Popping out the first time

Pop! Goes Sandara


"Damn, I forgot to turn on the alarm clock" a blonde clutched at his bag while looking at the clock on the bus his eyebrows met and fine lines begin to appear on his forehead. Looking at his surroundings, he sighed in pure happiness when he didn't saw the particular person he was watching out for.


While the said blonde was currently smiling in his own world, a girl with short brown hair and was wearing her uniform, complete with his chibi dragon bag and her nerd glasses popped out of no where and tackled the poor blonde.


"Ya-yah!" he squirmed and wriggled out of her tight hug.


"Good morning oppa~" the girl greeted happily, smiling the widest smile she could do. Like a little girl when given a candy, but in this case, he was the candy.


"Aish, how many times have I told you already huh?" she finally let go of him and she innocently smiled instead of answering his question.


"Aigo, you're not gonna leave right?" she nodded happily, earning a sigh from him "and you're gonna follow me even in school?" she nodded again, this time he closed his eyes and breathe deeply.


'Then there's only one thing left to do' he thought and clutched at his bag‘s straps, waiting for the signal of the bus.




"JIYONG OPPA!" she screamed when Jiyong immediately ran out the bus doors when the bus arrived in front of his school. She pouted and stomped her feet, following after him a few minutes later.




“Ya Jiyong, you left poor old Dara again didn’t you?” a guy with a book covering his face asked the blonde when he arrived at the classroom, panting. Who wouldn’t when he ran from the first floor? When their classroom is in the 5th floor…


“Don’t you dare mention her name. I already hate dealing with her everyday” Jiyong dropped his bag on the floor and sat on his chair, the manly way. Sitting on the chair with the back of the seat in front.


“Uhhh, but Ji—“


“Oppa! I’m baaack~” Dara screamed once she arrived at Jiyong’s classroom, sitting beside Jiyong’s seat.


‘Oh , I forgot we’re in the same class’




Yey! Thank you everyone for the fast subscriptions  *wipes tear* although I love subscribers, comments are really appreciated too. Even a little "it's good" or "continue it please" or maybe a simple "update. now. or else. me. kill.you" :>

THANK YOU ALLL *cries again but Jiyong whacks me on the head with a rolled newspaper*

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mayonizee #1
please update soon... ^^

Dara.. you are so funny.. you love Ji neh...? don't give up girls.. :))

please authornim.. don't make Dara hurt in this story.. I prefer the jealous Dragon .. LOL
orange_carnival #2
TY for updating.... Hope I can see more of Dara's serious side, but her crazy/fun side is very CUTE!!
caliee #3
thanks for updating.. i really wish dara's not much of a ditz here.. <br />
she's so weird and a bit crazy too..<br />
will she be following jiyong everywhere like a lunatic for the rest of this story?
Jiyong just thought for a second that she is cute?<br />
Thanks so much for the update, I can't wait for the next one^^
pikajen101 #5
I seriously liking this story!!!! <br />
<br />
Authornim!!! Hopefully next time you can update a little bit more longer? Pls and thank u!!!!
mangofrenzyyy #6
Awwww sounds like he really doesn't like her... Not. His subconscious mind will lakeside that won't happen haha
BlackFlower29 #7
'Just like her, little and nasty'<br />
<br />
God Jiyong is such a meanie T.T<br />
Poor Dara <3
orange_carnival #8
Hehehe.. Dara is cute... Hmm, I hope that upset tummy is just a cover-up, to not show Jiyong she's jealous.. Hmm.. Temporary moles? So cute and imaginative :))) Update soon :)
autumn #9
update soon and make it longer...
ellesor #10
haha dara is really weird huh