Chapter Four

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"What's her plan?" 

"Ahjumma's thinking bedtimes," Chanyeol informed with a dry smirk. He had been privy to all my failed attempts at bedtimes over the years.

"I'm almost eighteen!" I groaned. "What is she thinking?"

"You've got four more months until you're eighteen, " Chanyeol corrected me shortly, and his hand tightened reflexively on the steering wheel. He was suffering from serious delusions that I was going to run away as soon as I turned eighteen, and nothing I could say would convince him otherwise.

"Yeah, whatever, " I waved it off. "Did you tell her she's insane?"

"I figured she'd hear it enough from you, " Chanyeol grinned at me.

"You told her it wouldn't work, though? And if she tries to make me go to bed then... I don't know. I'll take sleeping pills in the morning so I sleep through all my classes!" I announced triumphantly, as if it were a perfectly brilliant, logical idea. My brother laughed, the same way he laughed at all my ridiculous posturing.

"I told her it wouldn't work, " Chanyeol assured me. "But I thought it would be best if you let her tell you the rules, and then you yelled about not obeying them. Then you both agreed to some kind of compromise where you pretty much do whatever you want. "

"Yeah, that is usually what happens, " I yawned and looked out the window.

We were rapidly approaching our new house, buried on an average suburban street against a slew of maples and elms. "I hate this town. "

"It's a beautiful town!" Chanyeol sounded shocked at my complaint.

"I guess. " I shrugged, and the scenery did look pretty. Overall, it was an okay town, but I just hated moving. Ahjumma and Chanyeol probably hated it just as much as I did, and they only ever did it for me, so really, I was the one that had the least to be pissy about.

"You promised you were really gonna try here, " Chanyeol reminded me, almost pleading with me.

We had pulled up in the driveway next to the butter colored Victorian that Ahjumma had completely fallen in love with. 

"I am!" I insisted. I disappointed people constantly, but I could never stomach disappointing Chanyeol.

"Did you see me talking to that kid? His name is Jungkook. And he's kind of a friend. "

"Look at you. Making your very first friend at the ripe old age of seventeen. " Chanyeol shut off the car and looked at me with veiled amusement.

"Yeah, well, how many friends do you have?" I countered evenly, and he just shook his head and got out of the car, so I quickly followed after him. "That's what I thought. "

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Chapter 6: Omo! I am loving this so much. I'm so intrigued u hve no idea. Please update soon author nim! Jebal!