Author Note

One Less

Hey everybody...I'm sorry for the very depressing story. >.< I figured that since I had it already written, I may as well post it. Originally it was going to be a look into every member's mind, but I didn't have time what with my two jobs and the wedding planning. Btw, to all of you following Hunting Heaven and Eventually I am so sorry about the long wait!! Please bare with me for just a couple more weeks and I will have more time to write. >.<

Again, I'm sorry if this upset you. Please keep in mind as well that this is just my own brain running in random circles and needing an escape. Don't take any of this (nonsense) story as fact...I really don't know at this point what is true and not.

Also, just an inside tid-bit...the song that I imagine playing for their "performance" is Thunder. I thought that it fit really well, but I didn't write it in because I wanted those last notes to be a song that meant something to all of you. Not just something that the author found fitting.

What song did you guys think of?

Lets all stick together in this time and support eachother and Exo!! *fist pump* We are one!!

*internet hug*

Cheers everybody! <3

    - fandomfreinds

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Chapter 2: This is really heartbreaking but it was good.. I really want Kris to come back and EXO to be together again.. T-T We are one forever.. *hugs*