The Beginning

Rose Water

"Hee yeon! If you don't get down here right now, your going to be late." My mother called, as she climbed up the stairs to knock on my bed-room door.

"Umma, one minute.." I said, as I stood beside my bed - and stared at my school uniform. It was navy blue, with our school's logo printed on the left corner. I walked across from my bedroom, and openned the door.

"Do I really have to go to school?"

"Of course you do, you need your education."

"But.. I want to become a head patisserie - like appa was."

"Hee yeon.." my mother said as she let out a sigh. "I want what’s the best for you, and I really think you should get an education first before you think of anything like this."

She ruffled my hair, and gave me a hug.

"Now go put on your uniform, and don't be late."

"Alright.." I sighed, as I walked into the washroom, locked the door, and quickly put on my uniform and ran out the door.


I walked towards my mom's garden, there were roses in just about every color. They twinkled and shinned through the sunlight. I reached over and picked out a pink one, and I was amazed at how beautiful it was. I looked at my watch and it was 8:00am. I quickly, dropped the rose onto the lawn.

"AISHH. I'm gonna be late!" I ran across the sidewalk, and crossed about 4 streets, until I arrived. I noticed my friend waving by at me, and so I waved back.

"Annyeong!" I said, as I tried to catch my breath.

"Annyeong~ your almost late again?" Ayumu, an average height girl, with golden locks of hair sighed. She was my best-friend.

"Mianhe, it's just that.. schools not really my thing." I gazed up at a fern-tree.

"Aishh, you get distracted so easily.. Anyways maybe we should go find part-time jobs after school? You know, since your gonna have to make a living somehow, even with your bad grades."

"Fine, fine." I said back, not really interested.



I finally got through the whole day, without falling asleep - for once. Classes are so long and boring. The teachers got old. Our schools so dull, nothing ever happens. Isn't it normal for me to be bored of coming here on a daily basis?

"Hee yeon! Over here!" Ayumu called.

"Yeah, yeah.." I yawned, not really in the mood for anything.

"Aishh hurry up!" She tugged on my arm, and swiftly walked me across into a candy chop, across the street.

"Ohh.. yummy" I pressed my face on the glass window, staring at the multi-colored candies.

"Pabo, were not here to eat, were here to apply for JOBS." She pointed her finger at a poster on the door.

"Employees Needed. Please see the counter for further details." The poster stated.

"Hurry up!~" Ayumu said, excitedly.

"Coming.." I sighed, not really paying attention.

The interview went by pretty quickly, I wasn't even nervous or anything like that. Too bad we didn't make it though.. It was probably my fault, I have to admit, I wasn't really interested in the first place.

"Aishh.. Your never gonna find a job with that attitude of yours!" She pouted.

Not really paying attention, I walked a few steps to the right, and looked through the window. Of course Ayumu followed me, because she didn't want me getting lost.. like I always end up.

There was a boy, about our age. He had shinning dark hair, and snowy white skin. He looked almost perfect.. I took another glance, and it seemed that he was.. baking? Without another word my face brightened and I stepped into the little shop.

"YAH. Where do you think your going?!" Ayumu called, as she followed me inside.

"Annyeong," The boy said, "What can I do for you?"

My face flushed red, I've never felt this way before, my heart started beating faster. Ayumu nudged me with her arm, and I snapped out of it.

"O-O-Ohh, I would like to try this Mont Blanc." I pointed to a hazel brown color cake.

"Of course," He replied.

"What do you think your doing?!" Ayumu whispered to me, as she shot me a glare.

The boy took out a knife and sliced the cake in half. "Would you taste it for me?"

“Yes, and thank you” I beamed. I took the delicate silver spoon, and took a bite out of the cake.

“Chocolate chiffon, blends beautifully with the chestnut cream, and cocoa powder. You used un-salted butter to create a smoother taste. Taking a bite out of this is like the feeling you get when you first arrive into France.” I sighed as I remembered the image of when my father took me to France.

The boy had a smile on his face. “It can’t be.. this girl has the ability to taste something, and take all of its ingredients, the procedure, and your thoughts that you put in as you were creating the dessert. She has absolute taste.” He seemed delighted as he called a few of his friends into the room.

“She’s the one.” He said, excitedly.

“Are you sure?” The orange haired one asked.

“Yes, I’m sure of it, she’s the daughter.”

“Uhm.. Might you be talking about me..?” I said completely shocked and confused at what was going on.

“Your father, Kwon Lee sung. Worldwide famous patisserie.” The spiky haired one stated.

“He’s our idol.” The tall one added.

“H-H-How do you know about this?!” I asked shocked.

“Your father, he was blessed with the ability of absolute taste, the same that you possess. I had a feeling it was you, when you suddenly walked in like it was your instinct, to be around sweets.” The black haired boy said.

Once again, I blushed. Ayumu was looking at me with an extremely confused look.

“I’m willing to take you in as my apprentice.” The dark haired boy said, “And by the way, my name’s Key.”

“Onew” The brown haired boy yelled from the kitchen.

“Taemin” The orange haired boy said.

“Minho.” The tall boy, who hadn’t talked very much the whole time said.

“And, I’m Jonghyun” The spiky haired boy added.

Onew handed me a Brochure. “We’d love to see you.”

On the brochure, the letters read “St. Aline”.

“Is this.. A baking school?!” I beamed happily.

“Getiing in is pretty difficult, but if your recommended by any one of us, the chances they’ll accept you are pretty much confirmed.” Taemin chuckled.

“But.. I don’t really have that much experience, in making sweets.” I sighed, even after spending four years in my mothers kitchen, I still couldn’t bake anything decent.

Onew patted my shoulder. “It’s alright, the campus will teach you the basics”

“Really?!” I thought about everything for a moment, it seemed like I was forgetting something. “Oh.. Yes, I still need permission from my mom.”

“How about, we go over to your place, and bake your mother some of our sweets, I’m sure after tasting them, she’ll have no doubts about studying at the campus. You still get to learn the other subjects too, and French for studying abroad.” Jonghyun offered.

“Kamsamida!” I stood up and did a 90 degree bow.

Taemin chuckled. “Theres no need to thank us.”

“Uhmm..” Ayumu interrupted. “So you plan on leaving me?!”

“She can come along too, if you’d like.” Jonghyun said, as he took a sip of hot chocolate.

“Really?!” Ayumu squealed. She was clearly happy, since she didn’t have to be abandoned.


After our long conversation, we got to know each other a little better. Onew explained that they attended “St Aline” to aim at becoming patisseries, and that they were ranked at the top at the campus. They also showed us some of their techniques. They were supposed to be “basic” but they seemed pretty complicated to me. They all looked like such professionals when they were creating their sweets, I’m not sure I’ll be able to catch up.. But I’ll try.

“So Umma, can I please go?” I pleaded.

Key came out from the kitchen, with a huge basket full of fresh fruits, caramel macaroons, and also Gelato cups.

“I’d like you to try these,” He handed one to my mother.

She lifted up the silver plated spoon, and took a bite out of the gelato. “It’s delicious..”. She seemed almost mesmerized by the delicate taste.

“Kamsamida.” Key said,


“So would you give your daughter permission to attend our campus? We need more students, and I‘m sure she‘ll catch up to what were working on.” Taemin said.

All five of the boys, looked at my mother with worried glances. It looked like she made up her mind, and once my mom has made up her mind… Well, there’s no denying it, or convincing her.

Her lips curved, and formed a smile, the smile I hadn’t seen in so many years, since my father’s death. “Yes, after all the trouble you stirred up to make me such beautiful sweets, of course I had to accept you offer.” She chuckled.

“Umma, Kamsamida.” I said, my eyes teary.

“Oh, yes, I forgot to add she’ll be moving into a dorm.” Key said.

“Umma, don’t worry, I’ll take care of myself!” I quickly added.

She laughed, “Of course you will, Keep yourself out of trouble, and pack up your clothes, you’ll be leaving tomorrow right?”

