Chapter Three

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I scooped up my bag, slipped on my shoes, and dashed out into the hall. When the final bell finally rang at three o'clock, I was always the first one out I pushed through the doors going outside, I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't look back. Against my better judgment, I decided to slow down, though, and Jungkook quickly jogged up to me.

"Hey, Hyemi!" Jungkook gave me his goofy grin as he matched my pace. He was about a foot taller than me with fluffy, black hair that he was always pushing out of his face. While he wasn't unattractive exactly, there was something too clumsy about him to be y. For some reason, he seemed to fancy us as friends, and he was harmless enough, so I decided to try it out.

"Hey. " I readjusted the straps on my bag and looked up at him as he brushed his heavy bangs from his eyes.

"I heard you got sent to the principal's office," Jungkook sounded apologetic.

"Word travels fast." I grumbled.

We had reached the parking lot at the end of the lawn, so I stopped. I hadn't looked around, but I knew that Chanyeol was waiting somewhere nearby to pick me up. It would've been an honest enough excuse that I had to meet him, but I decided to try and finish the conversation with Jungkook.

"Hyoyeon has a huge mouth, " Jungkook agreed with a knowing smile.

"That she does. " A rebellious curl had escaped from the messy bun I had my hair in, and I tucked it behind my ears.

"It was no big deal really. I just fell asleep in Sung's class." 

"That guy is a douche, " Jungkook said.

"Yeah, he kind of is. " I glanced around, just meaning to see if I could see Chanyeol, but I got distracted before I could give it a serious look.

Even though it was pushing seventy degrees, Kim Jongin had on a fitted leather jacket, that looked better on him than I was willing to admit. He was sitting on the hood of his silver Cadillac, shimmering too brightly in a parking lot full of beat up second-hand cars. When he pushed his dark hair back, he looked like he was trying to seduce some girls. That would've been all well and good if he wasn't looking at me again. There was something unnerving about the way his dark eyes settled on me, and I decided that Jungkook and I had chatted enough.

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Chapter 6: Omo! I am loving this so much. I'm so intrigued u hve no idea. Please update soon author nim! Jebal!