SHINee - Sweets Princes.

Rose Water

The teacher walked across the room, taking a peak at everyone’s finished results.

She held on tightly to a clip-board, using a black ball-point pen, to record our marks, based on process, creativity, texture, taste, and scent.

Everything you did mattered, if you messed up, just one simple step, it would cause your marks, the trust of your group, and of course, your rankings as well.

Team work played a big role, in this, and since Hee Yeon lacked in skill, that was her last hope.

The teacher nodded her head, and walked away from the table the other group was standing at, she was heading towards us.

“Ah, Hee yeon, Recommended student, from Kim Ki bum, is it?” The teacher asked.

I nodded my head foreword.

“I see..” She turned away from me, facing our finished parfait. She took out a silver spoon, and took a bit out of the parfait, “The texture of the chocolate with fruits is splendid, well done Jonghyun, Minho”

She gave them the nod of approval, and moved on, she took a sample of the whipped cream. “Sweet, and smooth, with just enough milk added. Lovely, Taemin”

She glanced over at the candy art, and cracked a piece out of the marzipan. “Well made, sculpted to perfection, absolutely stunning, Kibum. As expected from the top student role model, of the school.”

Then, she tasted the maccha ice-cream, and anko. “You whisked the ice-cream very well, for a creamier texture, and the anko was brewed at the exact temperature, wonderful, Onew”

And at last, she took the biscuit, and snapped it in half. I crossed my fingers. Hoping that I did well, with Taemin’s help of course.

“The batter wasn’t made so greatly, it lacked in the process, trying to cover up your flaws won’t work here. The flavor, was done well, as well as the whisking. But since it‘s your first lesson, I won‘t go too hard on you, be prepared for next class” She sighed, and calculated our marks.

“Aish.. I think we dropped a level.” Jonghyun said.

“Ignore him, don’t worry its your first time, you still have next lesson to make up for it” Key comforted me. I felt a little better.

The bell rang, and we were dismissed from class. It was lunch time. I was following Minho, but I got lost in the crowed, swarming around in the hallways.

Luckily I bumped into Ayumu. “Oh! Annyeong!” I said.

“How was class?” Ayumu asked.

“It was.. Alright, the teacher was a little harsh though, she was all compliments for everyone else, but as soon as it got to me, she had complaints, and issues.” I sighed.

“Don’t worry, my whole team was put down, It’s just that.. Let’s put it in a good way, there un-beatable, there at the top of the school, that’s what you would expect.” Ayumu added.

“Not many people have tasted their sweets either, Rumors do say that they’re beyond, a professional’s.”

“Aish.. So many people would kill to be in your position” She sighed.

“Well, I’m probably going to get kicked out of the team anyways..” I said.

“Don’t say that! You have potential,” A familiar voice said, I looked up. The boy from the vision, the dream, Who was he? So familiar.. Yet I don’t know where I’ve ever seen him.

“And exactly.. Who are you?” I asked, I couldn’t put my finger on exactly who he was, but something about him seemed familiar.

“Don’t tell me you really don’t remember me, Hee Yeon, your just joking right?” He sighed.

“Uhm..” I stared into his hazel brown eyes, they looked similar.. Somehow they reminded me of something from the past, I couldn’t quite remember since the memories of my past were always dull..

“Oh! Were gonna be late!” Ayumu tugged on my arm and pulled me towards the cafeteria, and we walked forward, the boy disappeared in our tracks, walking into a different direction.

We both stepped into the cafeteria, to see if the others had already made it. Beautifully decorated - as always, this was a very wealthy school. I’m lucky I had a free scholarship.. And was recommended.

The room had glossy white tiles, on the floor, and chandeliers handing from above. The wall color was a rosy shade of blush pink, the tables were squeaky clean, and white. There were big pink ribbons tied onto each chair, forming lovely sweet bows.

Ayumu pointed towards an empty table, the room was filled with a lot of students, and it seemed really busy.

I sunk down into one of the cozy white-chairs. And took a better look around. There was a huge swarm of girls at the center of the room.

“Whats this?” I questioned.

“I’m actually not sure,” Ayumu replied.

I got up from my seat, and gestured Ayumu to follow, I headed towards the crowd. I tried to peer around the group of female students, but it didn’t seem to work out, I couldn’t see anything, or well, not what was in the center.

“What do you think there doing?” I asked.

“Mmm, I really have no idea.” Ayumu answered.

We glanced around the room, all the male students were perfectly seated, they seemed to be giving glares over at whatever was in the center.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, and I quickly turned around.

“Annyeong!~” The boy said in a playful voice, the same boy from before the one with Amber-brown hair.

“Oh, Annyeong,” I said,

He sighed, “You really have no clue at who I am do you?”

“Dae.. I’m not quite sure where I’ve seen you” I replied embarrassed.

Ayumu sprung from my side, “And who’s this?” she asked. In a high pitched voice. She was trying to get attention, and sound cute, I’ve heard this tone before.

“You’ll figure out, soon enough,” he whispered into my ear. Ayumu nudged my side, in a attempt to try to get something out of me, it didn’t seem to work.

I just stood there, frozen like a statue, as he turned around, took a few steps, and was about to walk away.

