Jealous little Ssandara??

Pop! Goes Sandara


"Oppppppaaaaaa~" I covered my ears using my hands, even tried inserting some tissues to lessen her annoying voice but, what the hell, nothing happened.
"Jiyong, make your girlfriend stop whining!" Seunghyun finally removed the book on his face and sat uptight, dark circles under his eyes.
"What happened to you man?"
"Your girlfriend kept me awake last night. Threatening me that if I didn't tell random facts about you, she will call Bom and tell her I'm gay. I couldn't risk that man!" he sighed and took out his phone, pressing some buttons before throwing it to me.
[ -Ssandara received: 12:42
 Taaabbbiii~ tel sumthing abawt Jiyong puhlease?]
[ -Ssandara received: 13:21
 Taaaabbbiii >:| infowmaesyons about Jiyongie!!]
[ -Ssandara received: 14:11
 Playing hard to get aren't you? Then I guess I'll tell Bom that you're gay and you even have pink boxers! Mwahahahahaha >:) ]
"Woah! You have pink boxers?!"
"Wa-wait! I can explain--"
I snickered when I imagined my bestfriend wearing pink boxers... with hello kitty patterns. A tall guy with raven black hair, with an oh-so-deep voice, wearing pink boxers.... it's too much..
"Bwahahahahahaha. Choi Seunghyun wears pink boxers" I screamed. Luckilly for Tabi, only me and the anoying girl are the only ones in the room.
"Atleast I don't wear boxers with my name written on the back side! Or ones with rainbows and unicorns! Or ones with elephants! Or shirt with "I <3 Lee Chaerin" printed on them---" I quickly stopped Tabi from talking by stuffing a random paper I saw on the floor in his mouth. Take that you bad secret spiller best friend!
As I laugh with Seunghyun's reactions, I didn't notice the anoying girl slightly smile. But something's different, her smile isn't the same when she's greeting me. Her eyebrows are knitted together and she looks like in pain.
'Oh my gosh, is she jealoussss????'
WAAAAH. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FAST SUBSCRIBERS!! I just posted this story yesterday and 22 subscribers popped out of no where~! *happy dances*  Now this fast update is for.... YOU! :D
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mayonizee #1
please update soon... ^^

Dara.. you are so funny.. you love Ji neh...? don't give up girls.. :))

please authornim.. don't make Dara hurt in this story.. I prefer the jealous Dragon .. LOL
orange_carnival #2
TY for updating.... Hope I can see more of Dara's serious side, but her crazy/fun side is very CUTE!!
caliee #3
thanks for updating.. i really wish dara's not much of a ditz here.. <br />
she's so weird and a bit crazy too..<br />
will she be following jiyong everywhere like a lunatic for the rest of this story?
Jiyong just thought for a second that she is cute?<br />
Thanks so much for the update, I can't wait for the next one^^
pikajen101 #5
I seriously liking this story!!!! <br />
<br />
Authornim!!! Hopefully next time you can update a little bit more longer? Pls and thank u!!!!
mangofrenzyyy #6
Awwww sounds like he really doesn't like her... Not. His subconscious mind will lakeside that won't happen haha
BlackFlower29 #7
'Just like her, little and nasty'<br />
<br />
God Jiyong is such a meanie T.T<br />
Poor Dara <3
orange_carnival #8
Hehehe.. Dara is cute... Hmm, I hope that upset tummy is just a cover-up, to not show Jiyong she's jealous.. Hmm.. Temporary moles? So cute and imaginative :))) Update soon :)
autumn #9
update soon and make it longer...
ellesor #10
haha dara is really weird huh