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"The day I finally step closer to you,

you just move 10 steps away."

What is it like, to have someone to admire? What's the feeling of getting heart broken before anything even happened? I didn't know that, apparently. I could only watch my friend cry his heart out everytime he mentioned that one person, but pretend everything is okay and smile on the next day. Something that everyone should know, was that Life is never going to be fair. 

"Ready for the maths test today?" A familiar voice reached my ears. 

I looked up only to see the blonde headed boy glancing down at me with that lope-sided smile. I can't believe how he does this. I smiled back, and shook my head right after, and worry slapped me in the face like a . There was this one thing about me, I get worried about stuff a lot. This is why I have this friend of mine right here, carefree as ever. 

" You'll pass, don't worry." He said and faced front as we both sat down infront of our lockers loccated right outside of the empty corridors. It's like he read my mind. I said nothing but continued to stare at him. He had a really chic appearance, everyone thinks he's cold but you could not judge a book by it's cover. Inside, he was like a porcelain doll. Living and warm, but fragile in everyway. He laughs a lot, but he only shows his emotions to one of  his closest friends. And being the lucky bastard that I am, I am one of them. I am Seon Sun Jeong. 

" Easy to say than done you know." I eyed him.

" It's not like you ever fail anything anyways." He snorted and turned away with a faint smile, but soon turned expressionless.

I knew that face, that face when he sees her. Being the hopeless romantic he is, he always starts imagining the great of spending his life time with that particular person. It was a regular routine, but whenever he sees her, the thought of  ' She will never like me back,' dawns on him as fast as he dismisses it right after. That is how pathetically in love he is. He was strong, I knew that, but he was stubborn too. That determination never falters even if she denied and rejected him countless times. His special someone is known as Park Min Hee. 

She wasn't a bad person, no. 

Not like any typical sappy romance dramas, she wasn't a stuck up pretty little . She was never a bad person. She was the most wonderful person you could've ever met. Plus, she's shy. She was the best candidate as a potential girlfriend. As

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Chapter 4: I love this story!! No sappy dramas, you know? I also love your eriting style, tbh. So please, update this story soon!(:
omg sugoi desu story yes???!!! ^^''
FantasiesLieWithin #3
FantasiesLieWithin #4
내언니는,짱!! <3 미리보기,첳아해!! 파이딩!!