“W-wait!” I called out.

“Yes?” He said, as he swiftly turned back, facing me.

“Uhmm.. Exactly what’s going on over here?” I asked, and pointed to the center of attention, the huge over-crowded group of students - female students.

“Well, let’s see for our selves,” He grabbed onto my arm, and made his way through the crowd. Taking me with him - by his side.

As we finally reached the center of the crowd, we saw what it was all about.

Five, shinning boys. In the middle of a ring they were all eating their lunches, sitting quietly, politely.

Surrounded by their table, were bodyguards.

They sat peacefully, in the middle of the cafeteria, enjoying their meals, beside a elegant glass fountain, and under a clear-crystal sparkling chandelier.

Perched in front of them was a sign that read “SHINee, Sweets Princes.” in a cursive script.

“Wow.” My jaw dropped. So was this why they had to hide there faces in the hallways? So they were really as popular as they said - No, they were more than that. They even had muscular body guards!

“Opppaaaa!~” It was Hyo Rin. She stepped up, over the boundaries - she crossed the lines.

SHINee completely ignored her.

The bodyguards were quick to act, and they escorted her to the back. She struggled and complained, but it didn’t work for her. She was no where to be seen.

“Uhm..” I took a glance over at Key, he was eating Alfredo Pasta.

He seemed to have noticed me, and gave a nod to the bodyguards. One of them opened the gate, and let me inside.

“Impressed?” Taemin chuckled.

“Yes, very!” I was still in awe, this was unbelievable.

“Were sorry, we couldn’t find you in time, we would have invited you and your friend over, to join us. But if we didn‘t get moving fast enough..” He paused.

“Well putting it in a less violent way, we would have been torn into pieces by now.” Onew said.

“Oh, it’s alright,” I replied.

“Did you have something to eat yet?” Key asked.

I didn’t reply, I was looking for Ayumu, I had just left her and I didn’t realize it. Which reminds me, I left that boy too.. I felt a wave of guilt rush through me.

I hadn’t been thinking about them. I glanced over my shoulder, and saw Ayumu.

“Oh!- Ayumu, Over here!” I called. She simply smiled at me and approached the bodyguards, Taemin gave them a nod of approval, and she entered.

“Mianhe, I got distracted, I lost the boy in the crowd too..” I said,

“It’s alright, I saw him while he was on his way out, and told me to come here” She said. “Well, THIS is certainly different” She said in a surprised tone taking a look around, “There’s even a fountain!”

“Yeah, I know right?!” Taemin chuckled. I noticed he really enjoyed smiling and laughing.

Key took a spoonful of macaroni, and glided it into my mouth.

“I thought you would be hungry” He smiled.

I swallowed, and blushed. “Uhm, T-T-Thank you” I studdered, a tint of pink rising into my cheeks.

He passed a plate of his macaroni, to me. “I’m not hungry - Here.” he said.

I simply nodded, grateful. And I took a bite of the macaroni.

We sat down, talked and enjoyed our lunch. The bell quickly rung, and there was a line of girls entering the room, all wearing black and aprons. They all looked too old to be in school. Maids?! They even had Maids?!

“Wow. Maids too?!” Ayumu squeaked.

“Yeah, they clean up for us,” Onew shrugged.

We all got up from our seats, and proceeded to the next class. French.


So this is my first author's note :)
You'll get used to seeing this at the end of each chapter, staring now. You don't have to read them but it's for anyone who's intrested. Sorry! I had to cut the chapter short, just wanted to get an update out there c:
But don't worry a longer chapter will becomming out on Wednesday or Thursday, so be patient ^^.

Remember to sub, and comment! Because that's what encourages me to update, and write more :)

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-ximini #1
Are you going to continue this?
littlepinkkisses #2
hi im a new reader.. love your story!<br />
update soon ;)
almightylock #3
@sakura4li, YESS ! xD<br />
@YesIKnowww8, hahah yes, changed igt up to add more romance ^^
LOl I fianlly read up to the updated ch. One of my fav singers is in here too?! Lol shinee and ryeowook what can get better???!!! Lol and wow lol I see u changed up the story :D<br />
sakura4li #5
Oooooooooooooh<br />
almightylock #6
@lolllipopkiss, thankyouu! :) YESHH, SHINee + Baking = <3<br />
@AlmightyJinkiSangtae, THANKYOU ^^.<br />
@YesIKnowww8, LMFAOO, thanks and yes, there will be more romance than season one ;) thanks for the long comment, don't worry - i read it all!
Lol once I saw the words rose water, I was like... Is this story based of yumeiro pastissiere even if it might not be relate lol. Then I read ur description and saw patissiere then I'm like... Suspicios an then once I saw what the shinee boys were good at it was 200% confirmed lol. So happy ur doing a story based on it!!! And more romance than yumeiro patissiere first season lol :3 pwease. And u are awesome for knowing the anime and manga lol :D so happy for this story. I just Stumbled upon this now because I haven't been on this website for a long time. Lol sorry for writing an essay for a comment ^^; love ya fighting! Gambare!<br />
YAAY UPDATE!! i love your story so much!! its about my two loves: baking and SHINee ^_^
almightylock #9
@sakura2li, thankyou! (: