Once Again

"Is this all?"Tao asked as Bomi took out all of her laguage bag and his hand was busy shoving a spoon of vanilla ice cream into his mouth. Bomi suddenly feeling irritated seeing her boyfriend leisurely walking here and there doing nothing in her house and what worse, he even steal her favourite ice cream!.

"Aren't you going to help me?"

"What? I see you already done packing your things."

He walk away and sit on the coach and his eyes quickly fixed on the tv. Bomi blow her bang with both her hand on her slender waist. She decided to just leave the lazy bum alone and continue doing her work but then the door bell rang. Her eyes widen and she immediately turn to face Tao, in which Tao also looking at her at the same time.

"Who did you call to come at this time?"

"I don't call anybody."

"Is it Luhan?" that was the only possibilities that come up in his mind and so to Bomi. So she went to see who was it and press the button at the intercom where Suho face appear on the screen.

"Crap" quickly she go back to get Tao at the living room.

"You should hide."she grab his wrist and drag him to her room. When she open the door to the bathroom, Tao brush her hands off of him.

"What is wrong with you? Just who is it at the front?"

"My manager. Suho." Bomi become restless. Quickly she push Tao into the room and closed the door but Tao managed to open the door back from inside. Well there is no way she could locked him from outside.

"Oh my god Huang Zi Tao why are you acting like this?!"

"Just why on earth he has to come at this late hour?" he asked Bomi with a stern face.

"How should I know? I don't think he going to do anything to me. So get back to your hiding place." again she put Tao behind the door and this time Tao just do what she said. He give up.

After pretty sure that Tao wasn't going to came out again, she immediately went to the front door to greet him. Why is she being so nervous about? Is it because after what So Ra have told her?

When she open the door, Suho was standing still in front of her with angelic smile. That kind of smile that could melt any girls heart.

"Why are you here Suho ssi?"

"Oh I just came to give back your phone. I think you left it in company van before." he took out her slim iPod from his pocket and hand it to her.

Bomi scratch her not itchy head and just take her phone from his hand. She couldn't remember if she ever misplace it but Suho is a saviour.

"Thank you. I was careless I think."

Suho still fixed his eyes on Bomi and his smile doesn't leave his face even for a moment. Bomi who realized that Suho has been watching her, become uncomfortable and instantly speak to him.

"Umm is there anything else Suho ssi?"

Suho who seem just snap from his world, anxiously give Bomi a black plastic containing her favourite food. Bomi indeed couldn't hide her excitement to know he bought her her all time fav, a sausage soup with noodles.

"How do you know I like this?"

"Well So Ra told me. On my way here, I just came across a stall selling this, so I thought maybe you haven't had your dinner."

"You really are a considerate manager. Thank you for this" she said as she raised the bag.

"You want come in?" she invite him in as if they were really close. But Suho refuse as Bomi living alone. He should care for her image.

"It's okey. I have to rush home. I have something to care off."

Bomi just nodded.

"Then I take my leave first."

"Ah sure."

Bomi just look him leave. After she see Suho already went into the lift, she went back into her apartment just to find Tao already at the living room, taking his coat on the coach.

"Are you leaving now?" Bomi put down the soup on the table and went to get Tao who was busily fixed his coat on. He pretend that Bomi wasn't there in front of him, like she was invisible. Bomi who noticed his sour face, so she try to cheer him up by acting cute in front of him. She grab his coat and pull it gently closer to her.

"Are you angry? Jealous?"

"No I'm not. I have to leave. I have some work to be done." he push away her hands off from him.

"Hey you said you are going to sleep over here. You even promise to send me to airport tomorrow morning." she pleaded to Tao but he just look away and without saying anything, he walk away. Bomi who was left dumbfonded there, she could feel her eyes become watery and she clenched tight her fist.

"Is your work more important than me? Am I nobody?"

Tao halt his step. He say no word, but he stay because he know what she going to say next.

"What am I to you Huang Zi Tao? You say you going to change for me, but nothing. Nothing change since we were together!"

"Bomi lets drop this. I don't want to -"

His word were cut halfway when his phone suddenly rang. It was from the company. 

"Don't answer it. I know it was from the company."

Bomi warn him, but he just turn his ear to deaf and took the call. He went out and closed the door and Bomi knew all the way, he is not going to come back there.

"What was I hoping from him anyway?" she was talking to herself. She sat down on the couch and lay down to get some rest. She could see the leftover of the ice cream that Tao left on the glass table.

"You should clean up before leaving tho."

Bomi thought of to close her eyes for a moment while waiting for Tao. He might make a call or come back to her soon. That was she hoping for eventhough she know thats not going to happen.

After a few minute of waiting, she end up falling asleep. But she woke up when a sudden headache rush on her head and her stomach growling of hunger.

"Ahh~ I didn't have my dinner yet."

It was already 2. There still no presence of Tao in the house. She could feel the disappointment from her heart but there is nothing she could do. She regret to light up the fight. Trying to put aside about her love problem, slowly she walk to the kitchen to have the sausage soup that Suho brought to her. She heat up the cold soup in the pot and when the aromatic smell of her favourite soup struck her sense of smell, suddenly she felt nauseous.

"Is the soup already gone bad?"

She give a taste of the soup. It's still edible but the more she smell of it, the nauseous she felt. She endure it at first, thinking it will be a waste to just throw it. She managed to fight the nausea for a few minutes, but at last she surrender when she felt she going to vomit.

"Oh god"

Bomi quickly cover using her right hand. After that, she turn off the stove and put down the spoon on the counter before she rush to the bathroom. 


Bomi has a sleepless night that day and the next day she woke up, she find a dark circle under her eyes and her face become pale than usual. She cover her sullen face by putting more make up than the usual. As she check on herself in front of the full length mirror, she feel like her body change at some part.

"Did I gain weight?"

Put aside her negative mind, she pull her luggage and the other things to the main door. When she open the door, Tao was already waiting her at the outside. She look at him blankly but Tao look at her with a smile.

"What? Did I have something on my face?"

"I thought you're not coming here."

"Well I promise you so.."

He walk closer to Bomi and give her a loving hug.

"I'm sorry for last night. Forgive me?"

Bomi form a smile at the corner of her lips and give a beating on his back.

"Bad guy."

Tao loose his embrace to look at her face. She looks really pale with eye bags under her eyes.

"You don't sleep well last night? You look terrible."

"It's nothing. I just got some headache. I will take a nice sleep in the flight later. Let's go, we're running late."

Bomi give him an assuring excuse to not let him worry about her. Tao then help her with her luggage and she just follow him right behind. On their way to the airport, Bomi was in a deep thought about her sickness.

"Tao ah.."

"Yes dear?" Tao respond to her.

"Don't you think that I'm pregnant?"

She was expecting that Tao will definitely make a sudden stop but to her suprise he just act like nothing happen and just drive the car calmly.

"Did you make the conclusion just because you had a headache? Bomi ah..you might just stress over your work."

"If I'm really.."

"Let's drop this topic. It's not happening I'm sure. Furthermore, you have been diligent taking the pill."

Tao took her hand and give a gentle kiss on it to assure her. But that doesn't effective to her anymore after what she thought it all over again.

"That what worry me the most Tao. I stop taking the pill after quiet some time."

-to be continued-



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dear reader..I won't be able to update the next chapter in the nearest time as I have an examination until 5 july.sorry. -authornim-


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yoonlovebomi #1
Chapter 5: Update soon authornim
Chapter 5: tao is so bad D: and bomi pregnant :o update soon!!
Chapter 3: update soon? i'm one of your fan, lol but seriously your stories are daebak!!
maechille123 #4
Chapter 3: LOL bomi didnt know about suho?
Lol bomi is always late in news. Poor bomi.

Cant i ask? Who is chorong in suho's life ?
Im confuse really.

i hope bomi will accept the offer and
let go of tao
because tao already has a child
And why tao didnt notice tao's
Ungentle man .
He let bomi take a cab.

And i think in this story the pairing is
if im not mistaken

I just notice it because
tao refuse the offer of
Bomi having a lunch with bomi
and chorong told suho she
has a lunch date and suho said

And if it's tao that chorong will
blind date then why tao even need a
Blind date he has bomi who is waiting for
him like a fool .

Anyways update soon author-nim
TaoZi_Clouds #5
Chapter 2: update soon author-nim
Chapter 1: aaaw you're updating. I'm totally excited for the next chapter!
thank you for writing this sequel author nim :)
maechille123 #7
Chapter 1: Update soon author-nim

Like so wow
I love tao's suprise to bomi
But what will bomi do
Bomi has a promise
To luhan to go
To his place to celebrate
Her birthday
Then tao too
Author-nim eottoke

Updare soon author-nim
TaoZi_Clouds #8
Chapter 1: I like when Tao give a surprise to Bomi,,
update soon author-nim
maechille123 #9
Update soon author-nim