ correction.

            Yuna hurriedly blinked back tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes as she shoved the two people out of the way and sprinted down the hall and into her bedroom.  Her back sunk against the door as she let out a long sigh.

            “What have I done?” she questioned aloud.


            “I don’t know what you’ve done.  But, it appears I have given that butler quite a fright.  I apologize, your highness,”

            “Don’t ever call me that,” Yuna’s words came out in a fierce whisper, but they felt like more of a scream.

            Hyoyeon stood before her best friend, a look of remorse upon her face.  She slowly slid down the door, sitting next to Princess Yuna on the floor.

            Yuna’s eyes refused to look at her.

            She was embarrassed, ashamed.

            Of all the ways Hyoyeon had to find out, it had to be this way.

            “Shall I call you Pixie or Yuna?” Hyoyeon whispered.

            There was a long pause of silence.

            The two girls were both deep in thought, one as to what was to happen now, the other as to how a royal of all things had ever decided to be her friend.

            “Pixie.  Yuna sounds so…foreign on your lips,” Yuna mumbled.

            There was another silence.

            “Why did you never say anything?”

            “I guess, I guess I didn’t know how to.  And…I was too afraid to.”  Yuna finally looked at her friend, tears still streaming from her eyes.  “I-I-I didn’t want any of you to think differently of me.”

            And then, the two embraced, and like an unstoppable tsunami, the truth poured out of Yuna in full-force.  From her neglect, to learning to sword fight from Madame Blott, every piece of her life was presented to Hyoyeon.

            And she had never felt better.

            As time went on, the girls’ body language changed, and eventually, they ended up on Yuna’s bed, laughing at each other’s stories.

            “You know we’re going to be sisters-in-law, right?” Hyoyeon eventually asked.

            “Yeah, I was dreading that before, but now, I think I’m good.” Yuna smiled. 

            “It’s really cool that your sister can marry a commoner just because she loves him,” Hyoyeon stated.  “That’s usually not the case in Exotopia.”

            “That’s our most important marriage law.  To marry for love.”

            “Don’t you need a royal heir as well?” Hyoyeon’s brows creased.

            “We have a pure marriage: Galleria and Adrian.  I think that shall satisfy our laws.  As far as I know, I get to marry whoever I want.” Yuna grinned, Hyoyeon replicating her facial expression.

            “I know someone who will be very happy to hear that.”

            Yuna, looked away, smiling to herself.

            She knew the person Hyoyeon was referring to was Chanyeol.  Yuna wasn’t blind of his actions.  The gentle caresses, the long, endearing looks, the sweaty attempts at holding her hand.

            Yuna knew that Chanyeol loved her.

            And she certainly didn’t mind.

            Because the princess secretly felt the same.

Hello, friends!

I have just returned from three trips.

I had Freshman orientation!

Then, I had a ten-day trip across Europe!

And now, I have just returned from Daytona Beach (I sunburnt my chest so badly, I have to pull a Rachel and not wear a bra)

My trip to Europ gave me A LOT of inspiration for this story in particular.  I got to visit the Warsaw Palace, and OMG the ideas that came to me from there - I've been itching to write since.

I hope you all are having a lovely summer, or a lovely winter for those of you living in the Southern Hemisphere.

Please continue to read, subscribe, upvote, comment, and enjoy!


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Chapter 15: Pooh they finally meet!!! Please update soon!!!...
Research_I_Swear #2
Chapter 15: New reader here, I'm loving the story! May I ask, is this story abandoned? If not, I hope you update soon! Can't wait to see what happens next
Lovenhope #3
Chapter 15: Update very soon please I am absolutely in love with your story it would be great if you update it as soon as you can thank you for the amazing story
MiracleOrange #4
Chapter 15: I love this story but it hasnt been updated in so long :(
ILoveKDramas1 #5
Chapter 15: I Hope That U Update These Fic. Soon!!!