“My dad can pick her up tomorrow, 6:30am, it’s a two hour drive.” Key said.

I walked up the honey-wooden stairs into my room. I’ll be leaving tomorrow, and I’ll sure miss everything.. But I guess if I can be one step closer into my dream, then it’s worth it. I took out my hot-pink suitcase and packed up a bunch of my clothing, I also brought a family photo - from before my dad’s death.

“Appa, tomorrow is the day I’ll be one step closer, in making my dream come true.” I gazed through the window, it was dark outside, and it was getting late. I walked down the stairs, into the dinning room.

“We’re about to leave now.” Onew said,

“Thanks for your hospitality” Minho said.

“We’ll see you tomorrow.” Taemin added.

“Goodbye!~” They all said in harmony.

I shut the door, and waved at them as they left. Tomorrow’s gonna be a big day, so I might as well get some sleep. As I walked towards the stairs, my mother stopped me. She held out her hand, and I saw a little bottle. The label read “Rose Water”.

“Your father gave me this, he told me to keep it safe until the day you realised your dream.” She smiled, remembering something. “Take good care of it.”

I cupped my hands and I took the delicate little bottle. The labels were all in English, so I’ll have to ask Ayumu to translate for me. Inside the clear bottle was a transparent liquid, and it was tinted in pink, if you raise it towards the light.

“Your father was a patisserie, as you know, and I’m a florist, this bottle is where our two worlds met as one.” She explained. I was still confused, at what she was trying to explain, but I took the words deeply anyways. I think I sort of understood.

“This is what your father proposed to me with, he created a sweet, using this rose water, and brought it into our world for the first time.” She said.

“So, you can create sweets with this?” I lifted the lid and sniffed the water. The aroma filled the room as soon as I opened it. It smelled like roses. Like the ones I smelled in my mother’s garden. I finally understood.

“Yes, but your father had the recipe, if you don’t do the procedure properly, it won’t turn out as you want it to.” She sighed.

“I’ve wanted to taste the flavour of roses, for so long, your father was able to create it, and so, maybe you can too, I want this to be your goal, for training in campus. ” She said.

“I got it, Umma, I wont disappoint you.” I wrapped the tiny bottle in tissue paper, put it in a pink box and slipped it into my luggage. I took out a permanent marker, and labelled the box “Rose Water” so I couldn’t miss-place it.

Most of chapter one is kinda confusing and it kinda err.. D:
I'm sorry! Was in a rush writting it >>; but be sure to keep reading because the other chapters arn't so horrible (:

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-ximini #1
Are you going to continue this?
littlepinkkisses #2
hi im a new reader.. love your story!<br />
update soon ;)
almightylock #3
@sakura4li, YESS ! xD<br />
@YesIKnowww8, hahah yes, changed igt up to add more romance ^^
LOl I fianlly read up to the updated ch. One of my fav singers is in here too?! Lol shinee and ryeowook what can get better???!!! Lol and wow lol I see u changed up the story :D<br />
sakura4li #5
Oooooooooooooh<br />
almightylock #6
@lolllipopkiss, thankyouu! :) YESHH, SHINee + Baking = <3<br />
@AlmightyJinkiSangtae, THANKYOU ^^.<br />
@YesIKnowww8, LMFAOO, thanks and yes, there will be more romance than season one ;) thanks for the long comment, don't worry - i read it all!
Lol once I saw the words rose water, I was like... Is this story based of yumeiro pastissiere even if it might not be relate lol. Then I read ur description and saw patissiere then I'm like... Suspicios an then once I saw what the shinee boys were good at it was 200% confirmed lol. So happy ur doing a story based on it!!! And more romance than yumeiro patissiere first season lol :3 pwease. And u are awesome for knowing the anime and manga lol :D so happy for this story. I just Stumbled upon this now because I haven't been on this website for a long time. Lol sorry for writing an essay for a comment ^^; love ya fighting! Gambare!<br />
YAAY UPDATE!! i love your story so much!! its about my two loves: baking and SHINee ^_^
almightylock #9
@sakura2li, thankyou! (: